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Blue mod blood,lymph & immune word list

Adenopathy Disease of a gland.
Agranulocyte Type of white blood cell without granules.
AHF Antihemophiliac factor VIII.
Aids Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome-a transmittable infection caused by HTLV-III virus.
Anema Reduction in the number of circulating red blood cells.
Antibody That which defends against an antigen.
Anticoagulant An agent that delays or inhibits blood clotting.
Antiserum Blood serum that contains antibodies.
Autoimmune Disease Failure of the body to accurately distinguish between what is "self" and what is "non-self".
Autologous Transfusion A transfusion prepared from the recipient's own blood.
Basophil Leukocyte that releases histamines and heparin;slightly phagocytic.
Blood Composed of liquid portion(plasma)and solid portion(cellular)containing RBC,WBC, and platelets.
CBC Complete blood count.
Diff White cell differential.
Dyspnea Difficulty breathing.
Edema Abnormal accumulation of fluids in the intercellular spaces of the body.
Eosinophil Leukocyte that protects the body by releasing toxins to destroy harmful invaders.
Erythema Redness of the skin.
Erythrocyte Mature Red blood cell.
Erythocytolysis Destruction of red cells.
Erythopenia Decreased red blood cells.
Granulocyte Type of white blood cell containing granules;formed in the red bone marrow.
Homostasis Standing still of blood.
Hb Hemoglobin.
Hct Hematocrit.
Hematocrit Measurement of the percentage of RBC's in a whole blood sample.
Hematoma A bruise.
Hematopoiesis Formation of blood cells and platelets in the bone marrow. Formation, development and maturization of blood cells.
Hemocytoblast Stem cell,from which other blood cells develop.
Hemoglobin A specialized plasma protein containing iron which gives blood its red colour and also carries oxygen to body tissues.
Hemophilia A hereditary disorder in which there is an impairment of the blood clotting mechanism.
Hemosiderosis Abnormal increase of iron in the blood.
Homologous Tranfusion A transfusion prepared from another individual's compatible blood.
Hypochromic Pertaining to decrease of colour.
Hypotension Low blood pressure.
Immunologist One who specializes in the study of protection.
Leukocyte White blood cell;prevents invasion of foreign microorganisms.
Leukocytosis Abnormal increase of white cells.
Leukopenia Decrease in white blood cells.
Lymphocytes White blood cell in blood and lymphatic tissues;provides protection from bacteria, a cell that provides antibodies.
Lymphoma Tumor of lymph tissue.
Lymphs Lymphocytes.
Megakaryocyte Cells with a large nucleus;fragments become platelets.
Monocyte Leukocyte that is phagocytic;a cell that digest. has a large nucleus.
Morphology The study of shape.
Myeloblast Embryonic WBC formed in bone marrow.
Myeloid Resembling bone marrow/spinal cord.
Myeloid Tissue Tissue which resembles the myeocyte of bone marrow.
Neutrophil The most numerous white cell, highly phagocytic.
PCV Packed cell volume (hematocrit). Volume of red cells expressed as a fraction of all the blood.
Phagocytosis Condition of ingesting cells.
Phlebotomy Obtaining blood for the purpose of testing.
Plasma The liquid portion of the blood where corpuscles (blood cells) are suspended.
PT Prothrombin Time
RBC Red Blood Cell(count)
Reticulocyte Immature RBC
Serology Study of blood serum.
Splenomegaly Enlargment of the spleen.
Tachtcardia Rapid heart beat.
Thrombocyte Platelet;initiates blood clotting.
Thrombocytopenia Decrease of platelets.
Thrombolysis Destruction of a clot.
Thymectomy Removal/excision of the thymus gland.
Vertigo Dizziness.
Viscous Thick,sticky
WBC White Blood Cell(count)
Exacebation Flare up.
Heprin Prevents blood from clotting.
Histamines Initiates the inflammatory process.
Remission Lactency.
Titer Measures amount of antibodies in the blood.
Created by: zeldafan
Popular Medical sets




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