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AP Human Unit 3 Ch4

Acculturation Process of less dominant culture adopting traits of the more dominant one
Artifact a materialistic item of culture
Assimilation When the less dominant culture loses native customs completely
Cultural Diffusion Spread of culture to areas surrounding the cultural hearth
Cultural Hearth The area where a cultural trait first began
Cultural Imperialism The practice of promoting and imposing a culture, usually of a politically powerful nations over less powerful societies
Culture A collection of group customs
Culture Trait A single attribute of a culture
Custom repetitive act of a group, performed to an extent that it becomes a characteristic of a group
Designed Landscape Landscape that embodies the ideals of the designer
Ethnocentrism Practice of judging another culture by the standards of one's culture
Ethnographic Landscape Contains both cultural and natural resources important to a certain group of people
Folk Culture traditionally practiced by small, homogeneous groups living in isolated rural areas
Folk Culture Region Culture group where norms are traditionally practiced by a small, homogeneous, rural group of people living in relative isolation from other groups
Folk Music Unknown composers and transmitted through oral tradition, contains important life event, and is often used to teach successive generations about culturally relevant topics.
Habit repetitive act that an individual performs
Historic Site important because of a historic event, person, or activity
Independent Innovation Cultural traits develop in different hearths from interaction from one another
Indigenous cultures Culture group made up of the original inhabitants of a territory that is distinct from the dominant national culture
Material Culture houses, furniture, instruments, books
Popular culture Made up of large, heterogeneous societies that share certain habits
popular music Music written and performed specifically for being sold to a large group of people
subculture A group that shares in some parts of the dominant culture but has their own distinctive values, norms, language, and/or material culture
syncretic combination of different cultural concepts into one
taboo Restriction of a behavior by religious law or social custom
terroir Sum of effects on a particular food item of soil
transculturation Two way flow of culture between the dominant and less dominant culture
uniform landscapes Area looks the same
vernacular landscape Landscape that comes about through use over time
Created by: jasminalei
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