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Drug Dose and Route
Drug Dose and Route for EMS Drugs
Question | Answer |
Activated Charcoal-Actidose, Class- Absorbant | 25-50 grams or .5-1 gm/kg |
Albuterol-Proventil/Ventolin, Class- Sympathomimetic Bronchodilator | Two inhalations (90 mcg) via MDI or 2.5 mg in 3ml NS via nebulizer, repeat as needed every 10 min. Pedi: .15 mg/kg in 3ml ns via nebulizer, repeat as needed. |
Atorphine Sulphate-Aptrophine, Class- Parasympatholytic | Alive- .5 mg IV push, Dead, Asystole- 1 mg IV push,Slow PEA- 1 mg IV push |
Amiodarone-Cordarone, Class- Antidysrythmic | Dead (VFIB, PVT) 300 mg IV push, Alive (VFIB, PVT) 150 mg IV push |
Aspirin, Class- Analgesic | 81 mg, 324 mg total |
Calcium Chloride 10%-Calcium Chloride, Class- Electrolyte | 2-4 mg/kg IV push |
Ipratromim Bromide-Atrovent, Class- Parasympatholytic Bronchodilator | .5 mg same as albuterol |
Epinephrine 1:1,000-Adrenaline/Epinephrine/EPI Class- Sympathomimetic | .3-.5 mg SQ |
Epinephrine 1:10,000-Adrenaline/Epinephrine/EPI Class- Sympathomimetic | 1 mg IV push every 3-5 minutes, .3-.5 mg IV push for hives, difficulty breathing, <BP |
Diazepam-Valuim, Class-Sedative; Hyptnotic; anticonvulsant; benzodiazapine; antianxiety | Muscle relaxer- 2-10 mg IV push slow, Stop Seizures- 2 mg per dose |
Dextrose 50%-D50W, Class- Carbohydrate | 25-50 gm IV push |
Diphenhydramine-Benadryl, Class- Antihistamine | 25-50 mg IV/IM |
Dopamine-Intropin, Class- Sympathomimetic | 2-20 mcg/kg/min, (IV piggy back only) |
Furosemide-Lasix, Class- Loop Diuretic | 40-120 mg slow IV, Pedi: .5-1 mg/kg IV push |
Glucogon-Glucogen, Class- Hormone | 1 mg IM |
Lidocaine-Xylocaine, Class- Antidysrhythmic | Dead (VFIB, PVT) 1-1.5 mg/kg IV push, Alive .5-1 mg/kg IV push |
Magnesium Sulfate-Magnesium, Class- Electrolyte | Eclampsia- 2 gm IV or 2 gm IM, VFIB- 2 gm IV push |
Morphine Sulfate-Morphine, Class- Narcotic Analgesic | 2-10 mg slow IV push |
Naloxone-Narcan, Class- Narcotic Antagonist | .4-2 mg IV or IM or ETT, repeat every 3-5 min for desired effect |
Nitroglycerine-Nitrostat/Nitrospray, Class- Nitrate | .4 mg Sublingual |
Nitrous Oxide-Nitronox, Class- General Anesthetic | 50% gas and 50% nitrous Oxide mixed |
Nor-Epinephrine Bitartrate-Levophed, Class- Sympathomimetic | .5-12 mcg/min (piggy back only) |
Ondansterone-Zofran, Class- Antiemetic | 2-4 mg IV push |
Promethazine-Phenergan, Class- Antiemetic | 6.5, 12.5, 25 mg, IV port farthest from site, wide open, rectal, IM, pill |
Sodium Bi-carbonate, Class- Electorlyte | 1 mcg/kg IV push only |
Terbutaline-Brethine, Class- Bronchodilator | .25 mg SQ repeated in 15 min |
Thiamine-Vitamin B1, Class- Vitamin | Adult- 50-100 mg IV/IM, Pedi- 10-25 mg IV/IM |
Methylprednisolone-Solu-Medrol, Corticosteroid, Anti-inflammatory | Asthma/COPD/Anaphylaxis: 125-250 mg IV/IM. Pedi: 1-2 mg/kg IV/IM. |
Adenosine-Adenocard, Class- Antidysrhythmic | 6mg rapidly IV, then with saline. If ineffective, 12mg in 1 to 2 min, may be repeated. |
Digoxin-Lanoxin, Class- Cardiac Glycoside | Adult Dose: 0.25-0.5 mg slow IV. Pediatric Dose: 10-50 mcg/kg IV. |
Diltiazem-Cardizem, Class- Calcium Channel Blocker | Adult Dose: 0.25 mg/kg IV bolus over 2 min; if inadequate response, may repeat in 15 min with 0.35 mg/kg, followed by a continuous infusion of 5-10 mg/hr (max dose: 15 mg/kg for 24 hr). |
Midazolam-Versed, Class- Sedative | Adult Dose: 1.0-2.5 mg slow IV (usual dose is 5 mg), Pediatric Dose: 0.05-0.20 mg/kg IV, 0.10-0.15 mg/kg IM, 3 mg intranasal. |
Succinylcholine-Anectine, Class- Depolarizing Nueromuscular Blocker | To facilitate endotracheal intubation; Adult Dose: 1.0-1.5 mg/kg IV/IM, Pediatric Dose: 1.0-2.0 mg/kg IV/IM Onset is .5-1 min IV and 2-3 min IM, duration is 2-3 min IV and 10-30 min IM. |
Vasopressin-Pitressin, Class- Hormone-Vasopressor | Adult Dose: 40 Units IV (single dose only), Vaso pressin used to control esophegeal varicies dose by IV infusion 0.2-0.4 U/min |
Etomidate-Amidate, Class- Hypnotic | Adult Dose: 0.1-0.3 mg/kg IV over 15-30 sec. Pediatric Dose: Over 10 yrs, same as adult. |
Lorazepam-Ativan, Class- Sedative | Most potent of available benzodiazepines. Sedation for cardioversion: 2-4 mg IM, 0.5-2 mg IV. To manage status epilepticus Adult Dose: 2 mg slow IVCan be given rectally if IV cannot be placed. |
Oxytocin-Pitosin, Class- Hormone | To control postpartum Hemorrahge, Adult dose: 3-10 U IM following delivery of placenta |
Fentanyl-Sublimaze, Class- Narcotic Analgesic | 25-100 mcg slow IV (over 2-3 min) |
Haliperidol-Haldol, Class- Antipsychotic | 2-5 mg IM |
Labetalol-Normodyne, Class- Beta Blocker | 20 mg slow IV with 40-80 mg every 10 minutes as needed up to 300 mg total |
Vecuronium-Norcuron, Class- Nondepolarizing Skelatal Muscle Relaxant | 0.08-0.10 mg/kg IV |
Verapemil-Isopstin, Class- Calcuim Channel Blocker | 2.5-5.0 mg slow IV, may repeat at double dose in 15-30 min as needed |
Flumazenil-Romazicon, Class- Benzodiazepine Antagonist | 0.2 mg IV over 30 seconds, may be repeated up to 1 mg |