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MA1020CommonTerm Wk1
MA1020 Common Medical Terminology Definitions; Week#1
Question | Answer |
SIGN | an objective evidence; can be measured, can be seen |
SYMPTOM | perceptible changes in the body or functioning. Pt TELLS you he "feels" bad or he "perceives" it. |
SYNDROME | a group of signs & symptoms related to one another; a framework of reference for investigating |
TRAUMA | a physcial injury or wound; an emotional or psychological shock |
DIAGNOSIS | (Dx)The use of scientific & skillful knowledge to establish a cause & nature of illness.(Dr gathers info from pt,tests & his knowledge and comes to an educated guess. |
PROGNOSIS | prediction of the course & end of the disease. prediction of the disease. |
ETIOLOGY | the study of the causes of the disease. [etio(CF)=cause / -ology(S)=study of] |
IDIOPATHIC | a disease without a recognizable cause/unknown cause |
NOSOCOMIAL | pertaining to the hospital. Like pertaining to hospital germs/illnesses |
SEQUELA | a condition resulting and following a disease. Condition after a disease. [sequel(CF) + a] |
MALAISE | a bad feeling. Blah feeling. |
IATROGENIC | any abnormal condition caused by medical personnel/procedures/facility;including fears instilled in pt by remarks of HCworkers.[iatro(CF)=treatment/-genic(S)=producing] |
EXACERBATION | aggravation of symptoms or increase in the severity of a disease/it gets worse. |
REMISSION | lessening of severity or abatement of symptoms. symptoms seem to stop of lessen. |
RELAPSE | return of the maifestations of a disease after an interval of improvement. |
INTRACTABLE | incurable or resistant to therapy |
PALLIATIVE | serving to relieve or alleviate without curing. make pt comfortable |
PROPHYLAXIS | observance of rules necessary to prevent disease. |
CONTRAINTICATION contra/indication | any special circumstance that renders the use of a remedy or procedure inadvisable because of risk. |
MORBIDITY | the number of cases of a disease in a specific population; disease rate |
MORTALITY | the ratio of number of deaths to a given population; death rate |
EPIDEMIC | appearance of an infectious disease or condition that attacks many people at the SAME TIME IN THE SAME GEOGRAPHICAL AREA |
ENDEMIC | a disease that occurs continuously in a particular population, but has a low mortality rate |
PANDEMIC | [PAN=all or total]a disease affecting the majority of the population of a LARGE AREA |
PATHOGEN | [patho(CF)=disease / -gen(S)=producing] a microorganism or substance capable of producing disease |
DISEASE | literally the lack of ease. Pathological condition that represent a group of CLINICAL SIGNS,SYMPTOMS&LAB FINDINGS peculiar to a particular STATE |
INFECTION | STATE OR CONDITION whereby the body is invaded by a pathogen;pathogen multiplies&produces injurious effects.Condition that invades body thats injured. |
SUPPURATIVE | producing pus [SUP backwards is PUS] |
ASEPSIS | [a- = without / -sepsis = germs] sterile; a condition fre of pathogens |
ANTISEPSIS | [anti- = against/ -sepsis = germs] substance used against infection |
COMMUNICABLE | a disease that is transmitted directly or indirectly from one individual to another. disease transmitted to another |
SEPTICEMIA | [septico=germs/ -emia=blood condition] presence of pathogenic bacteria in blood;if allowed to progress may become overwhelming & cause death. |
ANTIBIOTIC | [anti- =against/bio=life/ -ic=pertaining to] soluble substance derived from a mold inhibiting growth of microorganisms. against the pathogen |
INFLAMMATION | redness,heat,swelling & pain. tissue reaction to injury. |
ACUTE | sharp, severe, sudden onset |
CHRONIC | of long duration; opposite of acute; lasts a long time |
FULMINATE | coming in lightening-like flashes of pain |
EDEMA | swelling. local or generalize condition in which body tissues contain excessive tissue fluid. |
CYANOSIS | [cyano=blue/-osis=abnormal] bluish,grayish,purple discolored skin due to abnormal amounts/reduced hemoglobin in blood; Oxygen deficiency&excess carbon dioxide. |
CACHEXIA | a state of ill health, malnutrition and wasting away. |
NECROSIS | [necro=dead/ -osis=abnormal condition] an abnormal condition whereby there is death to a portion of tissue |
GANGRENE | a necrosis or death of tissue usually due to deficient or absent blood supply. Death of tissue. |
ULCER | open sore or lesion of skin or mucous membrane with sloughing off inflamed necrotic tissue. |
ANOMALY | deviation from the normal. Something that is not normal. |
CONGENITAL | present at birth |
ACQUIRED | not hereditary; occuring after birth. Something that occured after you're born. |
MUCOSA | mucous membrane; membrane that lines cavities of the body that open to the outside of the body. |
SEROSA | serous membrane; membrane that lines closed cavities in the body |
ORIFICE | mouth; entrance or outlet |
PATENT | (pronounced: pay tent) State of being freely open |
ANASTOMOSIS | connection of 2 tubular structures. An operation that reconnects the 2 tubular structures. |
ATRESIA | absence of a normal body opening (in any of our tubing) |
PERISTALISIS | WAVE-LIKE MOVEMENT. Progressive,wave-like movement that occurs involuntarily in hollow tubes of the body |
PARENCHYMA | ESSENTIAL WORK. The essential parts of an organ that are concerned with its function¬ its framework. |
STROMA | SUPPORT STRUCTURE. Foundation, supporting system structure of an organ.Opposite of parenchyma |
INFARCT | LACK OF BLOOD TO AN ORGAN. Area of necrosis resulting from sudden decrease in blood supply. |
INFARCTION | the formation of an infarct |
OCCLUSION | blockage |
ISCHEMIA | [ischo |
THROMBUS THROMBI | BLOOD CLOT(s) that obstructs blood vessel or cavity of the heart. |
EMBOLUS EMBOLI | A MOVING CLOT. A mass of undissolved matter present in a blood or lymphatic vessel that travels through the vessels. |
EXCISION | [ex- =out /ciso=cut/ -ion=process] Cutting to take out. The process of completely removing. |
INCISION | [in- =in/ciso=cut/ -ion=process] A cut produced surgically to creat an opening into an organ or body cavity. Cutting to look inside a cavity. |
RESECTION | partial excision of a structure. Cutting back to good tissue to reconnect/resect |
BIOPSY | Bx [bio=life/ -opsy=view] excision of a small piece of a living tissue for microscopic examination |
AUTOPSY | PM postmortem exam of organs & tissues of a body to determine cause of death |
NECROPSY | usually refers to an animal; examination of dead body to determine cause of death. |
TUMOR | swelling or enlargement; spontaneous new growth or tissue formation |
NEOPLASM | New tissue. a new & abnormal formation of tissue |
CANCER | malignant tumor; invasive tumor, that is capable of metastasis |
CARCINOMA | cancer/malignancy that occurs in epithelial tissue(linings or coverings-skin or mucous membrane) |
MALIGNANT | cancerous as opposed to benign; threatening harm & progresses |
BENIGN | not recurrent or progressive; opposite of malignant |
METASTASIS | movement from one part of the body to another; a secondary growth |
CYST | a sac that has a fluid inside. A closed sac or pouch with a definite wall that contains fluid, semifluid, or solid material. |
SARCOMA | [sarco=flesh,bone,or muscle/ -oma=tumor] cancer arising from connective tissue, bone or muscle. |
APLASIA | [a- =without/ -plasia=formation] failure of an organ or tissue to develop normally |
DYSPLASIA | [dys- =bad/ -plasia=formation] abnormal development of tissue |
HYPOPLASIA | [hypo- =decrease/ -plasia=formation] underdevelopment of tissue |
HYPERPLASIA | [hyper- =excessive/ -plasia=formation] overdevelopment of tissue |
ATROPHY | [a- =without/ -trophy=development] decrease in size of an organ or tissue. a wasting |
DYSTROPHY | [dys- =bad/ -trophy=development] disorder caused by defective nutrition or metabolism |
HYPERTROPHY | [hyper- =excessive/ -trophy=development] increase in size of an organ or structure that does not involve a tumor |
ANTIGEN | [anti- =against/ -gen=produce] Substance that body produces to protect against. Substance induces state of sensitivity and/or immune response. |
ANTIBODY | immunoglobulin molecule evoked by an antigen. The body's response to protein markers. |