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Quick & Easy MT ch13

Quick & Easy MT Ch 13 The Nervous System & Psychologic Disorders

homeostasis dynamic equilibrium of the internal environment of the body
psychology study of behavior and the function and processes of the mind
physiologic pertaining to physiology - the function of the body
afferent receptors sensory receptors that detect changes inside and outside of the body
efferent receptors motor receptors that signal muscles and glands to cause an effect
somatic nervous system under voluntary control
autonomic nervous system under involuntary (automatic) control
Central Nervous System (CNS) control center - contains the brain and spinal cord
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) various nerve processes that connect thebrain and spinal cord with receptors, muscles and glands
neuron conduct impulses either to or from the nervous system
neuroglia supporting structure for the nervous tissue (composed of glia cells)
myelin sheath white fatty covering that increases the speed of nerve conduction
aut/o self
cerebell/o cerebellum
cerebr/o brain
encephal/o brain
cervic/o neck
coccyg/o coccyx
crani/o cranium
dendro/o tree
dur/o dura mater
gli/o neuroglia or sticky substance
kerat/o cornea, hard or horny
lumb/o lower back
mening/o meninges
ment/o mind
psych/o mind
myel/o bone marrow or spinal cord
nerv/o nerve
neur/o nerve
phren/o mind or diaphragm
physi/o nature
retin/o retina
sacr/o sacrum
spin/o spine
vascul/o vessel
agora- marketplace
-asthenia weakness
-esthesia sensation, perception
-lexia words, phrases
-orexia appetite
meninges three membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord
chemoreceptors nerve endings that detect chemicals (taste buds)
thermoreceptors nerve endings that detect changes in temperature
photoreceptors nerve endings that are responsible for vision
lacrimal pertaining to tears
lacrimation production and discharge of tears
equilibrium balance
electroencephalography (EEG) is the recording and analysis of the electrical activity of the brain
epidural hematoma blood accumulates in the epidural space (space outside the dura mater)
subdural hematoma accumulation of blood beneath the dura mater
intracerebral hematoma bleeding within the brain
cerbrovascula accident (CVA) stroke - normal blood supply to the brain has been disrupted
transient ischemic attack (TIA) brief interruption in cerebral blood flow. "warning sign" of stroke
hydrocephalus fluid accumulation in the skull
akinesia complete or partial loss of muscle movement
anesthesia partial of complete loss of sensation
aphagia inability or refusal to swallow
aphasia absence or impairment in the ability to communicate through speech, writing or signs; resulting from brain dysfunction
astigmatism uneven curvature of the cornea or lens of the eye
bradykinesia abnormal slowness of movement
cephalalgia headache
cerebral concussion loss of consciousness as a result of a blow to the head
cerebral contusion bruising of brain tissue as a result of head injury
cerebral hemorrhage brain a result of rupture of a sclerosed or dilated vessel in the brain
cerebral palsy brain disorder characterized by paralysis and lack of muscle coordination (from birth trauma or developmental defects)
coma state of unconsciousness from which the patient cannot be aroused, even by painful stimulation
craniocele protrusion of brain through a defect in the skull (hernia)
diplopia double vision
dyslexia inability to read, spell and write words despite the ability to see and recognize letters
dysphasia speech impairment caused by a lesion in the brain
encephalitis inflammation of the brain
encephalomalacia softening of the brain
encephalomeningitis inflammation of the brain and meninges
epilepsy seizure - a group of neurologic disorders characterized by recurrent episodes of convulsive seizures, sensory disturbances, loss of consciousness. An uncontrolled electrical discharge from the nerve cells of the cerebral cortex.
glaucoma an abnormal condition of increased pressure within the eye
hemiplegia paralysis of one side of teh body
hyperkinesia abnormally increased activity or motor function
hyperopia farsightedness
meningitis inflammation of the meninges
multiple sclerosis chronic disease of the CNS in which there is progressive destruction of the myelin sheaths of the neurons
myasthenia gravis a disease characterized by muscle weakness and abnormal fatigue
myelitis inflammation of the bone marrow or spinal cord
myopia nearsightedness
narcolepsy chronic ailment involving sudden attackes of sleep that occur at intervals
neuralgia pain along the course of a nerve
neuritis inflammation of a nerve
paraplegia paralysis of the legs and lower part of the body
Parkinson's Disease chronic nervous disease characterized by a fine, slowly spreading tremor, muscular weakness, rigidity, and often a peculiar gate.
quadriplegia paralysis of all four extremities
shingles (Herpes Zoster - chicken pox)an acute infectious eruption of vesicles, usually on the trunk of the body along a peripheral nerve.
pschosomatic pertaining to the mind-body relationship or having physical symptoms of emotional origin
psychosis any major mental disorder characterized by gross impairment in reality testing and often characterized by inappropriate mood and diminished impulse control. (hallucinations)(schizophrenia)
pyromania impulse control disorder, an uncontrollable urge to set fires
neurosis symptoms are distressing to the person, reality testing is within normal limits, behavior does not violate gross social norms and no apparent cause (anxiety disorder)
phobia persistent, irrational, intense fear of something specific (agoraphobia - irrational fear of open spaces)
anorexia nervosa eating disorder associated with emotional stress or conflict. Characterized by a prolonged refusal to eat.
neurasthenia nervous condition characterized by chronic weakness, fatigue, and sometimes exhaustion.
autism withdrawal and impaired development in social interaction and communication
Alzheimer's disease progressive mental deterioration - confusion, memory failure, disorientation, restlessness, and inability to carry out purposeful movement. Symptoms worsen with age
analgesics medication that relieve pain without causing loss of consciousness
Hypnotics drugs often used as sedatives to produce a calming effect
anticonvulsants drugs that relieve or prevent convulsions (epilepsy)
Created by: MrsSlagter
Popular Medical sets




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