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True or False. Microorganisms are in the food, air, and our intestinal tracts.
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How are microorganisms helpful in food?
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True or False. Microorganisms are in the food, air, and our intestinal tracts. True
How are microorganisms helpful in food? They are part of the cheese making process.
True or False. Only one type of microorganism exist. False. Just like plant seeds, there are many kinds of microorganisms, each with a different effect
How many microns is bacteria? 1 or 2
What are the parts of a typical cell? Cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm, capsule, flagella and nucleus.
Are viruses smaller or larger than bacteria? smaller
What are the three main shapes of bacteria? Cocci (round) Bacillus (rods) Spirillum(spiral).
How can bacteria be classified? Visual color
What two staining processes are important to SPD? Gram stain and the Ziehl-Neilson stain
What are the two groups Gram Stain divides bacteria? Gram-positive and gram-negative
What is gram-positive? It's bacteria that keeps the stain (purple) color, when a decolorizing agent is applied.
What is gram-negative? Bacteria with an outer membrane. Will not retain 1st stain. Will pick up the counterstain (safranin). Looks pink.
Describe the Ziehl-Neilson stain It identifies acid-fast bacteria (bacteria that stains fast/ easily).
Describe acid fast red stain and nonacid-fast blue stain Bacteria retains 1st red stain (fast) Bacteria loose 1st stain and pickups the 2nd blue stain (non-fast).
How can cells protect themselves? They form a spore: a thick layer around the nucleus. Spores are hard to kill and are a direct problem for Sterile Processing.
What are the common ways to identify and classify microorganisms? By shape, color change and need for oxygen.
Some bacteria require oxygen (aerobic). Some bacteria does not require oxygen (.....). Anaerobic
What are the 3 temperature requirements for bacteria? Psychrophiles Mesophiles Thermophiles
True of False: Microorganisms that can cause disease to humans have a pH range the same as human blood. 7-7.8 True
Why do hospitals use Ultraviolet light? Ultraviolet light can kill the spore of gram-positive Bacilli
Name 3 non-bacterial organisms. Viruses, fungi and protozoa
Viruses are ____________ times_____________ than bacteria. 1,000 / smaller
What does a virus do once it enters a plant or animal? Reproduce, destroys the cell and move on to another cell.
How can viruses become mobile? Animals, air, water, insect and humans
How is Hepatitis B, C, D & E transmitted? Body fluids
How is Hepatitis A transmitted? Food-borne illness
How long can Herpes virus survive on plastic? Cotton gauze? 8 hours, 72 hours
West Nile virus is carried by mosquitoes from bird to people but it is also transmitted from organ donor to ____________________. Organ recipient.
There are 5 categories of Microorganisms according to Steris University. What are they? Bacteria, virus, fungi, protozoa and prions
Name 4 characteristics of microorganisms cell structure, DNA, means of reproduction and size
What measurement is used to measure Bacteria and cells? Microns
Bacteria is between ____ or ___ microns. 1 or 2
Which is smaller, bacteria or viruses? Viruses
What are the components of a typical cell? Cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm, capsule, flagella and nucleus.
Describe a cell wall. Keeps cell structure because it's tough.
Describe the cell's membrane. Semi-permeable and allows gasses and liquids to pass in and out of cell. It's just under the cell wall.
Describe the cell's cytoplasm. Where chemical reactions and protein processes are conducted. Example, the white of an egg.
Describe the cell's capsule. It protects the cell from being destroyed. Just like our white blood cells destroy bacteria in our bodies.
Describe the cell's flagella. Tails that gives the cell the ability to move through liquids.
Describe the cell's nucleus. It controls the cells. It's where the DNA lives.
True or false. The bacteria nucleus has a nuclear membrane enclosing the DNA. False. The bacteria nucleus does not have a membrane that encloses the DNA. It floats without restrictions.
True or false. Plants and animals chromosomes are enclosed in a nuclear membrane. True.
How can cells protect themselves in a hostile environment. Creating a thick coat around the nucleus; a spore.
True or false. Mesophiles like to grow at body temperature. True
Why would ultraviolet lights be used in the Operating Room; in regards to bacteria? Ultraviolet light can disinfect air and purify the environment.
A virus has no way to move, they rely on air, water, insects, humans and or _______ to carry it from host to host. animals.
Herpes simplex is a Fungi, Protozoa or virus? Virus
Can Tuberculosis survive for years in a dry state ? Yes
What are the two common stains used to identify bacterial? Gram stain and Ziehl-Neelson stain a.k.a Acid Fast
What color are Gram Positive bacteria? Purple
What color are Gram Negative bacteria? Pink
Between Gram Positive and Gram Negative bacteria, which has a thick cell wall and which has a thin cell wall? Gram Positive: thick wall Gram Negative: thin wall
The Gram Stain process includes 1. the primary stain 2. decolorize 3. _________ The counter or secondary stain.
In Gram Stain, which bacteria (positive or negative) retains the primary stain and which looses the primary color? Gram Positive bacteria retains the primary stain. Gram Negative bacteria looses it's color during the de-colorization. It takes on the counter stain.
In the Ziehl-Neilson Stain, which bacteria retains the primary stain? Acid fast-Red or Non-acid fast- blue? Acid fast - Red
What color is Acid fast bacteria and non-acid fast? Red; Blue
True or False. Gram stain helps identify infectious disease such as tuberculosis and leprosy. False. Acid fast testing helps identify tuberculosis and leprosy.
Who was Ziehl-Neilson? Fraz Ziehl (1854-1898) a bacteriologist and Friedrich Neelson (1859-1926) a pathologist.
What are the six links in the "Chain of Infection"? 1. Causative agent 2. Reservoir of the agent 3. Portal of exit of the agent from the reservoir 4. Mode of Transmission of the agent 5. Portal of entry into the host 6. Susceptible host
Infectious disease (agent) need a reservoir to grow, live and multiply. What are three common reservoirs for this to happen? Humans, animals and the environment
It's important for an infectious disease to have a reservoir, mode of transmission and susceptible host. Name 4 modes of transmission. 1. Direct contact 2. Common vehicle 3. Airborne 4. Vector borne.
Reservoir+Agent+Mode of Transmission+Susceptible host= Chain of infection
To cause infections, six things must happen. Virulence (ability to grow) Invasiveness (ability to enter) Pathogenicity (ability to cause disease) name final 3. Ability (ability to resist antibiotics) Infection dose (amount required to cause disease) Viability (ability to survive outside host)
True or False. Viruses are sensitive to antibiotics False. Bacteria is sensitive to antibiotics
What are examples of Direct contact in the case of Mode of Transmission? Kissing and or touching
When talking about "Mode of Transmission" What are examples of "Common vehicle"? Food, blood and water
What are examples of "Airborne" as it relates to "Mode of Transmission? Droplets or dust remaining in the air.
What is a "Vector" and how does it spread disease? An organism like a insect, that transmits a pathogen possibly from a bite.
Portal of exit is how the agent leaves the reservoir. Name the six. Respiratory tract Genitourinary tract Gastrointestinal tract Skin/ mucous membrane Transplacental
What 5 things that can make a person or animal vulnerabl to disease? Age Injury Weak immune system History of disease (diabetes) Under nourished
Created by: Eyeonspd
Popular Surgery sets




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