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Pharm Practice 1
Pharm Practice 1 - Medical Abbreviations
Question | Answer |
a.c. | before meals (sig) |
a.d. | right ear (sig) |
a.s. | left ear (sig) |
a.u. | each ear (sig) |
ad lib | as tolerated (sig) |
b.i.d. | twice a day (sig) |
FUP | follow-up (sig) |
GTT | drops (sig) |
h.s. | bedtime (sig) |
M.R. | may repeat (sig) |
N.R. | do no repeat (sig) |
NMT | not more than (sig) |
NPO | nothing by mouth (sig) |
o.d. | right eye (sig) |
o.l. | left eye (sig) |
o.s. | left eye (sig) |
o.u. | both eyes (sig) |
p.c. | after meals (sig) |
p.r.n. | as needed (sig) |
q. | every (sig) |
q.d. | every day (sig) |
q.i.d. | four times a day (sig) |
q.o.d. | every other day (sig) |
q.s. | a quantity sufficient (sig) |
Rx | prescription symbol (sig) |
Sig. | patient intructions (sig) |
stat | immediately (sig) |
t.a.t. | until all taken (sig) |
t.i.d. | three times a day (sig) |
w.a. | while awake (sig) |
LAD | left anterior descending (coronary artery)(anatomy) |
LV | left ventricle (anatomy) |
RCA | right coronary artery (anatomy) |
T | thoracic (followed by number of thoracic vertebra T-2) (anatomy) |
Afib | atrial fibrillation (diagnosis) |
AIDS | acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (diagnosis) |
ASHD | atherosclerotic heart disease (diagnosis) |
ASPVD | atherosclerotic peripheral vascular disease (diagnosis) |
BPH | benign prostatic hyperplasia (diagnosis) |
CA | cancer, carcinoma (diagnosis) |
CAD | coronary artery disease (diagnosis) |
CHF | congestive heart failure (diagnosis) |
COPD | chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (diagnosis) |
CVA | cerebrovascular accident (diagnosis) |
DM | diabetes mellitus (diagnosis) |
DX, Dx, dx | diagnosis (diagnosis) |
FUO | fever of unknown origin (diagnosis) |
GERD | gastroesophageal reflux disease (diagnosis) |
HA | headache (diagnosis) |
HIV | human immunodeficiency virus (diagnosis) |
MI | myocardial infarction (diagnosis) |
PID | pelvic inflammatory disease (diagnosis) |
PUD | peptic ulcer disease (diagnosis) |
PVC | premature ventricular contraction (diagnosis) |
RA | rheumatoid arthritis (diagnosis) |
SIADH | syndrome of inappropriate ADH (diagnosis) |
SLE | systemic lupus erythematosus (diagnosis) |
STD | sexually transmitted disease (diagnosis) |
TB | tuberculosis (diagnosis) |
TIA | transient ischemic attack (diagnosis) |
URI | upper respiratory tract infection (diagnosis) |
Vfib | ventricular fibrillation (diagnosis) |
VT, Vtach | ventricular tachycardia (diagnosis) |
MS | multiple sclerosis, morphine sulfate (diagnosis), (medication) |
A&O | alert & oriented (H&P) |
ADL | activities of daily living (H&P) |
C/O | complains of (H&P) |
CC | chief complaint (H&P) |
CTA | clear to auscultation (H&P) |
DOE | dyspnea on exertion (H&P) |
ENT | ear, nose, throat (H&P) |
FH | family history (H&P) |
GI | gastrointestinal (H&P) |
GU | genitourinary (H&P) |
GYN, gyn | gynecology (H&P) |
H/O, h/o | history of (H&P) |
HPI | history of present illness (H&P) |
HSM | hepatosplenomegaly (H&P) |
Hx | history (H&P) |
ICS | intercostal space (H&P) |
IMP | impression (H&P) |
JVD | jugular venous distension (H&P) |
LUQ | left upper quadrant (H&P) |
N/V/D | nausea/vomiting/diarrhea (H&P) |
NABS | normoactive bowel sounds (H&P) |
NKA | no known allergies (H&P) |
NKDA | no known drug allergies (H&P) |
PERRLA | pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation (H&P) |
PMH | past medical history (H&P) |
PND | paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (H&P) |
R/O | rule out (H&P) |
RLQ | right lower quadrant (H&P) |
ROM | range of motion (of joint) (H&P) |
ROS | review of systems (H&P) |
RRR | regular rate and rhythm (heart) (H&P) |
RUQ | right upper quadrant (H&P) |
S&S, s/sx | signs and symptoms (H&P) |
S/P | status post (occurrence) (H&P) |
SH | social history, surgical history (H&P) |
SOAP | subjective, objective, assessment, plan (H&P) |
SOB | short of breath (H&P) |
Sx, sx | symptoms (H&P) |
TX, Tx | treatment, therapy (H&P) |
W/U | work up (H&P) |
WDWN | well developed, well nourished (H&P) |
WNL | within normal limits (H&P) |
y/o, yo | year old (H&P) |
PE | physical exam, pulmonary embolism (H&P), (diagnosis) |
HLA | human leukocyte antigen (immunology) |
ABG | arterial blood gas (lab test) |
ACTH | adrenocorticotropic hormone, corticotropin (lab test) |
ALT | alanine aminotransferase (formerly SGPT) (lab test) |
AST | aspartate aminotransferase (formerly SGOT) (lab test) |
BUN | blood urea nitrogen (lab test) |
C&S | culture & sensitivity (lab test) |
Ca | calcium (lab test) |
CBC | complete blood count (lab test) |
CHEM | serum chemistry (lab test) |
Cl | chloride, chlorine (lab test) |
CPK | creatine phosphokinase (lab test) |
DIFF, diff | differential blood count (lab test) |
ESR | erythrocyte sedimentation rate (lab test) |
FSBS | finger stick blood sugar (lab test) |
Hb, Hgb | hemoglobin (lab test) |
HbA1c | glycosylated hemoglobin/hemoglobin A1c (lab test) |
HCG | human chorionic gonadotropin (lab test) |
HCO3 | bicarbonate (lab test) |
HCT | hematocrit (lab test) |
HDL | high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (lab test) |
LFT | liver function test (lab test) |
MCV | mean corpuscular volume (lab test) |
Mg | magnesium (lab test) |
Na | sodium (lab test) |
PT, Pro Time | prothrombin time (lab test) |
PTH | parathyroid hormone (lab test) |
PTT | partial thromboplastin time (also aPTT) (lab test) |
RBC | red blood cell (lab test) |
SaO2 | systemic arterial oxygen saturation (%) (lab test) |
SG | specific gravity (lab test) |
SGOT | serum glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase (see AST) (lab test) |
SGPT | serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (see ALT) (lab test) |
TIBC | total iron-binding capacity (lab test) |
TSH | thyroid-stimulating hormone (lab test) |
UA | urinalysis (lab test) |
WBC | white blood cell (lab test) |
P | phosphorus, pulse (lab test), (vital sign) |
DW | dextrose in water (medication) |
HRT | hormone replacement therapy (medication) |
IVPB | intravenous piggyback (medication) |
MDI | metered dose inhaler (medication) |
MW | molecular weight (medication) |
NS | normal saline (medication) |
NTG | nitroglycerin (medication) |
OTC | over the counter (medication) |
Tabs | tablets (medication) |
TPN | total parenteral nutrition (medication) |
TPA | tissue plasminogen activator (medication) |
BMI | body mass index (monitoring parameter) |
BP | blood pressure (monitoring parameter) |
bpm | beats per minute (monitoring parameter) |
BSA | body surface area (monitoring parameter) |
GFR | glomerular filtration rate (monitoring parameter) |
HR | heart rate (monitoring parameter) |
I&O, I/O | intake (input) and output (monitoring parameter) |
R | respirations (monitoring parameter) |
VS | vital signs (monitoring parameter) |
G, g, gm | gram (multiple) |
gr | grain (multiple) |
IU | international unit (multiple) |
Kg | kilogram (multiple) |
L | liter (multiple) |
mcg | microgram (multiple) |
mEq | millequivalent (multiple) |
mM | millimole (multiple) |
mOsm | milliosmole (multiple) |
pH | hydrogen ion concentration (multiple) |
kcal | kilocalorie (multiple) |
CCE | clubbing, cyanosis, and edema (physical exam) |
CNS | central nervous system (physical exam) |
ACE | angiotensin converting enzyme (physiology) |
ADH | antidiuretic hormone (physiology) |
AV | atrioventricular (physiology) |
CO | carbon monoxide, cardiac output (physiology) |
CSF | cerebrospinal fluid (physiology) |
CV | cardiovascular (physiology) |
TPR | total peripheral resistance (physiology) |
Bx | biopsy (procedure) |
CABG | coronary artery bypass graft (procedure) |
CATH | catheter, catheterization (procedure) |
CT | computed tomography (scan) (procedure) |
CXR | chest x-ray (procedure) |
ECG, EKG | electrocardiogram (procedure) |
EGD | esophagogastroduodenoscopy (procedure) |
IPPB | intermittent positive-pressure breathing (procedure) |
IVP | intravenous pyelogram (procedure) |
KUB | kidneys, ureters, and bladder (procedure) |
MRI | magnetic resonance imaging (procedure) |
NG Tube | nasogastric tube (procedure) |
PTCA | percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (procedure) |
PPD | purified protein derivative (tuberculin), packs per day (cigarettes) (procedure), (H&P) |
PT | physical therapy (rehabilitation) |
I.M., IM | intramuscular (route of administration) |
I.V., IV | intravenous (route of administration) |
ID | intradermal (route of administration) |
KVO | keep vein open (hourly rate of IV fluid administration) (route of administration) |
P.O., po | by mouth (route of administration) |
S.C., SQ, subq | subcutaneous (route of administration) |
SL | sublingual (route of administration) |
TKO | to keep open (hourly rate of IV fluids to keep vein open) (route of administration) |
NaCl | Sodium chloride (multiple) |
mm | Millimeter (multiple) |
mL | Milliliter (multiple) |
mg | Milligram (multiple) |
mmHg | Millimeters of Mercury (multiple) |
INR | International Normalized Ratio (Lab test) |
K | Potassium (Lab test) |
LDH | Lactate Dehydrogenase (Lab test) |
LDL | Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (Lab test) |
t.i.w. | three times a week (sig) |
UTI | urinary tract infection (diagnosis) |
CO2 | Carbon Dioxide (lab test) |