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Chapter 13
Blood System
Combining Form | Meaning |
bas/o | base (alkaline, the opposite of acid) |
chrom/o | color (hypochromic) |
coagul/o | clotting (anticoagulant) |
cyt/o | cell (cytology) |
eosin/o | red, dawn, rossy (eosinophil) |
erythr/o | red (erythroblast) |
granul/o | granules (grancyte) |
hem/o | blood (hemolysis) |
hemat/o | blood (hematocrit) |
hemoglobin/o | hemoglobin (hemoglobinopathy) |
is/o | same, equal (anisocytosis) |
kary/o | nucleus (megakaryocyte) Platelets, actually blood cell fragments, are formed in bone marrow from giant cells with multilobed nuclei called megakaryocytes |
leuk/o | white (leukopenia) |
mon/o | one, single (monocyte) |
morph/o | shape, form (morphology) |
myel/o | bone marrow (myeloblast) |
neutr/o | neutral (neither base nor acid) neutropenia (this term refers to neutrophils) |
nucle/o | nucleus (polymorphonuclear) |
phag/o | eat swallow (phagocyte) Neutrophils are phagocytes (phag/o means to eat or swallow) that accumulate at sites of infection, where they ingest and destroy bacteria. |
poikil/o | varied, irregular (poikilocytosis) irregularity in the shape of red blood cells . Poikilocytosis occurs n certain types of anemia. |
sider/o | iron (sideropenia) |
spher/o | globe, round (spherocytosis) In this condition, the erythrocyte has a round shape, making the cell fragile and easily able to be destroyed. |
thrombo/o | clot (thrombocytopenia) |