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psych final
Mirror Expose Effect | The more you see someone or hear about them the more you end up liking them |
what is DSM5 | Describes about 250 different psychological disorders |
Comorbidity | presence of 2 chronic diseases or conditions at the same time |
what is D.I.D | disorder occuring when a person seems to have 2 or more personalities in one body |
generalized anxiety disorder | excessive anxieties and worries occur more days than not for 6 months |
what is a panic attack | sudden onset of intense panic with symptoms of stress occur |
phobia | irrational fear, persistent fear of object, situation, or social activity |
what is the most common psych. disorder | Depression |
bipolar disorder | feelings of one emotion can be switched within a blink of an eye |
what is anorexia | condition where person reduces eating to a point that their body weight is low |
bulimia | condition where person develops cycle of binging food and then throwing it up to avoid gaining weight |
schizophrenia | severe disorder in which person suffers of disordered thinking and bizarre behavior and hallucinations, unable to tell fantasy from reality |
Deindividuation | lowering of one's sense of personal identity and personal responsibility |
compliance | changing ones behavior as result of other people directing or asking for change |
Fundamental Attribution | Tendency to overestimate the influence of internal factors in determining behavior while underestimating situational factors |
situation attributions | can cause behavior attributed to external factors |
personal attributions | can cause internal behavior |
conformity | changing ones own behavior to match someone elses |
social loafing | being lazy when in a group project but doing better when working by ones self |
group think | occurs when people place more importance on maintain group cohesiveness than on assessing the facts of the problem with which the group is concerned |
who is Stanley and what did he study | Classic study of obedience, the participants were presented wit a control panel and told to give electric shocks to another person |
what percent do you think went all the way to 150 | 4 percent |
what is the bystander effect | presence of other people has on decision to help or not |
imperssion formation | forming of the first knowledge a person has about another person |
what are solomon asch's studies | on conformity, participants where shown line and then 3 more similar then aksed to choose which one looked most alike to the original one. |
social facilitation | has positive influence of others on performance |
social impairment | has negative influence |
what are stereotypes | widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular person |