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psych final

Mirror Expose Effect The more you see someone or hear about them the more you end up liking them
what is DSM5 Describes about 250 different psychological disorders
Comorbidity presence of 2 chronic diseases or conditions at the same time
what is D.I.D disorder occuring when a person seems to have 2 or more personalities in one body
generalized anxiety disorder excessive anxieties and worries occur more days than not for 6 months
what is a panic attack sudden onset of intense panic with symptoms of stress occur
phobia irrational fear, persistent fear of object, situation, or social activity
what is the most common psych. disorder Depression
bipolar disorder feelings of one emotion can be switched within a blink of an eye
what is anorexia condition where person reduces eating to a point that their body weight is low
bulimia condition where person develops cycle of binging food and then throwing it up to avoid gaining weight
schizophrenia severe disorder in which person suffers of disordered thinking and bizarre behavior and hallucinations, unable to tell fantasy from reality
Deindividuation lowering of one's sense of personal identity and personal responsibility
compliance changing ones behavior as result of other people directing or asking for change
Fundamental Attribution Tendency to overestimate the influence of internal factors in determining behavior while underestimating situational factors
situation attributions can cause behavior attributed to external factors
personal attributions can cause internal behavior
conformity changing ones own behavior to match someone elses
social loafing being lazy when in a group project but doing better when working by ones self
group think occurs when people place more importance on maintain group cohesiveness than on assessing the facts of the problem with which the group is concerned
who is Stanley and what did he study Classic study of obedience, the participants were presented wit a control panel and told to give electric shocks to another person
what percent do you think went all the way to 150 4 percent
what is the bystander effect presence of other people has on decision to help or not
imperssion formation forming of the first knowledge a person has about another person
what are solomon asch's studies on conformity, participants where shown line and then 3 more similar then aksed to choose which one looked most alike to the original one.
social facilitation has positive influence of others on performance
social impairment has negative influence
what are stereotypes widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular person
Created by: katilou_101
Popular Psychology sets




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