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Chabner Ch.10- Terms
Nervous System: Pronunciation of Terms
Term | Definition |
Acetylcholine | Neurotransmitter chemical released at the ends of nerve cells |
Afferent Nerve | carries messages toward the brain and spinal cord (sensory nerve) |
Akinetic | Pt. to the absence of voluntary movement |
Analgesia | absence of sensitivity to pain |
Anencephaly | partial or complete absence of brain matter; congenital brain malformation |
Anethesia | lack of feeling or sensation |
Aphasia | loss of ability to speak or express oneself with language |
Apraxia | inability to carry out fmilair actions with accuracy |
Arachnoid Membrane | Middle layer of 3 membranes that surround brain and spinal cord |
Astrocyte | Star shaped neuroglial cell that transports water and salts from capillaries |
Ataxia | condition of decreased coordination |
Autonomic Nervous System | Nerves that control involuntary body functions of muscles, glands, and internal organs |
Axon | Microscopic fiber that carries the nervous impulse along a nerve cell |
Blood-brain barrier | Protective separation b/w the blood and brain cells. Make it difficult for substances (like anticancer drugs) to penetrate capillary walls and enter brain. |
Bradykinesia | slow movement |
Brainstem | Posterior protion of the brain that connects the cerebrum with the spinal cord; includes midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata |
Cauda Equina | collection of spinal nerves below the end of the spinal cord |
Causalgia | intense burning pain following injury to a sensory nerve |
Cell Body | part of a nerve cell that contains the nucleus |
Central Nervous System (CNS) | brain and spinal cord |
Cephalgia | headaches may result from vasodilation of blood vessels in tissues surrounding brain or from tension in neck and scalp muscles |
Cerebellar | Pt. to cerebellum |
Cerebellopontine | Pt. to cerebellum and pons |
Cerebellum | posterior part of the brain that coordinates muscle movements and maintains balance |
Cerebral Cortex | Outer region of cerebrum, containing sheets of nerve cells; gray matter of brain |
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) | circulates throughout the brain and spinal cord |
Cerebrum | largest part of the brain; responsible for voluntary muscular activity, vision, speech, taste, hearing, thought and memory |
Coma | state of unconsciousness from which patient cannot be aroused |
Comatose | pt. coma state |
Cranial Nerves | 12 pairs of nerves that carry messages to and from the brain with regard to the head and neck (except the vagus nerve) |
Dendrite | Microscopic branching fiber of a nerve cell that is the first part to receive the nervous impulse |
Dura Mater | thick, outermost layer of the meninges surrounding and protecting the brain and spinal cord |
Dyslexia | developmental reading disorder occurring when the brain does not properly recognize, process, and interpret language |
Dyskinesia | condition marked by involuntary, spasmodic movements |
Efferent Nerve (ef-away from) (-ferent-to carry) | Carries messages away from the brain and spinal cord; motor nerve |
Encephalitis | inflammation of brain |
Encephalopathy | Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) is a progressive degenerative disease associated with repetitive brain trauma |
Ependymal Cell | Glial cell that lines membranes within the brain and spinal cord and helps form cerebrospinal fluid |
Epidural Hematoma | occurs b/w the skull and the dura as a result of a ruptured meningeal artery, usually after a fracture of the skull |
Ganglion (plural: ganglia) | collection of nerve cell bodies in the peripheral nervous system (outside brain and spinal cord) |
Glial Cell (neuroglial cell) | supports and connects the cells of the nervous system. Glial cells can reproduce themselves as opposed to neuroons |
Glioblastoma (-blast= immature) | highly malignant tumor. Gliomas are tumors of glial (neuroglial) cells |
Gyrus (plural: gyri) | sheet of nerve cells that produces a rounded ridge on the surface of the cerebral cortex; convolution |
Hemiparesis | affects either right or left side of body |
Hemiplegia | affects right or left half of body and results from a stroke or other brain injury. Contralateral to the brain lesion because motor nerve fibers from the right half of the brain cross to the left side of the body |
Hypalgesia | diminished sensation to pain |
Hyperesthesia | excessive sensitivity to touch or pain |
Hyperkinesis | excessive movement |
Hypothalamus | portion of the brain beneath the thalamus; controls sleep, appetite, body temperature, and secretions from the pituitary gland |
Intrathecal Injection | chemical can be delivered into subarachnoid space |
Leptomeningeal | the pia and arachnoid membranes are known as the leptomeninges because of their thin, delicate structure |
Medulla oblongata | part of the brain just above the spinal cord; controls breathing, heartbeat, size of blood of vessels; nerve fibers cross over here |
Meningeal | pt to membranes, meninges |
Meninges | 3 productive membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord |
Meningioma | slowly growing, benign tumor in meninges |
Microglial Cell | Phagocytic glial cell that removes waste products from the central nervous system |
Midbrain | uppermost portion of the brainstem |
Motor Nerve | carries messages away from the brain and spinal cord to muscles and organs; efferent nerve |
Myelin Sheath | covering of white fatty tissue that surrounds and insulates the axon of a nerve cell. Myelin speeds impulse conduction along axons |
Myelomeningocele | neural tube defect caused by failure of neural tube to close during embryonic development. Abnormality occurs in infants born with spina bifida. |
Myelopathy | disease of spinal cord |
Myoneural | pt to muscle and nerves |
Narcolepsy | sudden, uncontrollable compulsion to sleep |
Nerve | macroscopic cord-like collection of fiber (axons and dendrites) that carry electrical impulses |
Neuralgia | nerve pain. Involves flashes of pain radiating along the course of the trigeminal nerve, 5th cranial nerve. |
Neurasthenia | nervous exhaustion and fatigue, often following depression |
Neuroglial Cells | stromal tissue of central nervous system, which makes up its supportive framework and help it ward off infection |
Neuron | nerve cell that carries impulses throughout the body; parenchyma of the nervous system |
Neuropathy | disease of peripheral nerve |
Neurotransmitter | chemical messenger released at the end of a nerve cell. Stimulates or inhibits another cell EX: nerve, muscle, gland cell. |
Oligodendroglial Cell | Glial cell that forms the myelin sheath covering axons. AKA oligodendrocyte |
Paraplegia | paralysis of both legs and lower part of body caused by injury or disease of spinal cord or cauda equina |
Parasympathetic Nerves | involuntary, autonomic nerves that regulate normal body functions such as heart rate, breathing, and muscles of gastrointestinal tract |
Parenchyma | essential, distinguishing tissue of any organ or system. Parenchyma of nervous system: neurons and nerves that carry nervous impulses. Parenchyma of liver: hepatocytes Parenchyma of kidney: nephrons |
Paresis | partial paralysis |
Paresthesia | tingling, burning, pins and needles sensations |
Peripheral Nervous System | nerves outside brain and spinal cord: cranial. spinal, autonomic nerves |
Pia Mater | thin, delicate inner membrane of meninges |
Plexus (plural: plexuses) | large, interlacing network of nerves. EX: lumbosacral, cervical, brachial plexuses (brachi/o= arm) |
Poliomyelitis | viral disease affects gray matter of spinal cord, leading to paralysis of muscles that rely on damaged neurons |
Polyneuritis | inflammation of many nerve cells |
Pons | part of brain anterior to cerebellum and b/w medulla and rest of midbrain. Bridge connecting various parts of the brain |
Quadriplegia | all four extremities are affected. Injury is at cervical level of spinal cord |
Radiculitis | inflammation of nerve root. results in pain and loss of function |
Radiculopathy | disease of nerve root of spinal nerves |
Receptor | organ that receives nervous stimulus and passes it on to afferent nerves. EX: skin, ears, eyes, taste buds |
Sciatic Nerve | nerve extenidng from base of spine down to thigh, lower leg, foot |
Sciatica | pain/inflammation along course of nerve |
Sensory Nerve | carries messages toward brain and spinal cord from receptor; afferent nerve |
Spinal Nerves | 31 pairs of nerves arising from spinal cord |
Stimulus (plural: stimuli) | agent of change in internal/external environment that evokes a response EX: light, sound, touch, pressure, pain |
Stroma | connective, supporting tissue of an organ. Glial cells make up stromal tissue of brain |
Subdural Hematoma | collection of blood under dura mater |
Sulcus (plural: sulci) | depression or groove in surface of cerebral cortex; fissure |
Sympathetic Nerves | autonomic nerves that influence bodily functions involuntarily in times of stress |
Synapse | space through which nervous impulse travels b/w nerve cells or b/w nerve and muscle or glandular cells |
Syncopal | pt. to fainting |
Syncope | fainting; sudden and temporary loss of consciousness caused by inadequate flow of blood to brain |
Thalamic | pt. to thalamus |
Thalamus | main relay center of brain. Conducts impulses b/w spinal cord and cerebrum; incoming sensory messages are relayed through thalamus to appropriate centers in cerebrum |
Trigeminal Neuralgia | flashes of pain radiating along course of trigeminal nerve (5th cranial nerve) |
Vagal | cranial nerve has branches to head, neck, and chest |
Vagus Nerve | 10th cranial nerve (cranial nerve X); branches reach to larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs, aorta, esophagus, and stomach. Vagus leaves head and "wanders" into abdominal and thoracic cavities |
Ventricles of the Brain | canals in the brain that contain cerebrospinal fluid. Also found in the heart- 2 lower chambers of the heart |