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RPFT Normal values

Equipment Operation: Calibration Syringe 3.0 Liters Range: 2.895-3.105 L (+ - 3.5%)
Equipment Operation: ECG 1 Millivolt 10 mm vertical deflection on the paper
Equipment Operation: ECG Paper speed 25 mm per second
Spirometry: Typical value for Vital Capacity (VC) Typical Value 4800 mL or 4.8 L
Spirometry: Tidal Volume (VT) Typical Value 500 mL or 0.5 L
Spirometry: Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV) Typical Value 3100 mL or 3.1 L
Spirometry: Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV) Typical Value 1200mL or 1.2L
Spirometry: Inspiratory Capacity ( IC) Typical Value 3600 mL or 3.6L
Spirometry: Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF) or Peak Expiratory Flowrate (PEFR) Typical Value 10L/Second or 600L/minute
Spirometry: Forced Expiratory Flow 200-1200 (FEF200-1200) Typical Value 6L/second
Spirometry: Forced Expiratory Flow 25-75% (FEF 25- 75%) Typical Value 4-5 L/second
Spirometry: Forced Expiratory Volume 1.0/Forced Vital Capacity Ratio (FEF 1.0/FVC) Minimum Acceptable Value 70%
Spirometry: Maximum Voluntary Ventilation (MVV) 170 L/minute
Spirometry: FEF50% / FIF50% Ratio 0.8 - 1.2
Lung Testing: Functional Residual Capacity (FRC) Typical Value 2400 mL or 2.4 L
Lung Testing: Thoracic Gas Volume ( VTG) Typical Value 2400 mL or 2.4 L
Lung Testing: Residual Volume (RV) Typical Value 1200mL or 1.2L
Lung Testing : Total Lung Capacity (TLC) Typical Value 6000 mL or 6.0 L
Lung Testing: RV/TLC Ratio Typical Value 20 %
Lung Testing: Airway Resistance (Raw) Typical Value 0.6 - 2.4 cmH2O/ L/ Second
Lung Testing: Airway Conductance (Gaw) Typical Value 0.42 - 1.67 L/second/cmH2O
Lung Testing: Coefficient of Retraction (COR) Typical Value 4 - 8 cmH2O/ L
Lung Testing: Maximum Static Recoil Pressure Typical Value 24.4 - 34.5 cmH2O
Lung Testing: Compliance (C) Typical Value CL -0.2 L/cmH2O CT - 0.2L/cmH2O CLT-0.1 L/cmH2O
Lung Testing: Maximum Inspiratory Pressure (MIP) Typical Value - 60 cmH2O
Lung Testing: Maximum Expiratory Pressure (MEP) Typical Value 80 - 100 cmH2O
Lung Testing: CO Diffusion Capacity (DLCO) Typical Value 25 mL/CO/minute/mmHg STPD
Special Procedures: Alveolar Oxygen Tension (PAO2) Normal Value varies directly with patients FiO2 & PB.
Special Procedures: A-a Gradient ( PAO2 - PaO2) Normal Values varies directly wit patients FiO2 & PB.
Special Procedures: Arterial Oxygen Content (CaO2) 17 - 20 %
Special Procedures: Mixed Venous Oxygen Content ( CVO2) 12 - 16 %
Special Procedures: Arterial- Venous Oxygen Content Difference (C(a-v)O2) 4 - 5 Vol %
Special Procedures: Cardiac Output (QT) 4 - 8 L/ minute
Special Procedures: Shunt Equation (QS/QT) 3 - 5 %
Special Procedures: Hemoglobin ( Hb) 12-16 g/100 mL
Special Procedures: Hematocrit (Hct) 36 - 48 %
Special Procedures: Deadspace to Tidal Volume Ratio (VD / VT) 20 - 40 %
Arterial Blood Gases: PaCO2 40 torr Range: 35 - 45 torr
Arterial Blood Gases: PaO2 97 torr Range: 80 - 100 torr
Arterial Blood Gases: pH 7.40 Range: 7.35 - 7.45
Arterial Blood Gases: SaO2 98 % Range: 95 - 100 %
Arterial Blood Gases: HCO3 24 mEq/ L Range: 22 - 26 mEq/ L
Arterial Blood Gases: BE 0 Range: -2 to +2
Arterial Blood Gases: COHb 0 - 2 % 5 - 10 % in patients who smoke
Arterial Blood Gases: P50 27 torr
Arterial Blood Gases: SPO2 93 - 97 %
Arterial Blood Gases: ETCO2 3 - 5 %
Arterial Blood Gases: PETCO2 30 torr
Exercise Testing: Power ( Watts) 1 W = 6.12 kpm/minute
Exercise Testing: METs 1 MET = 3.5 mL O2/ minute/ kg (at rest)
Exercise Testing: Borg Scale Range 1 - 20
Exercise Testing: Modified Borg Scale Range 1 - 10
Calculations: Minute Ventilation (VE) 5 - 10 L/ minute ( at rest) 100 - 200 L/ minute ( during exercise)
Calculations: Frequency of Breathing or Respiratory Rate (f) 8 - 12 breaths/ minute (at rest)
Calculations: Tidal Volume ( VT ) 5 mL /kg Body Weight
Calculations: Oxygen Consumption or Oxygen Uptake ( VO2) 0.25 L/minute (at rest) Up to 4 L minute ( during exercise)
Calculations: Carbon Dioxide Production (VCO2) 0.2 L/minute (at rest) Up to 4 L minute ( during exercise)
Calculations: Respiratory Exchange Ratio ( RER ) 0.85 ( at rest )
Calculations: Ventilatory Equivalent for Oxygen ( VE/VO2 ) 20 - 30 L/L of VO2 ( at rest and at low to moderate work loads)
Calculations: Ventilatory Equivalent for CO2 ( VE/ VCO2 ) 25 -35 L/L of CO2
Calculations: O2 Pulse 2.5 - 4.0 mL O2/ beat (at rest) 10 - 15 mL O2/ beat (during exercise)
Calculations: Alveolar - Arterial Oxygen Tension ( PAO2 - PaO2 ) Alveolar - Arterial Oxygen Gradient ( P(A - a)O2 ) 10 - 20 torr (at rest or while breathing room air) Less than 100 torr on 100 % O2
Hemodynamic Measurements: Mean Arterial Pressure ( MAP ) 93 mm Hg
Hemodynamic Measurements: Right Arterial Pressure or Central Venous Pressure ( CVP ) 2 - 6 mm Hg 4 - 12 cm H2O
Hemodynamic Measurements: Pulmonary Artery Pressure ( PAP ) 25/8 mm Hg 14 mm Hg (mean)
Hemodynamic Measurements: Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure ( PCWP ) 8 mmHg Range : 4 - 12 mm Hg
Hemodynamic Measurements: Cardiac Output QT 4 - 8 L/minute Depends on body size
Hemodynamic Measurements: Cardiac Index ( CI ) 2.5 - 4.0 Liters /minute /m2
Hemodynamic Measurements: Systemic Vascular Resistance ( SVR ) < 20 mmHg/ L/minute or 1600 Dynes/ second/ cm5
Hemodynamic Measurements: Pulmonary Vascular Resistance ( PVR ) < 2.5 mm Hg/ L/minute or 200 Dynes/second/cm5
Quality Assurance: Back Extrapolation < 5% or 150 mL ( Whichever is greater)
Created by: lepperson
Popular Science sets




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