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Chabner Ch.8

Adnexa Uteri Fallopian tubes, ovaries, and supporting ligaments
Amenorrhea Absence of menstrual flow
Amniocentesis aspiration of a small amount of amniotic fluid for analysis of possible fetal abnormalities
Amnion Innermost membranous sac surrounding the developing fetus
Amniotic Fluid fluid within the amniotic sac that surrounds and protects the fetus
Anovulatory not accompanied by ovulation (release of eggs from ovary)
Areola Dark-pigmented area surrounding the breast nipple
Bartholin Glands Small mucus-secreting exocrine glands at the vaginal orifice
Bartholinitis inflammation of bartholin gland
Cephalic Version The fetus turns so that the head is the body part closest to the cervix
Cervix Lower, neck-like portion of the uterus
Chorion Outermost layer of two membranes surrounding embryo; Form fetal part of placenta
Chorionic Chorion; Pertaining to
Clitoris Organ of sensitive erectile tissue anterior to opening of femal urethra
Coitus Sexual intercourse; Copulation
Colposcopy Vagina; Visual examination
Corpus luteum Empty ovarian follicle that secretes progesterone after release of egg cell, luteum (yellow) corpus (body)
Cul-De-Sac Region in lower abdomen, midway b/w rectum and uterus
Culdocentesis Needle placed through posterior wall of vagina and fluid is withdrawn for diagnostic purposes
Dysmenorrhea Painful; Menses, menstruation; Discharge
Dyspareunia Painful sexual intercourse
Dystocia Painful; Labor, birth
Embryo Stage in Prenatal development (2-8 weeks)
Endocervicitis Within; Cervix, neck; Inflammation
Endometritis Within; Uterus; Inflammation
Endometrium Inner, mucous membrane lining of the uterus
Episiotomy Incision through skin of perineum enlarges the vaginal orifice for delivery
Estrogen Hormone produced by ovaries; Promotes female secondary sex characteristics
Fallopian Tube One of the pair of ducts through which the ovum travels to the uterus
Fertilization Union of sperm and ovum; Embryo develops
Fetal Presentation Fetus appears to examiner during delivery
Fetus Stage in prenatal development (8-30/40 Weeks)
Fimbriae Finger or fringe-like projections at the end of the Fallopian tubes
Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Secreted by pituitary gland to stimulate maturation of egg cell (ovum)
Galactorrhea Abnormal, persistent discharge of milk, commonly seen with pituitary gland tumors
Gamete Male or female sexual reproductive cell
Genitalia Reproductive organ; Genitals
Gestation Period from fertilization of the ovum to birth
Gonad Female or male reproductive organs that produce sex cells and hormones; Ovary or Testes
Gynecology Study of female reproductive organs including breasts
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) Hormone produced by placenta to sustain pregnancy by stimulating ovaries to produce estrogen and progesterone
Hymen Mucous membrane partially or completely covering the opening of the vagina
Hsterectomy Removal; Uterus, womb
Hysteroscopy Gynecologist uses endoscope to view uterine cavity
Intrauterine Device Placed to prevent implantation of fertilized egg
Involution Uterus returns to normal nonpregnant size
Labia Lips of the vagina
Lactation Normal secretion of milk
Lactiferous Ducts Tubes that carry milk within the breast
Leukorrhea Vaginal discharge is normal or becomes more yellow as a sign of infection
Luteinizing Hormone (LH) Secreted by pituitary gland to promote ovulation
Mammary Papilla Nipple of breast
Mammoplasty Reduction of enlargement surgically of breasts
Mastectomy Breast removal
Mastitis Breast inflammation
Menarche Beginning of first menstrual period and ability to reproduce
Menometrorrhea Excessive uterine bleeding during and b/w menstrual periods
Menopause Gradual ending of menstruation
Menorrhagia Abnormally heavy or long menstrual periods
Menorrhea Menses, menstruation; Discharge
Menstruation Monthly shedding of uterine lining. Flow of blood oand tissue normally discharged
Metorrhagia Bleeding b/w menses
Multigravida Women who has been pregnant more than once
Myomectomy Removal of fibroids (myomas) from the uterus
Neonatal Newborn baby, after birth
Neonatology Branch of medicine that studies the disorders and care of the newborn
Obstetrics Branch of medicine concerned with pregnancy and childbirth
Oligomenorrhea Infrequent menstrual periods or scanty menses
Oocyte Immature ovum
Oogensis Egg; Condition of producing
Oophorectomy Removal of ovaries
Oophoritis Egg; To bear; Inflammation
Orifice An opening
Ovarian Pert. to ovaries
Ovarian Follicle Develop. sac enclosing each ovum within ovary
Ovary One of a pair of female organs (gonads) on each side of pelvis
Ovulation Release of ovum from ovary
Ovum; Ova Mature egg cell (female gamete)
Oxytocia Sharp/quick; labor, birth
Oxytocin Stimulates pregnant uterus to contract (labor begins)
Parturition Act of giving birth
Perineum In females; area b/w anus and vagina
Pituitary Gland Endocrine gland at base of brain. Produces hormones that stimulate ovaries
Placenta Vascular organ attach. to uterine wall during pregnancy. Permits exchange of oxygen, nutrients, and fetal waster products b/w mother and fetus
Pregnancy Condition in female of having a develop. embryo and fetus in uterus for about 40 weeks
Prenatal Before; Birth; Pert. to
Primigravida Women during first pregnancy (Primi-; first) (Gravida; designated to pregnant women)
Primipara Women who has given birth to a x amount of children
Primiparous Adj. describing women who has given birth to at least one child
Progesterone Hormone produced by corpus luteum in ovary and placenta of pregnant women
Pseudocyesis False pregnancy
Puberty Point in life cycle which secondary sex characteristics appear and gametes are produced
Retroversion Uterus is abnormally titled backwards
Salpinectomy Surgical removal of Fallopian tubes
Salpingitis Fallopian tubes inflammation
Uterine Serosa Outermost layer surrounding uterus
Uterus Hallow, pear-shaped muscular female organ in which embryo and fetus develop
Vagina Muscular, mucosa-lined canal extending from uterus to exterior of body
Vagina Orifice Vagina opening
Vaginitis Inflammation of vagina
Vulva External female genitalia
Vulvodysnia Chronic pain that affects the vulvar area
Vulvovaginitis Inflammation of vulva/vagina
Zygote State in prenatal develop. (Fertilization and implantation up to 2 weeks)
Cauterization Burning of abnormal tissue with chemicals/electrically heated instrument
Hysterosalphingography Contrast material is injected into uterus and fallopian tubes, x-ray images are obtained
Colposcopy Visual examination of vagina and cervix
Dilation/Curettage Widening cervical opening and scraping lining of uterus
Aspiration Withdrawal of fluid by suction with a needle
Conization Removal of cone-shaped section of the cervix for diagnosis or treatment of cervical dysplasia
Tubual Ligation Blocking the Fallopian tubes to prevent fertilization from occurring
Pregnancy Test HCG is measured in the urine/blood
Pap Test Cells are scraped from cervix or vagina for microscopic analysis
Pelvic Exenteration Removal of internal gynecologic organs and adjacent structures in the pelivs
Fontanelle Soft spot between newborn's cranial bones
Gynecomastia Condition of female breasts (in a male)
Fibroids/Leiomyomata Benign muscle tumors in the uterus
Abruptio Placentae premature separation of the placenta from the uterine wall
Carcinoma of the endometrium malignant tumor of the uterus (adencarcinoma)
Cervical Dysplasia growth of abnormal cells in the cervix, can be detected by pap smear
Chlamydia caused by bacterium. affects reproductive organs, urethra, anus both sexs. Left untreated can cause sterility and/or serious damage to the reproductive organs.
amni/o amnion-innermost membranous sac surround the developing fetus
chorio/o chorion/o chorion-outermost layer of two membranes surrounding embryo; forms fetal part of placenta
episi/o vuvla
obstetr/o pregnancy and childbirth
o/o egg
oophor/o ovary
ov/o egg
ovari/o ovary
ovul/o egg
phor/o to bear
-parous bearing, bringing forth
-tocia labor, birth
Created by: jaclynn
Popular Medical sets




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