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Term | Definition |
Alcohol | a depressant, it first causes stimulation because it depresses the part of the brain responsible for self-control and decision making, affects brain and liver |
Alpha waves | awake and relaxed |
Animal magnetism | a presumed intangible or mysterious force that is said to influence human beings |
Beta waves | awake and alert |
Biofeedback | people are made aware of their bodily processes and thus learn to control them |
Caffeine | stimulant |
Circadian rhythm | daily rhythm, internal biological clock regulates when we are alert or tired |
Cocaine | stimulant, works primarily on the dopamine system, producing euphoria and increasing alertness |
Consciousness | state of awareness, alert to unalert |
Delta waves | deep sleep |
Depressants | decrease body arousal |
Dream interpretations | process of assigning meaning to dreams |
Dreams | useful and necessary part of our sleep cycle |
EEG | can be used to teach someone how to control their brain waves, goal is to teach the subject to produce alpha waves |
Franz Mesmer | established a theory of illness that involved internal magnetic forces, which he called animal magnetism |
Gaba | helps to carry nerve signals across a synapse, inhibitory neurotransmitter, which means that it weakens or slows down signals, important role in anxiety |
Hallucinogens | Drugs that cause hallucinations |
Heroin | opiate |
Hypnosis | altered state of consciousness in which a person becomes very suggestible |
Hypnotic analgesia | hypnosis used to reduce pain |
Insomnia | inability to obtain the proper amount of sleep |
Jet lag | product of circadian rhythm |
LSD | made from ergot, vivid hallucinations, impaired reactions, flashbacks |
Marijuana | dried leaves and hemp plant, leads to psychological rather than physical dependence |
Meditation | form of relaxation that involves clearing one’s mind and focusing attention |
Narcolepsy | drowsiness coupled with random sleep attacks throughout the day, person goes straight to REM |
Narcotics | also called opiates, lead to pain reduction, euphoria, drowsiness, and decreased respiratory function |
Night terrors | unconscious spells of confusion, screaming, or panic that occur during Stage IV sleep |
Nightmares | unpleasant dreams that occur during REM sleep |
Non REM sleep | stages 1-4 |
Opiates | also called narcotics, lead to pain reduction, euphoria, drowsiness, and decreased respiratory function |
POSTHYPNOTIC SUGGESTIONS | used to create a permanent change in behavior after the hypnotic state has ended |
Psychoactive drugs | affect a person’s nervous system and state of consciousness |
Psychoanalytic theory | Sigmund Freud believed that dreams give insight into our unconscious motives and desires |
REM sleep | fifth stage, characterized by muscle paralysis, high levels of brain activity, and rapid eye movement, almost all dreaming takes place |
Sleep apnea | episodes of restricted breathing and choking that last 10-15 seconds and occur hundreds of times throughout the night, this causes a loud “snoring” noise and disrupts normal sleep patterns |
Sleep spindles | rhythmic bursts of activity |
Sleep walking | stage 4, moving around or carrying out behaviors while sleeping |
Stage 1 sleep | decrease of bodily processes and production of slow theta waves(>10 min) |
Stage 2 sleep | marked by sleep spindles(20 min) |
Stage 3 sleep | between light sleep and very deep sleep, begins to produce delta waves |
Stage 4 sleep | deepest sleep, difficult to wake up |
Stimulants | increase body arousal |
Theta waves | light sleep |