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Constitution vocab

Constitution worksheets vocab (Mr. Stopper)

popular sovereignty belief that the people hold the final ruling power
contract agreement
electoral college people elected by state voters to choose the president
eligible qualified
voter registration state requirement to sign up to vote in advance of an election
polls place where people go to vote
limited government government that is not all powerful
denied not granted or given
amendment change or addition
Bill of Rights guarantees of individual freedoms
national debt money a government owes
balanced budget plan in which the government cannot spend more money that in takes in
federalism division of power between the national government and the state governments
delegated powers powers assigned to the national government
reserved powers powers set aside for the state governments
concurrent powers powers shared by the national government and the state governments
reprieve delay of an execution
"elastic clause" provision that allows congress to make laws that are neccessary and proper to carry out its powers
seperation of powers division of the national government into three branches, each with its own powers and responsibilities
legislative branch part of a government that makes the laws
executive branch part of a government that carries out the laws
judicial branch part of a government that explains the laws
interpret explain the meaning of
selection process method of choosing
checks and balances means by which each branch of the national government is able to check, or control, the power of the other 2 branches
veto reject
unconstitutional not permitted by the constitution of a nation
judicial review right of the supreme court to review laws passed by the congress and declare them unconstitutional
override overrule
compromise settlement in which each side gives up its demands in order to reach an agreement
appropriate set aside for a special use
freedom of the press right to publish material and opinions
freedom of assembly right to hold public meetings
freedom of petition right to ask for wrongs to be corrected
Bill of Rights first 10 amendments, which guarantee individual liberties
equal protection under the law protection from discrimination
censor review books and newspapers and remove anything thought not right for people to read
adapt change to fit new conditions
amendment change in or addition to
propose suggest for others to approve
ratify approve
informal not following fixed rules or forms
custom something that has been done for a long time
justice fairness
domestic at home
tranquility peace
welfare well being
posterity future generations
ordain order, to decree, establish
enumeration taking a census
impeach accuse a federal official of a crime
pocket veto an unsigned bill
writ of habeas corpus a court order to bring a person to court and explain his accused crime
bill of attainder law declaring a person guilty without a trial
ex post facto law a law that punishes a person for something he did before the law was passed
execute carry out the laws
electors people qualified to vote
slates special groups of electors
eligible qualified for office
succession to follow in proper order
misdemeanor a lesser crime (small fine or community service)
judicial power the right of the courts to decide legal cases
inferior the right of the court to hear a case
original jurisdiction hear a case where it first arises
appellate court decides whether a lower court trial was proper
treason betrayal of one's country
over act a non thinking action
relations must recognize the official acts and records of any other states
privileges basic civil, legal, or political rights
immunities exemption from penalty (a deal to testify)
extradition an act of returning a prisoner to a wanted state
republic a nation where voters chose representative to govern for them
domestic an internal matter within the country
amendment the process of changing a law
propose to suggest a law for others to approve
ratify a vote to approve a law
supreme the highest in power of authority
abridge to limit a right
petition a request sent to the government by the people
redress to correct a wrong
grievance to cite a wrong
warrant a written court order for a search
indictment a formal accusation
double jeopardy can not be tried for the same crime twince
bail money left with the court
excessive too high for an outrageous act
abolition ending completely (slavery)
involuntary servitude labor done against one's will (slavery)
suffrage the right to vote
lame ducks people in public who are not re-elected
repeal to cancel a law
poll tax a tax paid by a citizen to vote
Created by: rachey3691
Popular U.S. History sets




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