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Lindsey Jones 3C2
Lindsey Jones 3C2 - Therapeutics : Microbiology
Question | Answer |
What is microbiology? | Keyword is INFECTION. It is about microscopic organisms that can infect us. |
What are the 5 different types of Organisms? | 1. Gram positive. 2. Gram negative. 3. Acid-fast bacilli. 4. Viruses and 5. Fungi. |
What are the 4 Gram Positive Organisms? | Any word w/ coccus. 1. Pneumococcus. 2. Steptococcus. 3. Diplococcus. 4. Staphlococcus. |
Gram Positive Organisms Treat with (Penicillin-Type) Antibiotics- What are the three types? | 1. Amoxicillin. 2. Carbenicillin. 3. Ampicillin. |
In gram positive organisms if patient is restitant to penicillin then what treatment do you give? | 1. Nafcillin. 2. Oxacillin. 3.Methacillin. |
In Gram Positive organisms if patient is alergic to penicillin antibiotics & penicillin resistant medication then what treatment do you give? | 1. Erythromycin. 2. Cephaloridine (loridine) 3. Cephalexin (Keflex). 4. Cephalothin (Keflin). |
What are the 6 Gram Negative Organisms? | 1. Pseudomonas aeruginosa 2. Haemophilus influenza 3. Klebsiella 4. Proteus 5. E.Coli 6.Serratia marcescens |
How is Gram Negative Organisms caused, where do you find it & How do you prevent it? | 1. Spread by poor hand washing & unsanitary environmental conditions. 2. Found in normal Flora for the GI tract 3. Best prevented by Hand washing. |
What are the treatments for Gram Negative Organisms? | 1. Sterptomycin 2. Gentamycin 3. Tobramycin |
What is acid-fast Bacilli? | 1. Related to TB 2. Mycobacterium TB (tubercle bacilli) |
What are the treatments for Acid-fast Bacilli? | 1. Isoniazid (INH) 2. Rifampin 3. Ethambutol 4. Streptomycin. Treatment course can last upto 2 yrs. Pt. compliance is difficult, education is very important. |
Name some Anti-viral agents for viruses? | 1. Influenza 2. Adenovirus 3. Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) 4. Cytomegalovirus |
How do you treat Virus? | There are not many antiviral drugs. Only one is worth reviewing. 1. Ribavirin (Virazole)- Used to treat RSV. Only administered with SPAG unit. Must be kept away from preg. Women. Drug crystallizes and cause obstruction- use appropriate filters. |
Name 3 funguses(Fungi)? | 1. Candidiasis (Candida)- Thrust mouth 2. Histoplasma Capsulatum (Histoplasmosis)3. Coccidimycosis (coccidioides)immitis |
How do treat the fungus Candidiasis? | 1. Nystatin & Amphotericin B |
What causes Tetracycline? | 1. Mycoplasma Pneumonia 2. Chronic Bronchitis 3. Rocky Mountain spotted fever. |
What causes Nosocomial Infections? | Poor hand washing. Transmitted thru direct contact, indirect contact(equipment) & Airborne mechanisms (coughing & sneezing) |
How do you treat equipments that cause Nasocomial infections? | 1. Always sterilize equipment 2. Use one-way valves 3. Utilize Singe-pt.-use equipment. 4. Dedicate equipment to infectious pts. (stethoscope, IPPB). |
How do you treat Aerosols-Small Volume Nebulizers(SVN) | Use disposable, replace frequently/deliver same medication via an MDI. |
In Aerosols, water reservoirs should have sterile water only. Why? | Tap Water can promote an infection of pseudomonas aeruginosa. If possible, use disposable, self-contained water reservoirs. |
What are the General Prevention Guidelines? | 1. Use unit dose medication 2. Write date &time on all disposable equipment 3. Discard disposable equipment in room 4. Wipe down all equipment with 70% alcohol solution. 5. Double bag infectious disposable equipment before discarding. |
what are the 6 isolation methods? | 1. Universal precaution 2. Respiratory Isolation 3. Strict Isolation 4. Reverse Isolation 5. Enteric Isolation 6. Contact Isolation. |
What is Universal precautions? | 1. Gloves, Mask & Gown |
What is Respiratory Isoaltion? | 1. Airborne Particles, use the N95 particular respirator , in addition to universal precaution. Pt. use mask when visitors are present or when transported outside the room for a procedure. |
What is Strict Isolation? | Gloves, gowns, masks to be used by all that enter the room. |
What is Reverse Isolation(protective)? | For immunosuppressed pts. Such as AIDS, burn trauma,etc. Also for organ transplant to provide extra protection & lower risk for infection. |
What is Enteric Isolation? | use gloves- cover any part of the body that comes in contact with blood , fecal matter, etc. |
What is Contact Isolation(wound&sking? | use gloves & gown if very close body contact. |
Where you can find Pathogenic Organisms? | In Blood, Sputum , Urine & on any number of places on the body. |
Two ways of getting a sputum? | 1. Expectorated. 2. transtracheal aspirate sample. |
In sputum culture what do you mean by Expectorated? | 1. Must do prior to eating. best done in the morning. Commonly contaminated with oral flora |
In Sputum Culture, What is transtracheal Aspirate Sample? | 1. Catheter placed thru an incision in the cricothyroid membrane. 2. Untained sputum sample can be obtained with this method. 3. Sample used to diagnose Legionnaire's Disease ONLY. |
what is the Method of lung tissue via Percutaneous Lung Biopsy? | Method of obtaining lung tissue to analyze for malignancies, lesions, etc. it is done thru a small hole in the chest wall & is done in lieu of tissue sampling w/ a bronchoscope or a larger surgical opening. |