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PSY 280 Chapter 6
Exam 2
Question | Answer |
Anxiety | ~Apprehension about a future threat ~Ambigous threat ~worry ~Increases prepardness |
Fear | ~Response to an immediate threat ~clear threat ~phobia ~triggers fight or flight (may save life) |
Anxiety vs Fear | ~Related ~Both can be adaptive |
"U-shaped" curve | ~absence of anxiety interferes with performance ~moderate levels of anxiety improve performance ~high levels of anxiety are detrimental to performance |
DSM-5 Anxiety Disorders | ~Specific phobias ~Social anxiety disorder ~panic disorder ~Agoraphobia ~Generalized anxiety disorder 25-30% will have some form of anxiety disorder (prevalence) ~most common are phobias |
Phobias | ~Disruptive fear of a particular object or situation ~Fear out of proportion to actual threat ~Awareness that fear is excessive ~must be severe enough to cause distress or interfere with job or social life ~Avoidance ~most prevalent/least impairin |
Specific phobia | ~Disproportionate fear of a particular object or situation ~Fear of spiders, snakes etc ~Fear out of proportion to actual threat ~Clusters around few objects and situations ~high comorbidity |
DSM-5 Criteria for a specific phobia | ~Marked and disproportionate fear consistently triggered by specific objects or situations ~the object or situation is avoided or else endured with intense anxiety ~symptoms persist for at least 6 months |
Social anxiety disorder | ~Previously called social phobia ~Causes more life disruption than other phobias ~more intense than shyness ~persistent, intense fear and avoidance of social situations ~Fear of negative evaluation or scrunity ~Humiliation ~Onset often adolescence |
DSM-5 Criteria for social anxiety disorder | ~Marked and disproportionate fear consistently triggered by exposure to potential social scrunity ~intense anxiety about being evaliated negatively ~Trigger situations are avoided or else endured with intense anxiety ~Symptoms persist atleast 6 months |
Panic disorder | ~Frequent panic attacks unrelated to specific situation |
Panic attacks | ~Sudden, intense episode of fright, unease, discomfort, intense urge to flee ~symptoms reach peak intensity within 10 minutes ~unexpected ~25% of people will experience a single panic attack |
uncued panic attacks | ~occur unexpectaedly without warning ~panic disorder diagnoses requires recurrent uncued attacks ~causes worry about future attacks |
DSM-5 Criteria for panic disorder | ~Recurrent unexpected panic attacks ~Atleast 1 month of concern about the possibility of more attacks, worry about the consequences of an attack, or maladaptice behaviorla changes because of attacks |
Agoraphobia | ~Anxiety about inability to flee anxiety- provoking situations, e.g. crows, stores, malls, churches, trains, etc. ~Causes significant impairment ~Atleast half of algoraphobics do not suffer panic attacks |
DSM-5 criteria for agoraphobia | ~Fear or anxiety about at least 2 situations where it would be difficult to escape or receive help in the event of incapacitation or panic-like symtoms, such as being outside ~Shela lol ~these situations consistently provoke fear or anxiety ~6 mots |
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD); worry disorder | ~Chronic, excessive, generalized, uncontrollable worry ~6 months ~interferes w/daily life ~often cannot decide on a solution or course of action symptoms: restlessness, poor concentration, fatigue ~common worries: relationships, health ~adolescence |
DSM-5 GAD | ~Excessive anxiety and worry most days about atleast 2 life domains (e.g. family, healthy, finances, work, and school) ~The person finds it hard to control the worry ~The worry is sustained for atleast 6 mots |
DSM-5 GAD (2) | ~ Marked avoidance of situations in which negative emotions could occur, time might have a negative outcome, procrastination, difficulty making decisions, due to worries, or repeate seeking reassurance due to worries. |
Comorbidity | ~50% of those with anxiety disorder meet criteria for another anxiety disorder. ~75% of those with anxiety disorder meet criteria for another psy disorder |
disorder commonly comorbid with anxiety | ~60% with anxiety also have depression ~substance abuse ~personality disorders ~medical disorder e.g. coronary heart disease |
Gender differences | ~women are 2 as likely as men to have anxiety disorder |
social explanations | ~women may be more liekly to report symptoms ~gender sterotype women are "more emotional" ~men are more likely to be encouraged to face fears |
biological explanations | ~differences in brain structure and function ~sex hormones |
Cultural factors | rate of anxiety disorders varies by culture, but ratio or somatic to psychological symptoms appears similar. |
General vulnerabilities for anxiety disorders | ~genetic (inherited) ~psy (unpredictable and uncontrollability overestiamtion of threat, exxaggertaion of consequences) ~specific psy vulnerability through learning (classical and operant) ~behavioral inhibition ~neuroticism |
Risk factors | Occurs before disorder occurs |
correlates | things we can see at that moment that are related to current disorder. Don't know if it caused, just know it's related |
Genetic | ~twin studies suggest heritability ~Shared genes for GAD panic agoraphobia vs. specific phobia |
Neurobiological | ~Fear circuit over activity ~Amygdala ~Prefrontal cortext deficits |
Neurotransmitters | ~Poor functioning of serotonin and GABA ~Higher levels of norephine |
Behavioral inhibition- temperament | ~Tendency to be agitated, distress, avoidant and cry in unfamiliar or novel settings ~observed in infants as youngs as 4 months ~may be inherited ~predicts anxiety in childhood ad social anxiety in adolescence |
Neuroticism | ~Tendency to react with frequent negative emotion ~Linked to anxiety and depression ~Double the liklihood of developing anxiety disorders |
Sustained negative beliefs about future | ~Bad things will happen ~If bad things do happen, it will be devastating |
Belief that one lacks control over environment | ~more vulnerable to developing anxiety disorder ~Childhod trauma or punitive parenting may foster beliefs ~Serious life events can threaten sense of control |
Attention to threat | ~Tendency to notice negative environment cues ~Selective attention to certain cues |
Mower's to factor model | ~pairing of stimulus with aversive UCS leads to fear (classical conditioning) ~avoidance maintained though negative reinforcement (operant conditioning) |
modeling | seeing another person harmed by the stimulus |
verbal instruction | parent warning a child about a danger |
hose with anxeity tend to acquire fear more readily | and to be more resistant to extinction |
risk factors act as diatheses | vulnerabilities influences development of phobias |
prepared learning | ~evolutionary preparation to fear certain stimuli ~potentially life-threatening (heights, snakes, etc). |
behavioral factors | ~factors similar to specific phobia (i.e., classical operant conditioning) |
cognitive factors | ~unrealistic negative beliefs about consequences of behaviors ~excessive attention to internal cues ~fear of negative evaluation by others ~Expect other to dislike them ~negative self-evaluation ~harsh, punitive self-judgement |
Eitiology of panic disorder Behavioral factors | ~interoceptive conditioning ~classical conditioning of panic in response to internal bodily sensations |
Etiology of panic disorder Cognitive factors | ~Catastrophic misinterpretations of somatic changes ~interpreted as impending doom; I must be having a heart attack ~beliefs increase anxiety and arousal ~Creates vicious cycle |
Anxiety sensitivity index | ~High scores predict development of panic ~unusual body sensations scare me ~When I notice that my heart is beating rapidly; I worry that I might have a heart attack |
Etiology of panic disorder Neurobiological factors | ~locus coerules ~Major source of noreponephrine ~A trigger for nervous system activity ~People with panic disorder more sensative to drugs that trigger the release of norepinephrine |
Etiology of Agoraphhobia | ~Fear of fear hypothesis ~Expectations about the catastrophic consequences of having a public panic attack ~New research consistent with more of a fear disorder than anxiety/ distress disorder i.e. more like a phobia |
Etiology of GAD | ~The excessive worry of GAD may be an attempt to avoid intense emotions |
Borkovee's cognitive model | ~Worry reinforcing because it distracts from negative emotions+images ~Allows avoidance of more disturbing emotions ~E.g. distress of previous trauma ~Worrying decreases psychophysiological arousal ~Avoidance prevents extinction of underlying anxiety |
Psychological treatments emphasize exposure | ~Face the situation or object that triggers annxiety ~should include as many features of the trigger as possible ~should be conducted in as many settings as possible ~70-90% effective (~50% reduction) |
Treatments of the anxiety disorders cognitive approaches | ~increases belief in ability to cope with the anxiety ~challenge/test expectations about negative outcomes |
phobias exposure | in vivo (real-life) exposure more effective than systematic desensitization |
social anxiety disorder exposure | role playing or small group interaction |
social anxiety disorder social skill training | reduce use of safety behavior |
social anxiety disorder cognitive therapy | Clark's (2003) cognitive therapy more effective than medication or exposure |
Panic control therapy (PCT) | ~Exposure to somatic sensations associated with panic attack in a safe setting; increased heart rate, rapid breathing, dizziness ~Use of coping stategies to control symptoms; relaxation/deep breathing ~PCT benefits maintained after treatment ends |
Psychological treatment of GAD | ~Relaxation training ~Cognitive behavioral methods; ~Challenge and modify negative thoughts ~increase ability to tolerate uncertainty ~Worry only during "scheduled" times ~Exposure to "contrasts" ~mindfulness ~Acceptance of commitment therapy |
Medications | ~Anxiolytics: drugs that reduce anxiety ~Benzodaiepenes= quick acting ~Antidepressants= slower acting ~Side effects can be problematic w/continuing medication |
Combined treatment | ~Combination of medication and CBT does not lead to best outcomes. ~Withdrawal of medications after CBT + meds may actually increase relapse. |