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SSCT Med Term CH1314

SSCT Medical Terminology Web3 Chapters 13 &14 & Abbreviations

ABO three main blood groups
bld. blood
CBC complete blood count
ESR; sed rate erythrocyte sedimentation rate
Hb; Hgb hemoglobin
Hct hematcrit
H&H hemoglobin & hematocrit
MCH mean corpuscular hemoglobin
MCHC mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
MCV mean corpuscular volume
PT prothrombin time
PTT partial thromoplastin time
RBC red blood cell count
WBC white blood cell count
AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbert assay
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
HSV herpes simplex virus
KS kaposi sarcoma
NK natural killer cells
PCP pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
T4 helper T cell lymphocyte
T8 cytotoxic or killer T cell lymphocyte
bas/o base
chrom/o color
coagul/o clotting
cyt/o cell
eosin/o red, dawn, rosy
erythr/o red
granul/o granules
hem/o blood
hemat/o blood
hemoglobin/o hemoglobin
is/o same, equal
kary/o nucleas
leuk/o white
mon/o one, single
morph/o shape, form
myel/o bone marrow
neutr/o neutral (neither base nor acid)
nucle/o nuclear
phag/o eat, swallow
poikil/o varied, irregular
sider/o iron
spher/o globe, round
thromb/o clot
-apheresis removal, a carrying away
-blast immature cell, embryonic
-cytosis abnormal condition of cells (increase in cells)
-emia blood condition
-globin protein
-globulin protein
-lytic pertaining to destruction
-oid derived from
-osis abnormal condition
-penia deficiency
-phage eat, swallow
-philia attraction for (an increase in cell numbers)
-phoresis carrying, transmission
-poiesis formation
-stasis stop, control
immun/o protection
lymph/o lymph
lymphaden/o lymph node (gland)
splen/o spleen
thym/o thymus gland
tox/o poison
ana- again, anew
-inter between
Basophil leukocyte whose granules have an affinity for basic dye; releases histamine and heparin
hypochromic pertaining to reduction of hemoglobin in red blood cells
anticoagulant a substance that prevents clotting
coagulopathy disease condition effecting clotting
cytology study of cells
eosinophil white blood cells with granules that have an affinity for acid dyes
erythrocytopenia deficiency in numbers of red blood cells
granulocyte white blood cells with large-dark staining granules
hemolysis destruction of red blood cells
hematocrit separation of blood so that the percentage of red blood cells in relation to the volume of a blood sample is measured
hemoglobinopathy disease of hemoglobin
anisocytosis variation in size of red blood cells
megakaryocyte cell with large nucleas forerunner (precursor) of platelets formed in bone marrow
leukocytopenia deficiency of white blood cells
monocyte white blood cell with one large nucleas
morphology study of the shape or form (of cells)
myeloblast immature bone marrow cell
myelogenous produced by the bone marrow
neutropenia decrease in white blood cells is chiefly in neutrophils
mononuclear having only on nucleas
polymorphonuclear PMN; pertaining to a white blood cell with a multi-lobed nucleas
phagocyte cell that eats or swallows other cells
poikilocytosis irregularity in shape of red blood cells
sideropenia deficiency of iron in the serum
spherocytosis abnormal condition of spheriod shaped red blood cells
thrombocytopenia persistant decrease in the number of blood platelets (hemorraging)
plasmapheresis separating plasma from whole blood
leukopheresis white blood cells are separated from blood
plateletpheresis separation of platelets from the rest of the blood
monoblast immature monocyte
erythroblast immature red blood cells
macrocytosis increase in numbers of large red blood cells
microcytosis increase in number of small red blood cells
leukemia increase in cancerous white blood cells
hemoglobin blood protein found in red blood cells
immunoglobulin antibodies
thrombolytic therapy pertaining to the destruction of clots
myeloid derived from relating or resembling bone marrow
thrombosis formation of a blood clot in the vessel
granulocytopenia deficiency of blood granulocytes
pancytopenia deficiency in all blood cells
macrophage large phagocytes formed from monocytes and found in tissues
eosinophilia increase in numbers of granulocytes seen in allergic conditions
neutrophilia increase in white blood cells chiefly in the neutrophils
hematopoiesis formation of blood
erythropoiesis formation of red blood cells
myelopoiesis formation of bone marrow cells
hemostasis controlling or stopping the flow of blood
autoimmune disease chronic, disabling diseases caused by abnormal production of antibodies to normal tissue
immunoglobulin antibodies that are secreted by plasma cells in humoral immunity
immunosuppression stop immune response
lymphopoiesis formation of lymph
lymphedema swelling of tissues due to interstital fluid accumulation
lymphocytopenia deficiency of lymph cells increase in the number of lymphocytes
lymphocytosis increase in the number of lymphocytes in the blood usually associated with chronic infections or inflammations
lymphoid derived from lymph tissue
lymphadenopathy disease of lymph glands (nodes)
lymphadenitis inflammation of lymph glands
splenomegaly enlargement of the spleen
splenectomy removal of the spleen
hypersplenism syndrome marked by enlargement of the spleen and associated with anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia
thymoma tumor of the thymus gland
thymectomy removal of a mediastinal organ
toxic pertaining to poison
anaphylaxis hyper sensitivity reaction
interstital fluid fluid that lies between cell throughout the body
Created by: dmdisme
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