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Terms 3

MDA 111

Speculum instrument that enlarges & separates the opening of a cavity to expose it's interior for examination.
Sclera white fibrous tissue that covers the eye.
Percussion striking w/ the hands to evaluate the size, borders, consistency, & presence of fluid or air.
Palpation technique in which the examiner feels the texture, size, consistency, & location of parts of the body w/ the hands.
Manipulation skillful use of the hands in diagnostic procedure.
Inspection visual exam.
Hernia protrusion of an organ through the muscle wall of the cavity that normally surrounds it.
Differentially Diagnosis a diagnosis made by comparing the pts symptoms to two or more diseases that have similar symptoms.
Diagnosis identification of a disease or condition by evaluating physical signs & symptoms, health hx, & lab tests; a disease or condition identified in a person.
Clinical Diagnosis a diagnosis based only on the pts clinical symptoms.
Cerumen yellowish or brownish wax-like secretion in the external ear canal; earwax.
Pyrexia body temp of 102 degrees F or higher rectally or 101 degrees F or higher orally.
Postural Hypotension sudden drop in BP upon standing.
Hyperventilation a respiratory rate that greatly exceeds the body's oxygen demands.
Hypertension morbidly high BP.
Febrile having an above-normal body temp.(Fever)
Dyspnea difficulty breathing.
Diaphoresis profuse sweating.
Apnea the absence of respirations.
Afebrile body temp not elevated above normal. (No Fever)
Created by: April27
Popular Medical sets




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