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Clinical Skills C-D

Clinical Skills Voc.

cachexia generally lack of nutrition and wasting
calculus a stone-like concretion usually composed of salts of inorganic and organic acids or other material such as cholesterol (a stone)
carcinoma maligant neoplasm derived from epithelial tissue
caries destruction or necrosis of teeth
caseation necrosis in which the necrotic tissues resemble cheese. Contains a mixture of protein and fat occurs particularly in reference to tuberculosis
causalgia persistent severe burning sensation of the skin; usually involves injury to the sensory fibers of the peripheral nerve
chalazion chronic inflammatory granuloma in the tarsus of the eyelid due to the inflammation of the meibomian gland
chorea a disorder characterized by irregular spasmodic involuntary movement of the limbs an facial muscles
conric a condition that develops slowly and perssits over time
cirrhosis progressive disease of the liver with fibrosis and damage to the prakmul cells
climacteric perimenopausal time of a woman's life "the change"
clonus a form of movement marked by contraction and relaxations of the muscle in rapid succession
coffee ground emesis vomitus of coffee ground appearing particles that represents a upper gastrointestinal bleed that has occurred slowly enough for the gastric acid to denature the blood
colic spasmodic pains in the abdomen. Generally described as spasm and is usually secondary to some degree of obstruction of a hollow organ
colitis inflammation of the large bowel
concussion any alteration in mental status induced by trauma
confabulation the making up of tales in a fluid fashion with no regard to facts or the quesiton put foward. Generally seen in alcoholic CNS disease
contusion bleeding and damage in the soft tissues, resulting from a direct blow injury
crepitation crackling sound or sensation as would be produced by the rubbing together of irreglar surfaces
cul-de-sac a blind pouch or tubular cavity closed at one end
curettage a scraping of the interior lining of a cavity i.e. "D&C"
cyanosis a dark blue or purplish discoloration of the skin or mucus membrane secondary to deficiency of oxygenation to the blood
cystitis inflammation of a bladder i.e. "bladder infection"
degeneration gradual deterioration of normal cells and body functions
dehiscence a bursting open, splitting, or gaping
delirium extreme promental excitement with confused and unconnected ideas often with illusion or hallucinations
delusion a false belief or wrong judgement
dementia a general mental deterioration due to organic or psychological factors i.e. Alzheimer's disease
depression mood disorder characterized by sadness and inability to experience pleasure
dermatitis inflammation of the skin
desensitization reduction of allergic sensitivity to a specific antigen i.e allergy shots
diagnosis determination of the presence of a disesase based on an evaluation of symptoms, signs, and test findings
diastolic dysfunction stiffening or poor relaxation of the left ventricle which causes inefficient fillings
dilation (in obstetric terms) is the enlargement of the transverse diameter of the cervical opening. In the non-pregnancy patient, it is less than 5 mm; at complete dilation in labor, it is 10cm
dissection in reference to the aorta, dissection occurs when the intimal layer of the vessel splits apart from the deeper muscle layers and blood flows into the tears apart the layers
distal situated away from the center of th ebody or from the point of origin i.e. the farthest away part (versus proximal)
distention swelling or stretching
diverticula small pouches usually found extending from the wall of the colon
dorsum the posterior or back part
dysdiadochokinesia alternately moving a limb in the opposite direction ie.e., rapidly alternating movements
dysentery a disease marked by frequent watery stools often with blood and mucus and characterized by pain, tenesmus, fever, and dehydration
dyskinesia difficulty in performing voluntary movements
dysostosis defective bone formation
dyspareunia pain in the sexual act
dyspepsia indigestion or upset stomach
dysphagia difficulty in swallowing
dysphonia hoarseness or difficulty or pain in speaking
dysphoria feeling of unpleasantness or discomfort
dysplasia abnormal tissue development i.e. cervical dysplasia on pap test
dyspnea shortness of breath "short winded)
dystocia difficult childbirth
dysuria painful urination
Created by: sampras8886
Popular Medical sets




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