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Medi Term Mid term

Mod 1-9 (mixed) All terms & definitions_10

oophoritis inflammation of an ovary
orifice an opening
ovarian pertaining to an ovary
ovarian carcinoma malignant tumor of the ovary; ovarian adenocarcinoma
ovarian cyst sacs of fluid within or on the ovaries
ovarian follicle tiny sac in the ovary that contains an egg cell
ovary one of two female reproductive organs (gonads) that produce egg cells and female hormones (estrogen or progesterone)
ovulation release of an egg cell from an ovary
ovum egg cell; plural is ova
oxytocia rapid labor & childbirth
oxytocin secretion of the pituitary gland causing contraction of uterus during labor & stimulation of milk secretion from breast
palpation process of examining by using hands or fingers on outside of the body
Pap smear microscopic exam of stained cells removed from vagina & cervix
parturition act of giving birth
pelvic inflammatory disease inflammation & infection of organs in pelvic region; including salpingitis, oophoritis, endometritis & endocervicitis
pelvic ultrasonography recoding images of sound waves as they bounce off the organs in pelvic region
pelvimetry measurement of dimensions of female pelvis
perineorrhaphy suture of perineum (following an episiotomy)
perineum area between anus & vagina in females
pituitary gland endocrine gland at the base of the brain
placenta vascular organ that develops in uterine wall during pregnancy
placenta previa placental implantation over the cervical opening or in the lower region of the uterine wall
preeclampsia abnormal condition of pregnancy marked by high blood pressure, proteinuria & edema
pregnancy condition of having a developing embryo & fetus in the body for about 40 weeks; gestation
prenatal pertaining to before birth
primigravida a woman during her 1st pregnancy
primipara a woman who has given birth to her 1st child
primiparous pertaining to a woman who has given birth to her 1st child
progesterone hormone secreted by ovaries; maintains lining of uterus during pregnancy
pseudocyesis falso pregnancy
puberty period during which secondary sex characteristics begin to develop & ability to reproduce begins
pyloric stenosis narrowing of opening of stomach to duodenum in a newborn
pyosalpinx pus in a fallopian tube
respiratory distress syndrome abnormal condition in infants when a protein (surfactant) is missing in the lung tissues; infants have difficult respiratory function; hyaline membrane disease
retroversion tipping backward of an organ or a part of the body; uterus
salpingectomy removal of a fallopian tube
salpingitis inflammation of a fallopian tube
tubal ligation typing off of the fallopian tubes to make a woman incapable of reproduction; sterilization of a female
uterine serosa outermost layer surrounding uterus
uterus hollow pear-shaped muscular female organ in which the embryo or fetus develop; womb
vagina muscular, mucosal tube extending from uterus (cervix) to exterior of the body
vaginal orifice opening of vagina to exterior of body
vaginitis inflammation of vagina
vulva external female genetalia; labia, clitoris & vaginal orifice
vulvovaginitis inflammation of vulva & vagina
zygote stage in prenatal development from fertilization & implantation to 2 weeks
alph-fetoprotein AFP - high levels in amniotic fluid of fetus, or maternal serum, indicate increased risk of neurologic birth defects in the infant
atypical squamous cells of unknown significance ASCUS - abnormal Pap smear but does not meet criteria for a lesion
ductal carcinoma in suti DCIS - a precancerous breast lesion that indicates a higher risk for invasive ductal breast cancer
diethylstibestrol DES - an estrogen compound used in treatment of menopausal problems involving estrogen deficiency; if administered during pregnancy it has been found to be related to subsequent tumors in the daughters of mother so treated (rarely in sons)
gonadotropin-releasing hormone GnRH - secreted by the hypothalamus to stimulate release of FSH & LH from pituitary gland
Papanicolaou smear Pap smear - test for cervical or vaginal cancer
sentinel lymph node biopsy SLN biopsy or SNB - blue dye or radioisotopes (or both) identifies first lymph node draining the breast lymphatics
days 1-5 of menses cycle(menstrual period) discharge of bloody fluid containing disintegrated endometrial cells, glandular secretions and blood cells
days 6-12 of menses cycle after bleeding ceases, endometrium begins repair; maturing follicle in ovary releases estrogen, which aids repair; ovum grows in follicle during this period
days 13 & 14 of menses cycle(ovulation period) on or about 14th day of menses cycle, follicle ruptures & egg leaves ovary, through fallopian tube
days 15-28 of menses cycle(fertilization) empty follicle fills with yellow material & is now the corpus leteum (which functions as endocrine organ) secreting progesterone into blood stream; this hormone stimulates building up of uterus lining anticipating fertilization of egg & pregnancy
days 15-28 of menses cycle(no fertilization) the corpus leteum will stop producing progesterone & regresses; lower levels of progesterone & estrogen responsible for depression, breast tenderness & irritability (PMS); 2 days lower hormones uterine endometrium breaks down & days 1-5 begin
rapid plasma reagin RPR - test for syphilis
transrectal ultrasound TRUS - test to assess the prostate gland & to guide the precise placement of a biopsy needle
transurethral incision of the prostate TUIP - successful in less enlarged prostate & less invasive than TURP
transurethral needle ablation TUNA - radiofrequency energy destroys prostate tissue
androgen hormone that stimulates development of male secondary characteristics, such as beard growth & deepening of voice
anchorism congenital absence of one or both testes
aspermia failure in a male sperm cells production as well as ejaculation of semen
azoospermia lack of live spermatozoa in semen
balanitis inflammation of glans penis
bulbourethral one of a pair of exocrine glands, located on either side of male urethra, gland just below the prostate gland; secretes fluid that is part of semen; Cowper gland
castration removal of sex glands; testes
chancre primary lesion of syphilis; a hard ulcer occurring at the site of entry of the bacterial infection & most frequently on external genitalia of a male or female
Chlamydia infection bacterial infection causing pelvic inflammation in reproductive tract of women or men
Created by: lfrancois
Popular Medical sets




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