Combining Form
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Combining Form
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Chapter 18
Combining Form | MEANING |
aden/o | gland adenectomy |
adrenal/o | adrenal gland adrenalectomy |
gonad/o | sex glands (ovaries and testes) Here, tropin means to act on. Gonadotropins act on (stimulate) gonads. Examples of gonadotropins are FSH, secreted by the pituitary gland. |
pancreat/o | pancreas pancreatectomy |
parathyroid/o | parathyroid gland parathyroidectomy |
pituitar/o | pituitary gland; hypophysis hypopituitarism |
thyr/o, thyroid/o | thyroid gland thyrotropic hormone Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is a thyrotropic hormone secreted by the pituitary gland. Thyroiditis- May result from bacterial or viral infection, or and autoimmune reaction. |
andr/o | male androgen: Androgens are produced by the tests in males and by the adrenal cortex in males and females. |
calc/o, calci/o | calcium hypercalcemia |
cortic/o | cortex, outer region corticosteroid |
crin/o | secrete endocrinologist |
dips/o | thirst polydipsia: Poly- means many or increased. Uncontrolled diabetes (mellitus or insipidus) causes increased thirst. |
estr/o | female estrogenic |
gluc/o | sugar glucagon-In this term, -agon means to assemble or gather together. Glucagon raises blood sugar by stimulating its release from glycogen into the bloodstream. |
glyc/o | sugar hyperglycemia |
home/o | sameness homeostasis The suffix -stasis means to control |
hormon/o | hormone hormonal |
kal/i | potassium hypokalemia-This condition can occur in dehydration and with excessive vomiting and diarrhea. The heart is particularly sensitive to potassium loss. |
lact/o | milk prolactin The suffix -in means a substance. |
myx/o | mucus myxedema-Mucus-like material accumulates under the skin |
natr/o | sodium hyponatremia_Occurs with hyposecretion of the adrenal cortex as salts and water leave the body. |
phys/o | growing hypophysectomy The hypophysis is the pituitary gland, which is so named because it grows from the undersurface (hypo-) of the brain. |
somat/o | body somatotropin Growth hormone. |
ster/o | solid structure steroid: This complex, solid, ring-shaped molecule resembles a sterol (such as cholesterol); many hormones (androgens, estrogens, glucocorticoids. and mineralocorticoids) are steroids. |
toc/o | childbirth oxytocin: Oxy- means rapid |
toxic/o | poison thyrotoxicosis: Condition caused by excessive thyroid gland activity and over secretion of thyroid hormone. Signs and symptoms are sweating, weight loss, tachycardia, and nervousness. |
ur/o | urine antidiuretic hormone: Posterior pituitary hormone that affects the kidneys and reduces water. |