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Mod G wk 1 lect.

chap 1,2 7

anesthesia complete or partial loss of feeling
anthrax a deadly infectious disease caused by Bacillus anthracis. Humans contract the disease fro infected animal hair, or waste
bacteria Microorganism capable of causing disease
caduceus symbol for healing made up of a staff with two snakes coiled around it which has becom the recognized symbol for medicine.
chemotherapy use of chemicals including drugs to treat and control infections and diseases
cholera acute infectio involving the small bowel which causes severe diarrhea
homeopathy thratment and prevention of disease based on the premis that large doses of drugs which cause symptoms in healthy people will cure the same symptoms when given in small dose.
immunology study of immunity resistance to or protectio from disease
microbes one celled form of life such as bacteria
microorganism minute living organisms such as bacteria virus, protozoa, fungus that are not visible to the human eye without a microscope
morbidity rate number os sick persons or cases of a disease within a certain population
mortality rate death rate: the ratio of the number of deaths in a given population
pasteurization process of heating substances such as milk or cheese to a certain temperature in order to destroy bacteria
pathology study of nature and cause of disease
puerperal sepsis severe infection of the genital tract during the postpartum period or as a complication of an abortion, also called childbed fever
accreditation process in which an institution voluntarily completes an extensive self study after which an accrediting association visits the school to verify the self study statements
clinical relating to the medical treatment and care of patients
diagnostic a type of test series of tests, or an evaluation to determine the extent of an illness or disease
diathermy use of heat inducing wavelengths to provide muscle relaxation snd therapy
erythemia redness of the skin
exudate accumulation of fluid, pus, or serum in a cavity or tissue which may become hard and crusty
massage to apply pressure with hands
physiatrist a physician specializing in physical medicine and rehabilitation
physiatry medical specialty of physical medicine and rehabilitation
prosthesis an artificial body part
rehabilitation process of assisting patient to regain a state of health and highest level of function possible
suppuration process of pus formation due to infection
DOB date of birth
LMP last menstrual period
NKD NO known drug allergies
y/o years old
N&V nausea and vomiting
NVD nausea vomiting and diarrhea
SOB shortness of breath
CC chief complaint
N/C no complaints
R/O rule out
abd abdomen
ac before meals
bid twice a day
qid four times a day
pc after meals
qh every hour
s without
NPO nothing by mouth
PRN as needed
ss one half
x times
BP - Basic Adult 120/80
BP - older adult 138/86
BP - 16-adult 118/76
BP - 10-15 years 100/65
BP - 6-9 years 95/65
Pulse - adult 60-80
pulse - older adults 50-65
pulse - 11-16 years 70-90
pulse - 6-10 years 80-100
pulse - 2-6 years 80-120
pulse - less than 1 year 120-160
Resp - adult 15-20
Resp - 15 years 15-20
Resp - 5 years 15-25
Resp - 1 year 20-40
Resp- newborn 30-80
dermatologist physican who treats injuries and infections of skin ,hair, and nails
geriatric medical care is focused on diseases & disorder of the elderly
group practice a practice with at least thre physicians to share workload & expenses
radiology speciality that uses x-rays in the study of tissue and organs
autopsy an examination of organs and tissues in a deceased body
opthalmologist specialist who treats diseases and disorders of the eye
onocology study of cancer and related tumors
confidentiality maintaining and keeping information about a patient private
administrative relating to the business functions of the physicians office
neurologist specialist in the treatment of the nervous system
orthopedist specialist in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system
continuing education credit awarded for additional course work in order to remain current (CEU)
certification the issuance by an official body of a certificate that has met certain standards
solopractice a physician practicing alone
american assn of medical assistance professional assn of pnysicians which maintains directories of qualified docs
pasturization process of heating substances to certain temperature to destroy bacteria
hematology study of blood and blood forming tissue
nephrologist specialist in the study of the kidney diseases and disorders
cardiologist specialist in the study of the heart diseases and disorders
anesthesiologist person trained in the administration of both local and general drugs to induce a complete or partial loss of feeling for surgical procedures
cadaver a dead body _ a corpse
triage critical and significant responsibility a medical assistant will perform
syphilus infectious chronic, venereal disease with lesions that can affect many organs
PA works directly under physician doing multiple tasks to include preliminary DX`
CEU continuing education unit
WHO ??? Why Hippocratic oath
RMA registered medical assistant
CDC center for diesease control
MA medical assistant
HT height
LPN licensed practical nurse
TPR ?:
PT patient
DO doctor of osteopathy
MD doctor of medicine
WT weight
RN registered nurse
AAMA american association of medical assistants
OSHA occupational safety hazzard administtation
Galileo (1564-1642) first to use the telescope
Lillian Wald (1867-1940) established public health nursing in NYC
Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) Pasteurization of bacteria
Elizabeth Blackwell (1821-1910) first woman to receive a medical degree in the US
Paul Enrlich (1854-1915) developed the :silver bullet" for syphilil
Pierre Curie (1859-1906) discovered radium
Janssen invented the microscope
Anton van Leeuwenhock (1632-1723) founder of microbiology
Joseph Lister (1827-1912) developed steril technique in surgery
Crawford Long - William Morton (1815-1878) - (1819-1868) discovered anesthesia
Edward Jenner (1749-1823) discovered small pox vaccine
John Hunter (1728-1793) foundr of scientific surgery
Walter Reed (1851-1902) helped conquer yellow fever
Rene Laennec (1781-1826) invented the stethoscope
Galen (130-201 AD) greek physician who stressed value of anatomy & physiology
Fallopious indentified and named many anatomical parts, studen to Versalius
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) introduced homeopathy
Clara Barton (1821-1912) founder of the american Red Cross
William Beaumont (1785-1853) studied the digestive process
Wilhelm Roentgen (1845-1922) discovered X-Ray in 1895
Jonas Salk & Albert Sabin(1914-1996) -(1906-1993) developed the polio vaccine and the oral polio vaccine in th 1950s
Richard Bright (1789-1858) discovered Bright's Disease
Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) founder of nursing
Robert Koch (1843-1910) bacterilogist who discovered tubercle bacillus
Ignaz Semmelweiss (1818-1865) prevented puerperal sepsis by advising medical students to disinfect hands
Hippocrates father of medicine father of medical ethics as notedin Hippocratic oath
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) developed the bifocal
Andreas versalius (1514-1564) father of modern anatomy
Created by: spunkynina
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