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Medical Terminology

Chapter 6 ,191-192

bucc/o (cheek) buccal
cec/o (cecum) cecal volvulus (Cecal volvulus is a rare form of intestinal obstruction. It occurs when the cecum, which is between the small bowel and colon, detaches from the abdominal wall and twists on itself)
celi/o (belly, abdomen ) celiac disease: Damage to the lining of the small intestine as a reaction to eating gluten (protein found in wheat, barley, and rye). Malabsorption and malnutrition occur.
cheil/o (Lip) (cheilosis; Characterized by scales and fissures on the lips and resulting from a deficiency of vitamin B2 (thiamine) in the diet.)
chol/e (bile; gall) cholelithiasis (Choledocholithiasis refers to the presence of 1 or more gallstones in the common bile duct (CBD).
cholangi/o (bile vessel) cholangitis: In this term, one i is dropped. The most common cause of this condition is bacterial infection.
cholecyst/o (gallbladder) Choledocholithiasis refers to the presence of 1 or more gallstones in the common bile duct (CBD).
choledoch/o (common bile duct) choledochal choledochectasia
col/o (colon) colectomy: Surgeons perform laparoscopic-assisted colectomy (LAC) as an alternative to open colectomy to remove non metastatic colorectal carcinomas.
colon/o (colon) colonoscopy
dent/i (tooth) dentalgia
enter/o (intestines, usually small intestine) gastroenteritis
esophag/o (esophagus) esophageal atresia: This congenital anomaly must be corrected surgically.
gastr/o (stomach) gastrostomy: Also called a G tube or “button”. One type is a PEG (percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy) tube, which is inserted (laparoscopically) through the abdomen into the stomach to deliver food and liquids when swallowing is impossible.
gingiv/o (gums) gingivectomy
gloss/o (tongue) glossectomy (excision of all or a portion of the tongue)
gluc/o (sugar) gluconeogenesis
glyc/o (glucose; sugar) glycogen: A form of sugar stored in the liver.
hepat/o (liver) Of or pertaining to the liver
herni/o (hernia) herniorrhaphy
ile/o (ileum) ileostomy: a surgical operation in which a piece of the ileum is diverted to an artificial opening in the abdominal wall.
jejun/o (jejunum) cholecystojejunostomy
labi/o (lip) labiodental
lingu/o (tongue) sublingual
lip/o (fat (a type of lipid) lipase
lith/o (stone; calculus) cholecystolithiasis
odont/o (Tooth) periodontal membrane
or/o (mouth) oropharynx: The tonsils are located in the oropharynx
palat/o (palate) palatoplasty: Also called palatorrhaphy, this procedure corrects cleft (split) palate, a congenital anomaly.
pancreat/o (pancreas) pancreatitis pancreatoduodenectomy: Sometimes called a pancreaticoduodenectomy. This is a Whipple procedure, a surgical treatment for pancreatic cancer
proct/o (anus and rectum) proctosigmoidoscopy: An examination of the rectum and the lower part of the colon, using a thin, lighted instrument called a sigmoidoscope.
pylor/o (pyloric sphincter) pyloric stenosis: Pyloric stenosis is an uncommon condition in infants that blocks food from entering the small intestine.
rect/o (rectum) rectal carcinoma: Rectal cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the rectum.
sialaden/o (salivary gland) sialoadenectomy act of cutting; incising, incision, (excision of a salivary gland).
splen/o (spleen) splenic flexure: The downward bend in the transverse colon near the spleen. The hepatic flexure is the bend in the transverse colon near the liver.
steat/o (fat) steatorrhea: the excretion of abnormal quantities of fat with the feces owing to reduced absorption of fat by the intestine.
stomat/o (mouth) aphthous stomatitis: Aphthous stomatitis is a common condition characterized by the repeated formation of benign and non-contagious mouth ulcers (aphthae) in otherwise healthy individuals.
duoden/o (duodenum) duodenal: Pertaining to the duodenum, part of the small intestine. As in duodenal ulcer or duodenal biliary drainage.
an/o (anus) perianal (anus) situated in or affecting the area around the anus.
Created by: MissMeeMee
Popular Medical sets




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