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MBC 100 The Language of Medicine, Ch. 4

abductor Muscle that draws a limb away from the body.
abnormal Pertaining to away from rule, order.
adductor Muscle that draws a limb toward the body.
adrenal glands Endocrine glands above the kidney.
anabolism Process of building up proteins in cells.
analysis Separation of a substance into various parts.
anoxia Without oxygen.
ante cibum (a.c.) Before meals.
anteflexion Bending forward.
antepartum Before birth.
antibiotic Chemical substance that has the ability to inhibit or destroy foreign substances (antigens) in the blood.
antigen Substance that stimulates the production of antibodies.
antisepsis Destruction of microorganisms to prevent infection.
antitoxin Substance produced against a toxin (poison); an antibody.
apnea Without breathing.
autoimmune disease Antibodies that are produced against an individual's own normal cells.
benign Non-cancerous.
bifurcation Branching or forking into two parts.
bilateral Pertaining to both or two sides.
bradycardia Slow heartbeat.
catabolism Cellular process of breaking down of a complex substance into simple compounds. Energy is released to do the work of the cell.
congenital anomaly Abnormality present at birth; birth defect.
connective tissue Tissue that supports and binds other tissues and parts. Examples are bone, cartilage, muscle or fibrous tissues.
contraindication A factor that prohibits the administration of a drug or procedure in the care of a patient.
contralateral Affecting the opposite side of a part of the body.
dehydration Excessive loss of water.
dialysis Separation of nitrogenous wastes from the blood when the kidneys no longer function.
diameter Measurement between opposite points on the periphery of a circular body part.
diarrhea Frequent passage of loose, watery stools.
dysentery Condition of painful intestines (often caused by bacterial infection).
dysplasia Condition of abnormal formation.
dyspnea Difficult breathing.
ectopic pregnancy Pregnancy that is not in the normal location (uterus); a fallopian tube is the most common ectopic site.
endocardium Inner lining of the heart.
endoscope Instrument to visually examine the interior of the body.
endotracheal Pertaining to within the trachea
epithelium Layer of cells covering the external surface of the body and lining the hollow tubes within the body.
euphoria Exaggerated feeling of well-being; elevated mood, "high."
euthroid Normal thyroid function.
exopthalmos Protrusion of the eyeball (proptosis); symtom of hyperthyroidism.
hemiglossectomy Removal (resection) of half the tongue.
hyperglycemia High levels of sugar in the bloodstream; often associated with diabetes mellitus.
Hyperplasia Condition of increased formation of cells.
hypertrophy Increase in size of tissue or an organ due to increase in size of individual cells.
hypodermic injection Placement of a needle below the skin.
hypoglycemia Low/deficient levels of sugar in the bloodstream.
incision Process of cutting into.
infracostal Pertaining to below the ribs.
insomniac Pertaining to without sleep.
intercostal Pertaining to between the ribs.
intravenous Pertaining to within a vein.
macrocephaly Condition of a larger than normal head.
malaise General feeling of bodily discomfort.
malignant Cancerous; harmful.
metacarpal bones Pertaining to beyond the wrist; hand bones.
metamorphosis Condition of change of shape or form.
metastasis Spread of a malignant tumor beyond its orignal location to a distant site.
microscope Instrument to view small objects.
neonatal Pertaining to a new birth.
neoplasm New growth.
pancytopenia Deficiency of all (blood) cells.
paralysis Destruction of nerve tissue leading to loss of sensation or motion in a part of the body.
parathyroid glands Four endocrine glands on the posterior (dorsal) region of the thyroid gland.
percutaneous Pertaining to through the skin.
pericardium Double-layered membrane surrounding the heart.
polymorphonuclear Pertaining to a multi-lobed nucleus (in granulocytic white blood cells).
polyneuritis Inflammation of many nerves.
postmortem After death.
postpartum After birth.
precancerous Pertaining to occurring before a malignant condition.
prenatal Pertaining to before birth.
prodrome Symptom that appears before the onset of a more serious illness. An example is the fever that signals the onset of a viral illness.
prolapse Sliding forward or downward.
prosthesis An artificial substitute for a missing body part.
recombinant DNA Insertion of a gene (region of DNA) from an organism into the DNA of another organism.
relapse Sliding or falling back; as in recurrence of symptoms or decline after apparent recovery.
remisson Disappearance of symptoms of disease.
retroflexion Bending backward.
retroperitoneal Pertaining to behind the peritoneaum (membrane surrounding the abdominal cavity).
subcutaneous Pertaining to under the skin.
suprapubic Pertaining to above pubic bones.
symbiosis Close association between organisms of different species or a state in which two people are emotionally dependent on each other.
symmetry Equality of parts, literally measured together.
symphysis Bones that grow together separated by a piece of fibrocartilage.
symptom A subjective change in condition as perceived by the patient.
syndactyly Fusion of fingers or toes; a congenital anomaly.
syndrome Group of symptoms that occur together indicating a particular condition or disorder.
synthesis Combination of simple substance to create something new and more complex.
tachypenea Excessively fast breathing.
transfusion Transfer of blood from one person to another.
transurethral Pertaining to across or through the urethra.
ultrasonography The use of high frequency sound waves to produce a record or picture of an organ or tissue.
unilateral Pertaining to one side.
Created by: Momster
Popular Medical sets




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