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Febrile Having an above normal body temperature having a fever
Afebrile Having a normal body temperature without fever
Pulse Characteristics Rate, Rhythm, and volume
Respiration Characteristics Rate, Rhythm, and depth
Dyspnea difficult, painful or labored breathing
Apnea No breathing
Hyperpnea Abnormally deep gasping breath
Hyperventilation A respiratory rate that greatly exceeds the body's oxygen demand
Orthopnea Inability to breath lying down; the pt usually has to sit upright to breathe
Tachypnea Faster breathing over 20 for adults
Bradypnea Slower breathing under 12 for adults
Systole The contraction phase of the heart beat, highest pressure exerted on arteries during heat beat and represented by the top number in blood pressure
Diastole Relaxation phase of the heart; when least amount of pressure is being exerted on the arteries, represented by the bottom number in blood pressure
Normal respiratory rate in adults 12 to 20 breaths per minute
Normal pulse rate in adults 60 to 100 beats per minute
Pulse pressure The difference between systole and diastole readings
Pulse points radial-thumb, carotid, brachial, popliteal, femoral, dorsalis pedis, posterior tibial
Radial-thumb Side of inner wrist
Carotid on either side of larynx/trachea in neck
Brachial upper arm
Popliteal behind the knee
Femoral groin area
Dorsalis pedis top of foot
posterior tibial medial ankle area
Postural hypotension BP that decreases suddenly when the patient stands from a sitting or lying position
Diaphoresis excessive sweating
Speculum instrument that enlarges and separates the opening of a cavity of expose its interior for examination
Babinski reflex reflex (dorsiflexion of the great toe to extension and fanning of the toes upon stroking the sole of the foot) exhibited normally by infants
lubricant agent that reduces friction
bimanual pertaining to the use of both hands; an examination performed with both hands
obturator smooth, rounded, removable inner portion of a hollow tube, such as an anoscope, that allows for easier insertion
symmertry Equality in size or shape or position of parts on opposite sides of the body
asymmertry Lack or absence of symmetry; inequality of size or shape on opposite sides of the body
Range of Motion (ROM) Range in degrees of angle through which a joint can be extended and flexed
Bruit Abnormal sound or murmur in the blood vessel during auscultation ;carotid artery
PERRLA abbreviation used in documentation to denote pupils equal, round, reactive to light, and accommodation if all findings are normal; refers to the size and shape of the pupils their reaction to light, and their ability to adjust to distance.
Cerumen yellowish or brownish wax like secretion in the external ear canal; earwax
sclera white fibrous tissue that covers the eye
transillumination passage of light through body tissues for the purpose of examination
inguinal pertaining to the regions of the groin
hernia protrusion of an organ through the muscle wall of the cavity that normally surrounds it
occult blood blood hidden or concealed from observation
galt manner or style of walking
Trendelenburg shock position; lies on back with knees higher than head
knee-chest or genupectoral on knees with head down on floor
dorsal recumbent lying on back with knees bent
sims or lateral lies on left side with right leg drawn up
rectovaginal pertaining to the rectum and vagina
sitting sits erect at the end of the examination table with feet supported on a footrest or stool
lithotomy "pap smear" position; lying on back with feet in stirrups
erect, standing position, anatomical position stand erect facing forward, arms at side
supine lying on back
prone lying on stomach
semi-fowler's sitting up at 30 to 45 degree angle
fowler's or high fowler's sitting up at a 90 degree angle
indirect auscultation to list using a stethoscope
direct auscultation to list with your ear against the body
auscultation to listen
percussion tapping or striking the body with the hand or an instrument to produce sounds
manipulation to passive movement of the joints to determine ROM (range of motion)
palpation touching or moving body areas with the fingers or hands
inspection to look, to observe
open-ended questions a question that can not be answered with a yes or no
symptoms are subjective information; are indications of disease or changes in the body as sensed by the patient usually, SYMPTOMS ARE NOT DISCERNIBLE by anyone other than the patient
signs are objective information THAT CAN BE OBSERVED or perceived by someone other than the paitent
diagnosis identification of a disease or condition by evaluating physical signs and symptoms, health history, and laboratory test; a disease or condition indientified in a person
clinical diganosis record containing a diagnosis based only on the patients clinical symptoms
differential diagnosis a diagnosis made by comparing the patients symptoms to two or more disease that have similar symptoms
familial referring to a disorder that tends to occur more often in a family than would be anticipated solely by chance
hereditary referring to traits or disorders that are transmitted from parent to offspring
chief complaint (CC) main reason for the visit ot the medical office
homeopathic referring to an alternative type of medicine in which patients are treated with small doses of substances that produce similar symptoms and use the body's own healing abilities
status asthmaticus asthma attack that is not responsive to treatment
atelectasis collapsed lung fields; incomplete expansion of the lungs, either partial or complete
hemoptysis coughing up blood from the respiratory tract
pallative easing symptoms without curing
tracheostomy permanent surgical stoma in the neck with an indwelling tube
chest radiography - two views posteroanterior (PA) view and lateral view
cardiac cycle period from the beginning of one heartbeat to the beginning of the next includes a systole and diastole
sphygmomanometer device used to measure blood pressure
Created by: bdee
Popular Medical sets




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