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Ch15 Ner Sy & Psy Di
Nervous System & Psychological Disorders review
Question | Answer |
the network of structures that coordinates, and control all functions of the body | nervous system |
create sensations, produce thoughts and memory and make decisions based on sensory input | integrative functions |
is composed of the brain and the spinal cord | central nervous system |
composed of two types of cell: neurons and neuroglia | nervous system |
carries impulses away from the cell body | axon |
transmit impulses to the cell | dendrites |
axons are surrounded by a white lipid covering called | myelin sheath |
the region of communication between one neuron and another is called | synapse |
a chemical that transmits a nervous impulse that either inhibits or enhances a reaction | neuro/transmitter |
concerning both nerves and muscles | neuro/musclu/ar |
the area of contacht between a neuron and adjoining skeletal muscle | neuromuscluar |
an automatic, involuntary response to some change, either inside or outside the body is | reflex |
brain and spinal cord are protected by three membranes called | meninges and circulating cerebrospinal fluid |
pertaining to meninges | meningeal |
below the dura mater | subdural |
the largest and uppermost portion of te brain | cerebrum |
pertaining to the cranium and cerebrum | craniocerebral |
concerning the back part of the head | occipital lobe |
associated with personality, behavior, emotion, and intellectual functions | frontal lobes |
associated with hearing and smell | temporal lobes |
associated with vision | occipital lobes |
associated with langauge and the general function of sensation | parietal lobes |
two nerves bound together by a common sheath of connective tissue is | sciatic nerve |
within the spinal canal | intra/thecal |
pertaining to the brain and the spinal cord | cerebro/spinal |
pertaining to the cerebellum | cerebell/ar |
portion of the nervous system that is outside the central nervous system | periphearl nervous system |
systems that are divisions of the autonomic nervous system | sympathetic and parasympathetic |
activation of the sympathetic division causes a series of physilogic reponses called | fthe fight-or-flight response |
receptors that are stimulated by chemcial stimuli are | chemoreceptors |
senstive to mechanical changes in touch or pressure are widely distributed in the skin | mechano/receptors |
located immediately under teh skin and are widely distributed throughout the body | thermo/receptors |
detect changes in tempearture | thermorecptors |
pertaining to the eye | ophthalm/ic and ocul/ar |
contains recptors that enable us to hear | cochlea |
enable us to manintain a snese of balance | semicircular |
pertains to hearing | audi/ble |
is the science of hearing | audio/logy |
a person skilled in audiologty | audiologist |
sense of smell | olffaction |
petaining to the sense of smell | olfactory |
loss or impairment of the sense of smell, | anosmia |
an abnormally increase sensitivity to odors | hyerosmia |
two types of reflex that are easily tested are deep tendon reflex and | superficial reflex |
the introduction of a hollow needle into the subarchnoid space of the lumbar part of the spinal canal | lumber puncture |
the process of recording the electrical activity of the brain | electro/encephalo/graphy |
uses ultrasonic waves beamed through the head to record structural aspects of the brain | echo/encephalo/graphy |
radiography of the spinal cord | myelography |
used to visulize the blood vessels of the brain after injection of a radiopaque contrast medium | ceebral angio/graphy |
used to assess aneurysms, as well as to loceate absecesses, tumors or hematomas | brain scans |
radiography of the lacrimal sac | dacryo/cysto/graphy |
an instrument for measuring the eye | ophthalmo/meter |
is an impairment of the ability to read and results from a variety of pathologic conditions, some of which | dyslexia |
a word that refers to sensivity to pain and is also used a as suffix | algesia |
increased sensivitiy to pain | hyepr/algesia |
an imaginary or false sensastion | paraesthesia |
a type of neuralgia that affects many nerves stimultaneously | poly/neur/algia |
a condition in which many periphearl nerves are affected | poly/neuro/pathy |
inflammtion of many nervous | poly/neur/itis |
hardening of nervous system | neuro/scler/osis |
inflammation of the sciatic nerve | sciatica |
is a synonym for headache | cephal/algia |
result from the long-substained contraction of skeletal muscles around the scalp, face, neck and upper back | tension headaches |
characterized by intense unlaterial pain | cluster headaches |
occuring on one side only | uni/lateral |
is a vascular disorder characterized by recurrent throbbing headaches | migraine headaches |
sensitivity of the eyes to light | photophobia |
absence of speech | dys/phasia |
difficult, poorly articulated speech, usually caused by damage to a central of periphearl motor nerve is | dys/arthria |
any disease involving the spinal cord and brain | encephalo/myelo/pathy |
accumulatin of blood between the dura mater and the archnoid is | subdural hematoma |
an abnormal localixed dilation of a cerebral artery | cerebral aneursym |
caused by the rupture of a cerebral artery | hemorrhagic strokes |
caused by a cerbral embolus | embolic stroke |
caused by plaque deposits that build up on thinterior of a cerbral artery | thrombotic strokes |
the loss of muscle function, loss of sensation, or both and a sign of an underlying problem | paralysis |
paralysis of both sides of the body | di/plegia |
paralysis of all four extremities | quadri/plegia |
an abnormal protrusion near the spine | meningocele or menino/myelo/cele |
a motor function disorder caused by a permanaent, nonprogressive brain defect present at birth or occurring shortly thereafter | cerebral palsy |
is a herediatary disorder that affects both genders equally | huntington's disease |
absence of the ear | anotia |
is inflammation of the brain and spinal cord | encephalo/myel/itis |
inflammtions of the brain tissue | encephal/itis |
inflammtion of the brain and its covering | encephalo/meningitis |
inflammtion of the cerebellum | cerebellitis |
inflammtion of a ventricle | ventricul/itis |
caused by a bacterium and is easily preventable through immunization | tetanus |
caused by a type of bacteria that is toxic to nervous tissuse and causes paralysis of both voluntary and involuntary motor activity | botulism |
is an acute viral disease that attachs the gray matter of the spinal cord and parts of the brain | poliomyelitis |
abnormal fear of water | hydro/phobia |
primary tumor of the bain and is composed of | neuroglia |
tumor of the meninges that graow slowly and may invade the skull | meningi/oma |
disorders such as brain tumors that infers with flow of csf cause fluid accumulation in the skull | hydrocephalus |
is a benign tumor composed chiefly of neurons and nerve fibers | neur/oma |
abnoraml, sudden, excessive discharge of electrical activity within the brain | seizure |
stimulant drus are often prescribed to prevent the sudden attacks of sleep at inappropriate times | narcolepsy |
slow movement or slowness of all voulunatry movement of speech | brady/kinesia |
a progressive degenerative disease that affects teh myelin sheath and conduction pathways of the central nervous system | multiple sclerosis |
a chronic neuromuscular disease charcterized by great muscular weakness and fatigue | my/asthenia graivs |
progressive mental disorder of the brain charchterized by confusion, disorentation, deterioration of memory and intellectula abilities, and personality disintergration | dementia |
abnormal condition in which one or both upper eyelids droop | blephar/optosis |
inflammtion of the eyelid | blephar/itis |
inflammation of the cornea | keratitis |
abnormal softening of the eyeball | ophthalmo/malacia |
paralysis fo the eye | ophthalmo/plegia |
hemorrhage from the eye | ophthalmo/rrhgia |
pain in the eye | ophthalm/algia |
abnormal prgressive condition of the lens of the eye, charcterized by loss of transparency | cataract |
abnormal conditon of increased pressure witin the eye | glaucoma |
any disease of the retina | retino/pathy |
is a lacrimal calculus or a tera stone | dacryo/lith |
is the presence of lacrimal calculi | dacryo/lith/iasis |
inflammtion of the lacrimal sac | dacryo/sinus/itis |
a tear stone in the nasal duct | rhino/dacryo/lith |
means double vision | dipl/opia |
hperopia and impairment of vision due to advancing years or to old age | presby/opia |
inflammtion of the ear | otitis |
discharge of the ear | otorrhea |
hardening of the ear | oto/sclerosis |
ringing in the ears | tinnitus |
a disorder charcterized by subaverage general intelligence with deficits or impairments in the ability to learn and to adapt socially | mental retardation |
characterized by withdrawal and impaired development in social inteaction and communication | autism |
characterized by anticipation of impending danger and dread, the source of which is largely unknown or unrecognized | anxiety disorders |
obessive, irrational, and intense fears of an object, activity, or physical situation | phobia |
means an irrational fear of heights | acrophobia |
a morbid fear of closed places | clausetro/phobia |
characterized by an acute emotional response after a traumatic event or situation involving severe environmental stress | posttraumatic stress disorder |
a major mental disorder charcterized by the occurrence of amnic episodes and major depressive episodes | biopolor disorder |
excesssive preoccupation with fire | pyro/mania |
obsessive preoccupation with fires | pyro/manaic |
charcterized by an abnormal, uncontrollable, and recurrent urge to steal | kelpto/mania |
nervous disorder charchterized by weakness and sometimes nervous exhaustion | neur/asthenia |
a false or pretended mental disorder | pseudo/mania |
hysterical paralysis | pseudo/plegia |
any of a large group of psychotic disorders | schizo/phrenia |
reliving pain or not sensitive to pain | an/algesic |
used to reduce pain by temporarily or permantely blocking transmission of nerve impulses | nerve blocks |
surgical prodcedure in which one of more sympathetic nerves are severed | sympathectomy |
severing of various branches of the vagus nerve and is done to reduce the amount of acid secreted int he stomach | vago/tomy |
surgical crushing of a nerve | neuro/tripsy |
destruction of nerves | neuro/lysis |
surgical repair of a nerve | neuroplasty |
suture of a nerve | neuro/rrhaphy |
incision of the brain | cerebrotomy |
surgical opening into the skull | craniotomy |
excision of an aneurysm | aneursym/ectomy |
surgical repair of the skull | cranio/plasty |
used to treat deep introacranial brain tumors with a focused beam of gamma radition without surgical incision | gamma knife sterotacix radiosurgery |
are drugs often used as sedatives to produce a calming effect | hypnotics |
the use of plastic surgery to restore or repair the eyelid | blepharo/plasty |
surgical creation of a passageway between the lacrimal sac and the nose | dacryo/cysto/rhino/stomy |
incision of the lacrimal sca | dacryo/cysto/tomy |
a method of diagnosing and treating disorders of the mind | psycho/analysis |
treatment of disorders of the mind by pschological means rather than by physcial means | psycho/therapy |
the study of the action of druds on funtions of the mind | psycho/pharamacology |