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Oral Pathology-Ch 17

Hard Tissue Enlargements

torus palatinus/mandibular torus etiology genetic and ethnic predisposition, masticatory stresses from bruxing and clenching, environmental factors
torus palatinus/mandibular torus epidemiology found in adults and occur after puberty, females to males 2:1 for the torus palatinus, mandibular tori are reported to occur more frequently
torus palatinus/mandibular torus pathogenesis tori are comprised of normal compact bone
torus palatinus/mandibular torus dental implications bony growths may interfere with speech, eating, toothbrush, may interfere with exposure of radiographs, growths may need to be removed
exostosis etiology exuberant growth of compact bone
exostosis location facial surfaces of the maxilla and the mandible and manifests as lobulated; posterior region is affected most often
exostosis dental implications may interfere with dentures or continuous injury to the site producing chronic inflammation
Chronic osteomyelitis inflammatory response process of the bone and bone marrow caused by an infection
osteomyelitis etiology initial infection is typically from a bacterial source, abscesses, periodontal infections, jaw fractures, cysts
chronic osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis infection stimulating the periosteum to become hyper plastic and causes the body to lay down bone on the surface of the cortical bone to wall off the infection
ameloblastoma (odontogenic benign tumor) etiology arises from the epithelial or mesenchymal remnants of tooth-forming tissues
ameloblastoma epidemiology location occurring mostly on the mandibularmolar region around impacted 3rd molars
calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor etiology benign epithelial odontogenic tumor, possibly originating from the remnants of the enamel organ
calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor location premolar/molar area and associated with impacted teeth, facial asymmetry, expansion of jaw
CEOT radiographic characteristics mulitlocular/unilocular radiolucent lesions with well-defined, sometimes scalloped, margins, and varying amounts of diffuse opaque calcifications
ossifying fibroma benign neoplasm composed of cementum like calcifications and bony components that develop within fibrous connective tissue; may cause swelling and facial asymmetry
ossifying fibroma etiology unknown
ossifying fibroma epidemiology generally occurring in the premolar and molar regions of the mandible, higher female predilection
central giant cell granuloma etiology believed to be a reactive lesion or a reparative response to trauma or other local factors
central giant cell granuloma epidemiology 65%-75% prevalence for the mandible, most often found anterior to the molar teeth and sometimes in the molar area, favors under 20 years of age, female predilection
central giant cell granuloma radiographic characteristics anterior to first molar, radiolucent, multiolocular or less often unilocular lesion with scalloped and expanding margins
central giant cell granuloma intramural characteristics lesion penetrates and protrudes through the cortical bone, it then appears as a soft tissue, flat-based nodule, with a blue to purple color, typically painless
osteosarcoma most common primary malignant tumor found in bone
osteosarcoma etiology gene tests with mutations
osteosarcoma pathogenesis arising in the long bones (femur and tibia)m can also be found in the maxialla and mandible
chondrosarcoma malignant tumor of cartilage, manifesting as a painless swelling of the affected bones with possible ulceration of the overlying mucosa
Ewing's sarcoma malignant bone tumor of unknown origin; ramus of the mandible is the most common intramural lesion
ewing's epidemiology children, male teens
ewing's radiographic characteristics "moth eaten radiolucency" or as an infection in the bone with destruction or erosion of the cortical bone
Created by: kellyvincent
Popular Medical sets




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