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MBC 100 The Language of Medicine, Ch. 6

abdominal ultrasonography Sound waves are beamed into the abdomen and produce an image of abdominal viscera.
abdominoplasty Surgical repair of the abdomen.
amylase and lipase tests Tests for the levels of amylase (carbs) lipase (fats) enzymes in the blood.
aphthous stomatitis Inflammation of the mouth with small ulcers; canker sores.
atresia Absence of a normal opening.
bariatric surgery Reduction of stomach size an gastrojejunostomy
biliary atresia Congenital absence of the opening from the common bile duct into the small intestine (duodenum).
bronchospasm Involuntary contraction of the bronchus.
buccal Pertaining to the cheek.
cecal volvulus Abnormal twisting of the cecum (first part of the colon).
celiac disease Autoimmune disorder in which villi in the lining of the small intestine are damaged, resulting from dietary glutens, such as wheat, barley and rye.
cheilosis Abnormal condition of the lip.
cholangiectasis Abnormal widening of dilation of a bile vessel (bile duct).
cholangiocarcinoma Malignant tumor of bile vessel.
cholangitis Inflammation of bile vessels.
cholangiography X-ray recording of bile vessels (ducts) using radiopaque contrast medium.
cholangiopancreatography X-ray recording of bile vessels (ducts) and the pancreas after administration of contrast material directly into bile and pancreatic ducts.
cholangitis Inflammation of the bile duct.
cholecystectomy Removal (excision, resection) of the gallbladder.
cholecystejejunostomy Formation of a new opening between the gallbladder and the jejunum (second part of the small intestine); an anastomosis.
cholecystolithiasis Abnormal condition of stones in the gallbladder.
choledochal Pertaining to the common bile duct.
choledochetasia Dilation of the common bile duct.
cholelithiasis Abnormal condition gallstone formation; in the gallbladder or in the common bile duct.
cholestasis Stoppage of bile flow.
colectomy Surgical removal (excision) of the colon (large intestine).
colonoscopy Visual endoscopic examination of the colon.
computed tomography Cross-sectional x-ray imaging of an organ (such as the brain or spinal cord), with or without contrast material.
dentalgia Pain in a tooth.
diarrhea Frequent passage of loose, watery stools.
duodenal Pertaining to the duodenum.
dyspepsia Painful digestion; indigestion.
dysphagia Difficulty in swallowing.
endoscopic ultrasonography Insertion of an endoscope and use of ultrasound imaging to visualize the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
esophageal atresia Congenital absence of the opening from the esophagus to the stomach.
gastric bypass Reducing the size of the stomach by diverting food into the jejunum; gastrojejunostomy.
gastroententeritis Inflammation of the stomach and intesines.
gastrointestinal endoscopy Visual examination of the stomach and intestines (GI tract) using an endoscope.
gastrojejunostomy New surgical connection (anastomosis) between the stomach and the jejunum (second part of the small intestine).
gastrorrhagia Loss of blood from the stomach and jejunum.
gastrostomy New opening of the stomach through the abdominal wall to the outside of the body.
gingeivectomy Removal of gum disease.
glossectomy Removal of the tongue.
gluconeogenesis Process of producing new sugar from fats and proteins; occurs mainly in the liver.
glycogen Storage for of glucose (sugar); it produces glucose when it is broken down (glycogenolysis) in liver cells.
hematemesis Vomiting blood.
hemoptysis Spitting up blood from the respiratory tract.
hemorrhage Bursting forth or excessive flow of blood.
hepatomegaly Enlargement of the liver.
herniorrhaphy Suture (stitching or sewing up) a hernia.
HIDA scan Radioactive imaging of the liver, gallbladder and intestine.
ileostomy New opening of the ileum to the outside of the body.
labiodental Pertaining to the lips and teeth.
laparoscopy Process of visually examining the contents of the abdomen (using an endoscope).
lipase Pancreatic enzyme necessary to digest fats.
liver biopsy Removal of liver tissue (percutaneous or through the skin) followed by microscopic examination.
liver function tests finds the presence of enzymes and bilirubin in blood or serum.
lower gastrointestinal series X-ray images of the colon and lower portion of the small intestine after injecting barium (radiopaque contrast material) into the rectum; barium enema.
magnetic resonance imaging Magnetic waves and radio waves produce images of organs and tissues in all three planes of the body.
nasogastric intubation Placement of a tube through the nose into the stomach.
Created by: Momster
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