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Ch 11-Cardiovascular
The Language of Medicine 11th Edition
Question | Answer |
Largest artery in the body: | aorta |
Specialized muscle fibers that connect the atria with the ventricles and transmit electrical impulses between them: | bundle of His |
Smallest blood vessel: | capillary |
One of two upper chambers of the heart: | atrium |
Relaxation phase of the heartbeat: | diastole |
Contraction phase of the heartbeat: | systole |
Innermost lining of blood vessels: | endothelium |
Muscular, middle layer of the heart: | myocardium |
Double-layered membrane surrounding the heart: | pericardium |
Thin-walled vessel that carries blood from body tissues and lungs back to the heart: | vein |
Beat of the heart as felt through the walls of the arteries: | pulse |
Partition or wall dividing a cavity, such as between the right and left atria: | septum |
Pacemaker of the heart: | SA node |
Valve located between the right atrium and the right ventricle: | tricuspid valve |
Valve between the left atrium and the left ventricle: | mitral valve |
Largest vein in the body: | vena cava |
One of two lower chambers of the heart: | ventricle |
Blood vessels that branch from the aorta and carry oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle: | coronary arteries |
Specialized tissue in the wall between the atria: | AV node |
Largest type of blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart to all parts of the body. | artery |
A combining form that means vessel: | angi/o |
The combining form that means yellowish plaque: | ather/o |
A combining form that means heart: | cardi/o |
A combining form that means vein: | phleb/o |
A combining form that means clot: | thromb/o |
A combining form that means vessel: | vascul/o |
The combining form that means blue: | cyan/o |
The combining form that means mucus: | myx/o |
The combining form that means lower heart chamber: | ventricul/o |
A combining form that means chest: | steth/o |
An angiogram is a record (-gram) of a/an _______ (angi/o). | vessel |
Cardiomegaly is enlargement (-megaly) of the ______ (cardi/o). | heart |
Cyanosis is an abnormal condition (-osis) of ________ (cyan/o) due to poor oxygenation of blood. | blue (bluish discoloration) |
A phlebotomy is an incision (-tomy) of a/an ________ (phleb/o). | vein |
Thrombolysis is the destruction (-lysis) of ________ (thromb/o). | clots |
Vasoconstriction is the narrowing (-constriction) of ________ (vas/o). | vessels |
Pericardiocentesis is surgical puncture (-centesis) of the ________ (pericardi/o) to remove fluid. | pericardium |
Atherosclerosis is hardening (-sclerosis) of ________ (arteri/o). | arteries |
The term vascular means pertaining to (-ar) a ________ (vascul/o). | vessel |
A stethoscope is an instrument to examine (-scope) the ________ (steth/o). | chest |
Rapid but regular contractions, usually of the atria: | flutter |
Very rapid, random and irregular contractions of the heart: | fibrillation |
Congenital malformation involving four distinct heart defects: | tetralogy of Fallot |
Condition in which the heart is unable to pump its required amount of blood: | CHF |
Disease of the arteries surrounding the heart: | CAD |
Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart: | endocarditis |
Extra heart sound heard between normal beats: | murmur |
A disease in which there are recurrent episodes of pallor and cyanosis, primarily in fingers and toes: | Raynaud disease |
Abnormally swollen and twisted veins, usually occurring in the legs: | varicose veins |
High blood pressure: | HTN |
X-ray imaging of blood vessels after injection of contrast material: | angiography |
Images of the heart produced by echoes generated by high-frequency sound waves: | echocardiography |
A procedure in which a thin, flexible tube is guided into the heart via a vein or an artery: | cardiac catheterization |
Recording of electricity flowing through the heart | electrocardiography |
An ECG device is worn during a 24-hour period to detect cardiac arrhythmias: | Holter monitoring |
A procedure in which arteries and veins are anastomosed to coronary arteries to detour around blockages: | coronary artery bypass grafting |
Surgical removal of plaque from the inner layer of an artery: | endarterectomy |
Brief delivery of radiofrequency energy to destroy areas of heart tissue that may be causing arrhythmias: | catheter ablation |
A procedure in which a heart-lung machine diverts blood from the heart and lungs while the heart is repaired: | extracorporeal circulation |
A procedure in which a balloon-tipped catheter is inserted into a coronary artery to open the artery and then a stent is put in place: | PCI |