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Medical Terminology

prone lying face down on the abdomen
a change in the structure and orientation of cells, characterized by a loss of differentiation anaplasia
any abnormal development of tissues or organs (disordered formation) dysplasia
new and abnormal development of cells that may be benign or malignant neoplasia
the study of cells cytology
the body cavity that contains the urinary bladder and reproductive organs pelvic
the body cavity that contains the brain cranial
medical scientist who specializes in the study of tissues hystoligist
the vertebrae that make up the bones of the neck cervical
a disease in which the bones become abnormally soft due to a deficiency of calcium and phosphorus in the blood osteomalacia
bones that are longer than they are wide and have distinctive shaped ends - such as the femur long bones
a flat, circular, plate like structure of cartilage that cushions (absorbs shock) between the vertebrae intervertebral disk
a hollow or concave depression in a bone fossa
the large bony process located below the neck of the femur trochanter
abnormal -out-ward curvature of spine, known as humpback or hunchback kyphosis
abnormal in-ward curvature of spine - known as swayback lordosis
medical term for lateral (side-ward) curvature of spine scoliosis
layer of cartilage that separates the diaphysis from the epiphysis of a bone epiphyseal line
supination turning the palm up or forward
pronation turning the palm down or backward
rotation movement that involves the turning of a bone on its own axia
adduction toward the midline of the body
abduction away from the midline of the body
extension straightening motion - increases the angle between two bones
flexion bending motion - decreases the angle between two bones
dorsiflexion foot is bent backward, or upward at the ankle - narrows the angle between the leg and the tip of the foot...
plantar flexion foot is bent downward and the ankle with the toes pointing downward - increases the angle between the leg and top of foot
circumduction movement of extremity around in a circular motion
hinge joint joint that allows movement in one direction - a back and forth motion
joint cavity the space between two connecting bones
articulation the point at which two bones come together; a joint
arthralgia joint pain
articular cartilage thin layer of cartilage protecting and covering the connecting surfaces of the bones
photosensitivity increased reaction of the skin to exposure to sunlight
malaise a vague feeling of weakness
ligaments connective tissue bands that join bone to bone - offering support to the joint
sciatica inflammation of the sciatic nerve
synovial fluid a thick lubricating fluid located in a synovial joint
fascia thing sheets of fibrous connective tissue covering a muscle
insurtion the point of attachment of a muscle to the none it moves
synapse the "space" between two nerves - over which the impulse must cross
syncope fainting
paresthesia sensation of numbness or tingling
occlusion blockage
neuritis inflammation of a nerve
lethargy sluggish, stupor
hemiparesis paralysis - half of body (right or left)
fissure a deep grove on the surface of an organ
a small hollow within the brain filled with CSF ventricle
controls body temperature, sleep and appetite hypothalamus
stemlike portion of the brain that connects the cerebral hemispheres with the spinal cord brain stem
contains the cardiac, vasomotor and respiratory centers of the brain medulla oblongata
the weblike, middle layer of the meninges arachnoid
located between the cerebrum and the midbrain - consists of the thalamus, hypothalamus and pineal gland diencephalon
controls consciousness, memory, sensations etc... cerebrum
acts as a bridge to connect the medulla oblongata and the cerebellum to the upper potions of the brain pons
outermost layer of the meninges dura mater
abnormally slow movement bradykinesia
difficult speech dysphasia
a type of headache often preceded by an aura migraine
the study of the nervous system neurology
medical term for headache cephalalgia
the most rapidly growing glioma, comprising 20% of all intracranial tumors glioblastoma nultiforme
collection of arterial blood located above the dura mater and just below the skull epidural hematoma
stridor harsh sound during respiration; high pitched and resembling the blowing of wind (due to obstruction of air passages)
tachypnea abnormal rapidity of breathing
a condition of decreased hemoglobin in the blood - to levels below normal (hemoglobin provides oxygen) anemia
clotting cells thrombocytes
systole the contraction phase of the hearbeat - forcing blood into the aorta
diastole the period of relaxation of the heart - alternating with the contraction phase known as systole
claudication cramplike pains in the calves of the legs - caused by poor circulation
ascites abnormal collection of fluid within the peritoneal cavity
analgesic pertaining to pain releif
aplastic without development
hypercapnia increased amount of carbon dioxide in the blood
hypoxemia insufficient oxygen of arterial blood
hemoptysis spitting blood
epistaxis nose bleed
dysphonia difficulty in speaking; hoarseness
apnea temporary cessation of breathing - "without breathing"
mastication chewing
deglutition swallowing
papillae rough elevations on tounge
the outermost layer of the skin epidermis
basal layer (skin) deepest layer (of the 5 layers) of epidermis
dermis inner, thinner layer of skin (also known as corium)
stretch marks or striae linear tears in the dermis
cerumen ear wax
open comedo whitehead (acne vulgaris)
closed comedo blackhead (acne vulgaris)
epithelium tissue that covers the internal and external surfaces of the body
erythema redness of the skin due to capillary dilation
erythremia abnormal increase in the number of red blood cells (polycythemia vera)
histamine substance (found in all cells) released in allergic inflammatory reactions
heparin natural anticoagulant produced by the body tissues - heparin is also produced in labs.
integumentary system the body system consisting of the skin, hair, nails, sweat glands and sebaceous glands
furuncle a localized pus-producing infection - deep in a hair folicle; a boil
gangrene death of a tissue
macule small, flat discoloration of skin that is neither raised nor depressed
nodule small, circumscribed swelling protruding above the skin
onycholysis separation of a fingernail from its bed
onychomycosis fungal infection of the nails
papule small, solid, circumscribed elevation on the skin
pediculosis infestation with lice
petechia small, pinpoint hemorrhages of the skin
pimple a papule or pustule of the skin
polyp small, stalk like growth - protrudes upward or outward from mucous membrane surface
pruritus itching
sudoriferous gland sweat gland
hirsutism excessive body hair (in women)
exfoliation peeling or slothing off of tissues
ecchymosis bruise (blue-ish / black discoloration of skin)
cellulitis infection of skin (acute) - subcutaneous layer
callus a common (usually painless) thickening of the epidermis - @ sites of pressure or friction
dermatitis inflammation of the skin
debridement removal of debris - foreign object, damaged or necrotic tissue from wound... to prevent infection & promote healing
rash or wheals, intense pruitus and the presence of louse eggs on skin pediculosis
skin tumors with irregular surfaces, uneven borders and variable colors - originating from melanocytes melonoma
contagious skin infection - serous vesicles and pustules filled w/millions of staph or strep bacteria impetigo
escharotomy incision made into the eschar w/scalpel or electrocautery - for relief of tightness in a person w/a burn
curettage scraping away abnormal tissue
process of placing tissue on a recipient site taken from a donor site skin graft
the most common malignant tumor of the epithelial tissue basal cell carcinoma
an inflammation, sore or ulcer on skin - over a bony prominence decubitus
bulla a large blister
scales thin flakes of hardened epithelium that are shed from the epidermis
ulcer a circumscribed open sore or lesion of the skin - accompanied by inflammation
a fat cell lipocyte
lunula crescent-shaped pale area at the base of the fingernail or toenail
osteoblast immature bone cell - that actively produce bony tissue
osteoclast large cells that digest or absorb old bone tissue
osteocytes mature bone cells - living cells that continue to maintain the bone (without producing new bone tissue)
ossification the conversion of the fibrous connective tissue & cartilage into bone (or bony substance)
diaphsis main shaft portion of a long bone
epiphysis located @ each end of a long bone
sinus an opening or hollow space in a bone
foramen a hole within a bone that allows blood vessels or nerves to pass through
condyle a knuckle-like projection @ the end of a bone (usually fits into a fossa - of another bone to form a joint)
acetabulum hip joint
false ribs rib pairs 8 thru 10 (connect vertebrae in the back - but not to the sternum in the front...) b/c they join the 7th rib in the front
floating ribs rib pairs 11 and 12. which connect to the vertebrae in the back - but are free of any attachment in the front
fontanelle or fontanel space between the bones of infants cranium "soft spot"
subluxation an incomplete dislocation (of a bone from the joint)
sutures immovable joints - such as those of the cranium
true ribs the first seven pairs of ribs - which connect to the vertebrae in the back and to the sternum in the front
crest a distinct border or ridge; an upper, elevated edge
fossa a hollow or shallow concave depression in a bone
neck a constricted or narrow section that connects with the head
uninuclear a cell having one nucleus
hyperlipemia an excessive or above normal level of blood fats
hypoxemia less than normal blood oxygen level
hypoglycemia less than normal blood sugar
multipara to bear many children
polyarthritis inflammation of many joints
polyuria the excretion of much urine (large amount)
antecubital the space in front of the elbow
circumoral around the mouth
descend to come down from
ectopic outside of its normal location
endocervical pertaining to the inner lining of the cervix
epigastric upon the stomach
extract to remove a tooth from (away from) the oral cavity
exogenous originating outside the body
extrahepatic outside the liver
hypoglossal under the tounge
intubate to insert a tube inside (into) an organ or body cavity
infrapatellar below the knee
intercostal between the ribs
intravenous within a vein
juxta-articular pertaining to a location near a joint
mesoderm the middle of the three layers of the skin
paracervical near or beside the cervix
perianal around the anus
precordial the region of the chest wall - in front of the heart
prognosis knowledge before hand
reactive to make active again
retroflexion an abnormal position of an organ in which the organ is tilted backward
sublingual under the tounge
suprapubic above or over the pubic area
transurethral across, or through the urethra
cirrhosis chronic degenerative disease of the liver with resultant "yellowness" of the liver and of the skin
chlorophyll green pigment in plants that accomplishes photosynthesis
cyanoderma slightly bluish, grayish slate like or dark discoloration of the skin
eosinophil bilobed leukocyte that stains a red, rosy color with and acid dye
albino person who has deficiency of pigment in the eyes, hair, and skin - has abnormally white skin
albinism absence of pigment in the skin, hair and eyes
means weak, lacking normal muscle tone flaccid
de-oxygenated blood enters which atrium right
another name for fever pyrexia
the middle, muscular layer of the heart myocardium
red blood cells, biconcave shaped disks that are thinner in the center than around the edges are also called erythrocytes
abnormal growth of new tissue that serves no useful purpose? neoplasm
abnormal presence of blood in the urine hematuria
a darkened vertical mid line appearing on the abdomen of a pregnant woman linea nigra
part of the nervous system that provides voluntary control over skeletal muscle contractions somatic nervous system
metri uterus
endometrium the inner lining of the uterus
hysterosalpingography x ray of the uterus and fallopian tubes - injecting contrast
primi (first) - primigravida woman who is pregnant for the first time
primipara woman who has given birth for the first time
nulligravida woman who has never been pregnant
nullipara never "completed" a pregnancy beyone 20 wks
insufficient oxygenation of blood hypoxemia
dyspnea air hunger; difficult breathing
algesia sensitivity to pain
analgesia without sensitivity to pain
agraphia inability to convert ones thoughts into writing
afferent nerves transmits nerve impulses to the CNS; also known as sensory nerves
ataxia without muscular coordination
cerebral concussion a brief interruption of brain function - usually with loss of consciousness lasting for a few seconds
dysphasia difficult speech
dyslexia lexia=reading
tomy incision into
esthesia feeling, sensation
paresis - plegia paralysis
radiculotomy surgical resection of a spinal nerve root (procedure performed for pain...)
laminectomy surgical removal of the bony arches from one or more vertebrae - to relieve pressure on spinal cord
electromyography (EMG) recording the electrical activity of muscle - inserting a small needle into the muscle and delivering a small current to stimulate the muscle
electroencephalography (EEG) measure electrical activity produced by the brain (electrodes on scalp)
sputum... mucoid resembling mucus
sputum... mucopurulent containing mucus and pus
sputum... purulent containing pus
sputum... serous resembling serum; containing a thin, watery fluid
dys phonia difficulty in speaking; hoarseness
epistaxis nose bleed
hemoptysis spitting blood
hypercapnia increased amount of carbon dioxide in the blood
hypoxia deficiency of oxygen
kussmaul respirations very deep, grasping type of respiration - associated w/severe diabetic acidosis
orthopnea difficult breathing in any position except erect sitting or standing
pleural rub "friction rub" heard on auscultation - caused by inflammation of the pleural space
rales sound heard on auscultation - known as crackles
rhonchi heard on auscultation - rattling noise - resembles snoring.. load, coarse, rattling sounds
wheeze a whistling sound - resulting from narrowing of the lumen of respiratory passageway
emphysema chronic pulmonary disease - increased air spaces either from dilation of the alveoli or from destruction of their walls (beyond the normal size...)
pneumothorax collection of air or gas in the pleural cavity.... air enters as the result of a perforation through the chest wall or pleura, causing the lung to collapse
pulmonary edema accumulation of fluid in the lungs - the most common cause is congestive heart failure..
centesis surgical puncture (thoracentesis..) a needle passed through skin and chest wall into the pleural space...
also known as the voice box larynx
emaciation leanness.. caused by disease or lack of nutrition
dysphagia difficulty in swallowing
aphagia loss of ability to swallow
dyspepsia epigastric discomfort after eating - fullness, heartburn, bloating and nausea
emesis vomit
eructation burp, belch
flatus; flatulence gas or air
gastroesophageal reflux backflow of the stomach content - result of incompetence of the esophageal sphincter
icterus, jaundice a yellow discoloration of the skin, mucous membranes and sclera of the eyes -caused by large amounts of billirubin in the blood
melena abnormal black tarry stool containing digested blood
pruritus ani itching of the skin around the anus
steatorrhea greater than normal amounts of fat in the feces - frothy, foul smelling fecal matter
celiac disease nutrient malabsorption due to damaged small bowel mucosa
esophageal varices swollen, twisted veins located in the distal end of the esophagus
hepatitis acute or chronic inflammation of the liver
ileus a term used to describe an obstruction of the intestine
adenoma a glandular tumor
aden/o (gland) adenopathy (pathy = disease) a disease of a gland characterized by enlargement
adreno cortical (=cortex) pertaining to the cortex of the adrenal gland
acromegaly (acr/o = extremities) chronic metabolic condition - enlargement and elongation of the bones of the face, jaw, and extremities - over secretion of the pituitary gland after puberty
epinephrine a hormone produced by the adrnal medulla - increasing heart rate and releasing glucose into the bloodstream - also dilating the bronchioles
myx relating to mucus
corti cortex
acr extremities
aden gland
thyr thyroid gland
natr sodium
radius thumb side
tibia big toe side
point of elbow olecranon
verruca wart
Ewings Sarcoma malignant tumor of the bones - common to young adults (boys)
ligaments hold bones together
tendons attach muscle to bone
neurapraxia nerve bruised
afferent (sensory nerve cells that carry impulses from body to CNS
efferent (motor) carry impulses from CNS to body - (ie.. causing organs to DO something)
AP = anterioposterior beam goes from front to back
PA - posterioroanterior beam goes from back to front
supine/dorsal/recumbent Face up
Prone Face down
Oblique slanted or partially turned
kal/i potassium.... hyperkalemia = elevated blood potassium level
glyc/o sugar.... hyperglycemia = elevated blood sugar level
calc/o calcium.... hypercalcemia = elevated blood calcium level
natr/i sodium.... hypernatremia = elevated blood sodium level
tetany severe cramping (contraction) and twitching of the muscles = complication of hypocalcemia = low levels of calcium
virilism the development ofmasculine physical traits in the female (ie.. growth of facial and body hair, deep voice etc...)
hemoglobin A1C test (HbA1c) blood test that shows the average level of glucose in blood during the past 3 months (ie.. glucose binds chemically to the hemoglobin molecules in the red blood cells) poorly controlled level may be 8 or higher...
endocrinology study of the endocrine system
adenopathy disease of a gland
thyroid gland hyperplasia goiter
unnatural protruding of the eyes exophthalmos
results in low levels of calcium in the blood hypoparathyroidism
occurs when large doses of glucocorticoids are given over a period of time cushings syndrome
results in demineralization in the bones hypercalcemia
conjunctiva thin, transparent tissue that covers the outer surface of the eye
white of eye sclera
the ability of the lens (of the eye) to focus on objects @ various distances is known as; accommodation
the impulses from the retina are transmitted through _______ where they are interpreted as vision optic nerve
emmetropia the state of normal vision
entropin eyelid turning inward
esotropia inward turning of one eye - in relation to the other
exotropia outward turning on one eye - in relation to the other
blepharospasm twitching of the eyelid muscles
blepharoptosis drooping of the upper eyelid
biomicroscopy ophthalmic examination of the eye - use of a slit lamp & magnifying lens; also known as slit-lamp exam
aphakia absence of the lens of the eye
anisocorla in-equal diameter of the pupils of eyes
ametropia error of refraction - causing eye not to focus
ophthalmologist medical doctor who specializes in the coar of the eyes & visual system
optician (not a doctor) specializes in filling prescriptions for corrective lenses
papilledema swelling of the optic disc
pupillary pertaining to the pupil of the eye
sclerectomy excision or removal of a portion of the sclera of the eye
palpebr/o eyelid
ptosis drooping or prolapse
scot/o darkness
cor pupil
ton tension
vitre/o glassy
xer dry
chalazion a cyst or nodule on the eyelid
exophthalmia protrusion of the eyeball(s)
hordeolum stye
hyperopia refractive error (farsightedness)
macular degeneration progressive deterioration of the retinal cells in the macula - due to aging (ARMD)
presbyopia refractive error (occurring after the age of 40) presby = old
myopia refractive error (nearsightedness)
nyctalopia inadequate vision at night (reduction in the synthesis of rhodopsin - in the rods of the retina that enables the eye to adjust to low-density light....
strabismus failure of the eyes to gaze in the same direction (weakness in the muscles controlling the position of one eye...)
covergent stabismus crosseye
divergent strabismus walleye
extracapsular cataract surgical removal of the lens capsule & lens - insertion of an intraocular lens implant
phacoemulsification removing a lens by using ultrasound vibrations to "split up" the lens material - into tiny particles that are suctioned out of eye
innitus ringing in the ears
vertigo sensation of spinning around or of having things in the room spin
IDS Integrated delivery system (ie.. a pt is seen in the ED at a hospital(part of the IDS) after collapsing @ home.. after tests - it was determined that the pt had a stroke. The Dr (who is a member of the IDS admits the pt to the hospital)
ACO Accountable Care Organization - defined by CMS as “groups of doctors, hospitals, and other healthcare providers, who come together voluntarily to give
Hospitals “Acute care” facilities that provide services to patients who have serious, sudden acute injuries or illnesses.
Critical Access Hospitals These hospitals are located more than 35 miles from any other hospital and are certified as being a necessary provider of care to the residents in the area.
Specialty Hospitals providing care to a particular population such as burn patients, children, or cancer treatment
Rehabilitation Hospitals Specialty hospitals devoted to rehabilitation of patients with various neurological, musculoskeletal and other conditions following stabilization of their acute illness
Behavioral Health Hospitals specialize in treatment of individuals with mental health diagnoses
Teaching Hospitals Teaching hospitals are attached to a medical school to train medical students and nurses.
Ambulatory Care Outpatient Care
Home Care Assessment and monitoring of illness, Intravenous (IV) medication administration, Wound care
Hospice care comprehensive medical and supportive care to terminally ill patients and their families - providing comfort rather than curative care (therapeutic treatment)
Long-Term Care skilled nursing facilities (nursing homes); residential care facilities, hospice and adult day-care programs. Characteristically, the length of stay is greater than 30 days
attending physician means the physician who has been selected by or assigned to the patient and who has assumed primary responsibility for treatment and care of the patient
Hospitalists are physicians trained in internal medicine who specialize in taking care of hospitalized patients
consulting physician An attending physician may ask another physician for their professional advice.
OPPS outpatient prospective payment system
hypertrophy enlargement or overgrowth of an organ or part
hyperplasia increase in the number of cells in a tissue
bougie (ie.. sounds like boo - g) slender, flexible cylindrical instrument for tubular organ such as urethra or esophagus (usually to dilate or constrict areas)
gastrotomy incision into the stomach
atresia congenital absence or closure of a normal body orifice or tubular organ
enterostomy the creation of an opening into the intestine thru the abdominal wall
parastomal hernia a hernia in the abdominal wall adjacent to a constructed stoma
hemodynamic movement of blood -> and the pressures being exerted in the veins, arteries and chambers of the heart
ventriculography radiography of ventricle of heart after injection of contrast medium; radiography of the head after removal of cerebrospinal fluid & replacement of air or contrast...
Swan-Ganz catheter (type of catheter.. soft, flow directed) - used for monitoring pulmonary artery catheter of the balloon-tip type; it is introduced into vein via - internal jugular or subclavian and is guided by blood flow into the superior vena cava, the right atrium and ventricle, and into the pulmonary artery.
opacification (opaque..) 1. development of opacity (cornea or lens) 2. rendering of a tissue or organ opaque to radiation by introduction of contrast medium
athroplasty surgical creation of a new joint - or the insertion of an artificial joint
osteotomy the surgical cutting of a bone - or removal of a piece of bone.
intramedullary 1. within the spinal cord 2. within the medulla oblongata 3. within the marrow cavity of a bone
exostosis bone spur - (also called osteoma) a benign overgrowth of a pre-existing bone
osteoplasty plastic surgery of the bones
synostosis union of bones that are normally distinct
pseudarthrosis deossification of a weight-bearing long bone (pathologic) followed by bending and pathologic fracture
epiphysiodesis premature fusion of an epiphysis to arrest growth
fasciotomy Incision through a fascia; used in the treatment of certain disorders / injuries when marked swelling is present or anticipated
free graft a graft transplanted without its nourishing blood supply; must undergo revascularization from the recipient bed.
ad·ju·vant A treatment that enhances an existing medical regimen, as a pharmacological agent added to a drug to increase or aid its effect: a substance which enhances the body's immune response to an antigen
rhinotomy (rhi·not·o·my) incision into the nose
nasoantrostomy (nazo-an-tros´t-me surgical formation of a nasoantral window for drainage of an obstructed maxillary sinus.
sinusotomy (sinus + tomy) incision into a sinus
antrostomy making an opening into an antrum for purposes of drainage
ethmoidectomy excision of the ethmoid cells or of a portion of the ethmoid bone
frenum a fold of membrane that checks restrains the motion of a part.... as in the fold on the underside of the tongue (frenoplasty...)
alveolectomy is a surgical dental procedure that aims to remove some or all of the alveolar bone that surrounds a tooth and change the shape and surface of the jawbone to prepare it for subsequent procedures.
gastrectomy is the surgical removal of all or part of the stomach
Pyloroplasty surgical alteration of the pylorus, usually a widening to facilitate the passage of food from the stomach to the duodenum
esophagectomy An operation to remove a portion of or an entire esophagus
cholangiopancreatography The endoscope is advanced into the duodenum, the biliary tract , and contrast medium is injected to visualize portions of the biliary tree (ie.. common bile duct, Rt & Lt hepatic duct, cystic duct and gallbladder)
vagotomy surgical cutting of the vagus nerve to reduce acid secretion in the stomach
cholangiography radiography of the biliary ducts after administration or injection of a contrast medium
fulguration destruction of living tissue by electric sparks generated by a high frequency current
conization the removal of a cone of tissue, as in biopsy (also called a cone biopsy...)
myoma a benign tumor made up of muscular element
craniosynostosis Premature fusion of the suture joints of the skull, usually occurring before birth and leading to a severe skull deformity. The condition can be caused by a mutation of the gene for a fibroblast growth factor receptor.
crainotomy surgical opening of the skull (ie... brain tumor removal, to remove blood clot or control hemorrhage, inspect the brain, perform a biopsy, or relieve pressure inside the skull)
myelography radiography of the spinal cord after injection of a contrast medium
cisternography radiography of the basal cistern of the brain after subarachnoid injection of a contrast medium.
sialography (ie... sigh l o graphy) An X-ray image of the duct of a salivary gland after injection of a radio-opaque liquid contrast medium
selective catheter placement placed into a branch off the aorta or access vessel. each of these vessels arising FROM the aorta (or access vessel) represents different vascular families... code to where the "tip" of the catheter is placed (but not the wire..) -> ie stent plcment etc.
non-selective catheter placement a catheter that remains in the accessed vessel or that has made it into the aorta which is still considered non-selective... if the catheter is advanced into another "branch" off the access vessel - that is selective
empyema condition in which pus collects in the pleural space, which is the area between your lungs and the inner surface of your chest wall.
thoractomy Thoracotomy is the process of making of an incision (cut) into the chest wall
tophus (gout) A nodular mass of uric acid crystals - tophi form most often around the joints in cartilage, bone, bursae, and subcutaneous tissue and in the external ear, producing a chronic, foreign-body inflammatory response.
osteomyelitis refers to a bone infection, almost always caused by a bacteria; an infectious, usually painful inflammatory disease of bone that is often of bacterial origin and may result in death of bone tissue
dehiscence means that the two sides of a surgical site have come apart
pericardium encloses the heart (like a bag) viseral, parietal
pericardial cavity contains fluid for the heart to "float" in -> reducing friction
Wall of heart -> epicardium outer layer, reduces friction
Wall of heart -> myocardium middle layer, mostly cardiac muscle
Wall of heart -> endocardium inner layer, blood vessels and purkinje fibers
ICD "other" or NEC means______ Provider more specific than code set (provider was more specific than the code set is....)
ICD "Unspecified" or NOS means _______ provider is Not specific (the provider was vague and the code set is more specific...)
ankylosis stiffness or fixation of a joint by disease or surgery
osteotomy a surgical operation in which a bone is divided or a piece of bone is excised
volvulus strangulation of the bowel
what type of hernia can be corrected by manipulation reducible
suffix that means to rupture rrhexis
ostectomy the excision of a bone or a portion of a bone
synovectomy removal of the joint lining
Valsalva maneuver attempting to forcibly exhale while keeping the mouth and nose closed. ie... It is used as a diagnostic tool to evaluate the condition of the heart and is sometimes done as a treatment to correct abnormal heart rhythms or relieve chest pain
colporrhaphy the operation of suturing the vagina (also to restore structure)
rectocele hernial protrusion of part of the rectum into the vagina
suppurative discharging pus
LeFort fracture A fracture usually involving more than one of the facial bones: maxillary, nasal, orbital, and/or zygomatic.
atresia Absence of a normal opening or narrowing... or failure of a structure to be tubular (ie..esophageal atresia - part of the esophagus is not hollow - anal atresia - there is no hole at the bottom end of the intestine)
Created by: Calender726
Popular Medical sets




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