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HUC Abbreviations
Health Unit Coordinating Abbreviations
Question | Answer |
> | greater than |
< | less than |
↑ | increase or above |
/ | per or by |
Δ | change |
@ | at |
↓ | decrease or below |
o | degree or hour |
A | apical |
AA | active assisted |
A&A | arthroscopy and arthrotomy |
ā | before |
åå | of each |
AAROM | active-assistive range of motion |
Ab | antibody |
abd | abdominal |
ABG | arterial blood gas |
ABR | absolute bed rest |
Ac | before meals |
ACL | anterior cruciate ligament repair |
AD | right ear |
ADA | American Diabetic Association |
ADE | adverse drug event |
ADH | antidiuretic hormone (chemistry) |
ADL | activity(ies) of daily living |
ad lib | as desired |
A-drive | floppy drive |
ADS | adult distress syndrome |
ADT Log Book | a book used to record all admissions, discharges, and transfers on a nursing unit |
ADT Sheet | a form used to record admissions, discharges, and transfers on a nursing unit for each day |
AE | antiembolism |
AFB | acid-fast bacillus |
Ag | antigen |
AHA | American Heart Association |
AIDS | acquired immunodeficiency syndrome |
AKA | above the knee amputation |
ALP or alk phos | alkaline phosphatase (chemistry) |
A.M. | morning |
AMA | against medical advice |
amb | ambulate |
AMO | against medical orders |
amp | ampule |
ANA | American Nurses Association; antinuclear antibody (serology) |
ANCC | American Nurses Credentialing Center |
A&O | alert and oriented |
AP | anteroposterior |
A&P repair | anterior and posterior colporraphy |
A&P resection | abdominoperineal resection |
appt | appointment |
APS | Adult Protective Services |
ARC | AIDS-related complex |
ARDS | acute (adult) respiratory distress syndrome |
AROM | active range of motion |
AS | left ear |
ASA | acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) |
ASAP | as soon as possible |
as tol | as tolerated |
AU | both ears |
AV fistula | arteriovenous fistula |
AV shunt | atrial/ventricular shunt |
ax | axillary |
BAER or AER | brainstem auditory response |
BC | blood culture |
BCOC | bowel care of choice |
BE | barium enema |
BIBA | brought in by ambulance |
bid | twice a day |
bili | bilirubin |
BiPap | bilevel positive airway pressure |
BiW, biw | twice a week |
BKA | below the knee amputation |
B/L | bilateral |
BLE | both lower extremities |
BM | bowel movement |
BMI | body mass index |
BMP | basic metabolic panel |
BNP | brain natriuretic peptide |
BP | blood pressure |
BR | bed rest |
BRP | bathroom privileges |
BS | blood sugar |
BSC | bedside commode |
BUE | both upper extremities |
BUN | blood urea nitrogen |
Bx | biopsy |
c | with |
C | Celsius |
Ca | cancer |
Ca+ | calcium |
CABG | coronary artery bypass graft |
CAD | coronary artery disease |
cal | calorie |
cap | capsule |
CAT | computed axial tomography |
cath | catheterize |
CBC | complete blood cell count |
CBG | capillary blood gas |
CBI | continuous bladder irrigation |
CBR | continuous bed rest |
cc or cm3 | cubic centimeter |
CC, creat cl, or cr cl | creatinine clearance (chemistry) |
CCM | certified case manager |
ccu | coronary care unit |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
C-drive | hard drive stored inside the computer |
CDSS | clinical decision support system/s |
CE | covered entities |
CEA | carcinoembryonic antigen (special chemistry) |
CEO | chief executive officer |
CFO | chief financial officer |
CHF | congestive heart failure |
CHO | carbohydrate |
chol | cholesterol |
CHUC | certified health unit coordinator |
CI | clinical indication |
cl or CL | clear; chloride (chemistry) |
cm | centimeter |
CMP | comprehensive metabolic panel |
CMS | circulation, motion, sensation |
CMT | cardiac monitor technician |
CMV | cytomegalovirus |
CNA | certified nursing assistant |
c/o | complained of |
CO2 | carbon dioxide |
COA or C of A | condition of admission |
comp or cmpd | compound |
con't | continue |
COO | chief operating officer |
COPD | chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
COW | computer on wheels |
CP | cold pack |
CPAP | continuous positive airway pressure |
CPK or CK | creatine phosphokinase or creatine kinase (chemistry) |
CPM | continuous passive motion |
CPOE | computer physician order entry |
CPR | cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
CPS | Child Protective Services |
CPT | chest physical therapy |
CPU | central processing unit |
CPZ | Compazine |
CQI | continuous quality improvement |
C&S | culture and sensitivity |
CSF | cerebrospinal fluid |
CT | computed tomography |
CVA | cerebrovascular accident |
CVC | central venous catheter |
CVICU | cardiovascular intensive critical care unit |
CVP | central venous pressure |
Cx | culture |
CXR | chest X-ray |
D or E drive | drive/s to read CDs or DVDs |
DAT | diet as tolerated; direct antiglobulin test |
D/C or DC | discontinue or discharge |
Diff | differential |
Dig | digoxin |
Disch | discharge |
D/LR | dextrose in lactated Ringer's solution |
DME | durable medical equipment |
DMS | document management system |
DNR | do not resuscitate |
D/NS | dextrose in normal saline |
DO | doctor of osteopathy |
DOA | dead on arrival |
DPI | dry powder inhaler |
dr | dram |
DRG | diagnosis-related group |
D/RL | dextrose in Ringer's lactate |
DSA | digital subtraction angiography |
DSS | dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate (Colace) |
DSU | day surgery unit |
D/W | dextrose in water |
DW | distilled water |
D5W | 5% dextrose in water |
D10W | 10% dextrose in water |
Dx | diagnosis |
EBV | Epstein-Barr virus |
EC | enteric coated |
ECF | extended care facility |
ECG or EKG | electrocardiogram |
ED | emergency department |
EEC | electroencephalogram |
EGD | esophagogastroduodenoscopy |
elix | elixir |
EMG | electromyogram |
EMR | electronic medical record |
ENG | electronystagmography |
EPC | electronic pain control |
EPHI | electronic protected health information |
EPS | electrophysiologic study |
ER | emergency room |
ERCP | endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography |
ES | electrical stimulation |
ESR | erythrocyte sedimentation rate |
ESRD | end-stage renal disease |
ET | endotracheal tube |
ETS | elevated toilet seat |
F | Fahrenheit |
FBS | fasting blood sugar |
Fe | iron |
FF | force fluids |
FFP | fresh frozen plasma |
fib | fibrinogen |
FPG | fasting plasma glucose (chemistry) |
FS | full strength; frozen section |
5-FU | 5-fluorouracil |
F/U | follow-up |
FWB | full weight bearing |
FWW | front wheel walker |
Fx, fx | fracture |
G, gm, g | gram |
GB | gallbladder |
GI | gastrointestinal |
glue | glucose |
gr | grain |
GTT | glucose tolerance test |
gtt(s) | drop(s) |
Gyn | gynecology |
h, hr, hrs | hour/s |
h or (H) | hypodermic |
HA | heated aerosol |
H/A | headache |
HBOT | hyperbaric O2 therapy |
HBsAg | hepatitis B surface antigen |
HBV | hepatitis B virus |
hCG | human chorionic gonadotropin |
hct | hematocrit |
HCTZ | hydrochlorothiazide |
HCV | hepatitis C virus |
HD | hemodialysis |
HDL | high-density lipoprotein |
hgb | hemoglobin |
H&H | hemoglobin and hematocrit |
HIMS | health information management system |
HIPAA | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act |
HIV | human immunodeficiency virus |
HIVB24Ag | human immunodeficiency virus antigen screen (serology) |
HL or hep-lock | heparin lock |
HMO | health maintenance organization |
HNP | herniated nucleus pulposus |
HO | house officer |
h/o | history of |
H2O | water |
H2O2 | hydrogen peroxide |
HOB | head of bed |
H&P | history and physical |
HP | hot pack |
hs | bedtime |
HSV | herpes simplex virus |
HUC | health unit coordinator; health unit clerk |
HUS | health unit secretary |
Hx | history |
ICD | implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; International Classification of Diseases |
ICU | intensive care unit |
ID labels | identification labels |
IIHI | individually identifiable health information |
IM | intramuscular |
I&O | intake and output |
IPG | impedance plethysmography |
IPPB | intermittent positive-pressure breathing |
irrig | irrigate |
IS | incentive spirometry |
ISOM | isometric |
IV | intravenous |
IVDU | intravenous drug user |
IVF | intravenous fluids |
IVP | intravenous pyelogram |
IVPB | intravenous piggyback |
IVU | intravenous urogram |
K | potassium |
KG | potassium chloride |
kg | kilogram |
KO or KVO | keep open / keep vein open |
KUB | kidneys, ureters, and bladder |
L | liter |
lat | lateral |
lb, | |
L&D | labor and delivery |
LDL | low-density lipoprotein |
LE | lower extremity |
liq | liquid |
LLE | left lower extremity |
LLL | left lower lobe |
LLQ | left lower quadrant |
L/min | liters per minute |
LOC | laxative of choice; leave on chart; level of consciousness; loss of consciousness |
LP | lumbar puncture |
LPN | licensed practical nurse |
LR | lactated Ringer's solution |
L&S | liver and spleen |
LS | lumbosacral |
Lt | left |
LTC | long-term care |
LUE | left upper extremity |
LUL | left upper lobe |
LUQ | left upper quadrant |
lytes or e-lytes | electrolytes |
MAR | medication administration record |
MD | doctor of medicine |
MDI | metered-dose inhaler |
Med | medical |
mEq | milliequivalent |
mets | metastasis |
u,g, meg | microgram |
mg | milligram |
Mg or Mg+ | magnesium |
MgSO | magnesium sulfate |
MI | myocardial infarction |
MICU | medical intensive care unit |
min | minute |
mL | milliliter |
MN | midnight |
MOM | Milk of Magnesia |
MR | may repeat |
MRI | magnetic resonance imaging |
MRSA | methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus |
MSO4 or MS | morphine sulfate |
MSSU | medical short-stay unit |
Na or Na+ | sodium |
NAHUC | National Association of Health Unit Coordinators |
NAS | no added salt |
NCS | nerve conduction study |
nec | necessary |
Neuro | neurology |
NG | nasogastric |
NICU | neonatal intensive care unit |
NINP | no information, no publication |
NKA | no known allergies |
NKDA | no known drug allergies |
NKFA | no known food allergies |
NKMA | no known medication allergies |
nh3 | ammonia |
noc | night |
non rep | do not repeat |
NP | nasopharynx |
NPO | nothing by mouth |
NS | normal saline |
NSA | no salt added |
NTG | nitroglycerin |
N/V | nausea and vomiting |
NVS or neuro s | neurologic vital signs or checks |
NWB | non-weight bearing |
O2 | oxygen |
OB | obstetrics |
OBS | observation |
OCG | oral cholecystogram |
OD | right eye |
OOB | out of bed |
O&P | ova and parasites |
OPS | outpatient surgery |
OR | operating room |
ORE | oil-retention enema |
ORIF | open reduction, internal fixation |
Ortho | orthopedics |
OS | left eye |
OSA | obstructive sleep apnea |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
OSMO | osmolality |
OT | occupational therapy |
OTC | over-the-counter |
OU | both eyes |
oz | ounce |
p (with line above) | after |
P | pulse |
PA | posteroanterior |
PACS | Picture Archiving and Communication Systems |
PACU | postanesthesia care unit |
PAP | prostatic acid phosphatase |
PAS | pulsatile antiembolism stockings |
PBZ | pyribenzamine |
PC | personal computer; packed cell |
pc | after meals |
PCA | patient-controlled analgesia |
PCN | penicillin |
PCP | primary care physician |
PCT | patient care technician |
PCV | packed-cell volume (hematology; same as hematocrit) |
PCXR | portable chest X-ray |
PD | peritoneal dialysis |
PDPV | postural drainage, percussion, and vibration |
PDR | Physicians' Desk Reference |
Peds | pediatrics |
PEEP | positive end-expiratory pressure |
PEG | percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy |
PEP | positive expiratory pressure |
PET | positron emission tomography |
pH | hydrogen ion concentration (acidity) |
PHI | protected health information reference |
PICC | peripherally inserted central catheter |
PICU | pediatric intensive care unit |
PID | pelvic inflammatory disease |
PKU | phenylketonuria (chemistry) |
P.M. | evening, night |
PO | by mouth, or postoperative |
P04 or phos | phosphate or phosphorus (chemistry) |
POCT or PCT | point-of-care testing |
Postop, postop | after surgery |
PP | postpartum |
pp | postprandial (after meals) |
P&PD | percussion and postural drainage |
PPE | personal protective equipment |
PPO | preferred provider organization |
pr | per rectum |
Preop, preop | before surgery |
prn | whenever necessary |
PROM | passive range of motion |
PSA | patient support associate; prostate-specific antigen |
Psych | psychiatry |
PT | physical therapy; prothrombin time |
Pt | patient |
PTA | physical therapy assistant |
PTCA | percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty |
PTHC or PTC | percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography |
PIT or APTT | partial thromboplastin time or activated partial thromboplastin time |
PWB | partial weight bearing |
q | every |
qd | every day; daily |
qh | every hour (or fill in hour [e.g., q4h]) |
qid | four times a day |
qns | quantity not sufficient |
qod | every other day |
R | rectal |
RA | room air |
R*A*C*E | Rescue individuals in danger; Alarm—sound the alarm; Confine the fire by closing all doors and windows; Extinguish the fire with the nearest suitable fire extinguisher |
RBC | red blood cell |
RBS | random blood sugar |
RD | registered dietitian |
ROW | red cell distribution width |
reg | regular |
Retics | reticulocytes (hematology) |
RIS | radiology information system |
RL | Ringer's lactate |
RLE | right lower extremity |
RLL | right lower lobe |
RLQ | right lower quadrant |
R&M | routine and microscopic |
RML | right middle lobe |
RN | registered nurse |
R/0 | rule out |
ROM | range of motion |
Rout | routine |
RPR | rapid plasmin reagin |
RR | recovery room; respiratory rate |
RSV | respiratory syncytial virus |
RT | respiratory therapist |
Rt | routine |
rt or ® | right |
RUE | right upper extremity |
RUL | right upper lobe |
RUQ | right upper quadrant |
Rx | take (e.g., treatment, medication) |
s (with line above) | without |
ss | semis (one-half) |
S&A | sugar and acetone (urinalysis) |
SAD | save a day |
SaO2 or O2 sats | oxygen saturation |
SBFT | small bowel follow-through |
SBO | small bowel obstruction |
SBU | small business unit |
SC, sq, or sub-q | subcutaneous |
SCO | sequential compression device |
SDS | same-day surgery |
SEP | somatosensory evoked potential |
SHUC | student health unit coordinator |
SICU | surgical intensive care unit |
SIDS | sudden infant death syndrome |
SL | sublingual |
SNAT | suspected nonaccidental trauma |
SNF | skilled nursing facility |
SO4 | sulfate |
SOB | shortness of breath |
sol'n | solution |
SOS | if needed (one dose only) |
SR | slow release |
SSE | soap suds enema |
SSU | short-stay unit |
st | straight |
stat | immediately |
STM | soft tissue massage |
subling, SL | sublingual (under the tongue) |
supp | suppository |
Surg | surgery |
SVN | small volume nebulizer |
syr | syrup |
T3,T4,T7 | thyroid tests |
T&A | tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy |
tab | tablet |
TAH | total abdominal hysterectomy |
TB | tuberculosis |
TBD | to be done |
TBT | template bleeding time |
T&C or T&X-match | type and crossmatch |
TCDB | turn, cough, deep breathe |
TCT or TT | thrombin clotting time or thrombin time |
TDWB | touchdown weight bearing |
Ted | antiembolism stockings |
temp | temperature |
TENS | transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation |
THR or THA | total hip replacement/total hip arthroplasty |
TIA | transient ischemic attack |
TIBC | total iron-binding capacity (chemistry) |
TICU | trauma intensive care unit |
tid | three times a day |
Timed Specimen | to be drawn at specified time |
tinct or tr | tincture |
TJC | The Joint Commission |
TKO | to keep open |
TKR or TKA | total knee replacement/total knee arthroplasty |
TPN | total parenteral nutrition |
TPR | temperature, pulse, respiration |
TRA | to run at |
Trig or TG | triglycerides (chemistry) |
T&S | type and screen |
TSH | thyroid-stimulating hormone |
T/stat | timed stat |
TT | tilt table |
TTOT | transtracheal oxygen therapy |
TTWB | toe-touch weight bearing |
TUR | transurethral resection |
TWE | tap water enema |
Tx | traction or treatment |
u | unit |
UA or U/A | urinalysis |
UC | urine culture |
UCR | usual, customary, and reasonable |
UD | unit dose |
UGI | upper gastrointestinal |
ung | unguent (ointment) |
US | ultrasound |
USN | ultrasonic nebulizer |
VAD | venous access device |
VDRL | Venereal Disease Research Laboratories |
VDT | video display terminal |
VEP | visual evoked potential |
vib & perc | vibration and percussion |
VMA | vanillylmandelic acid |
VNS | visiting nurse service |
VS | vital sign |
WA or W/A | while awake |
WBAT | weight bearing as tolerated |
WBC | white blood cell |
WHO | World Health Organization |
wk | week |
WNL | within normal limits |
WP | whirlpool |
wt | weight |
WWW | World Wide Web |
X-match | crossmatch |
Zn | zinc |
> | greater than |
< | less than |
↑ | increase or above |
/ | per or by |
Δ | change |
@ | at |
↓ | decrease or below |
̊ | degree or hour |
A | apical |
AA | active assisted |
A&A | arthroscopy and arthrotomy |
ā | before |
åå | of each |
AAROM | active-assistive range of motion |
Ab | antibody |
abd | abdominal |
ABG | arterial blood gas |
ABR | absolute bed rest |
Ac | before meals |
ACL | anterior cruciate ligament repair |
AD | right ear |
ADA | American Diabetic Association |
ADE | adverse drug event |
ADH | antidiuretic hormone (chemistry) |
ADL | activity(ies) of daily living |
ad lib | as desired |
A-drive | floppy drive |
ADS | adult distress syndrome |
ADT Log Book | a book used to record all admissions, discharges, and transfers on a nursing unit |
ADT Sheet | a form used to record admissions, discharges, and transfers on a nursing unit for each day |
AE | antiembolism |
AFB | acid-fast bacillus |
Ag | antigen |
AHA | American Heart Association |
AIDS | acquired immunodeficiency syndrome |
AKA | above the knee amputation |
ALP or alk phos | alkaline phosphatase (chemistry) |
A.M. | morning |
AMA | against medical advice |
amb | ambulate |
AMO | against medical orders |
amp | ampule |
ANA | American Nurses Association; antinuclear antibody (serology) |
ANCC | American Nurses Credentialing Center |
A&O | alert and oriented |
AP | anteroposterior |
A&P repair | anterior and posterior colporraphy |
A&P resection | abdominoperineal resection |
appt | appointment |
APS | Adult Protective Services |
ARC | AIDS-related complex |
ARDS | acute (adult) respiratory distress syndrome |
AROM | active range of motion |
AS | left ear |
ASA | acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) |
ASAP | as soon as possible |
as tol | as tolerated |
AU | both ears |
AV fistula | arteriovenous fistula |
AV shunt | atrial/ventricular shunt |
ax | axillary |
BAER or AER | brainstem auditory response |
BC | blood culture |
BCOC | bowel care of choice |
BE | barium enema |
BIBA | brought in by ambulance |
bid | twice a day |
bili | bilirubin |
BiPap | bilevel positive airway pressure |
BiW, biw | twice a week |
BKA | below the knee amputation |
B/L | bilateral |
BLE | both lower extremities |
BM | bowel movement |
BMI | body mass index |
BMP | basic metabolic panel |
BNP | brain natriuretic peptide |
BP | blood pressure |
BR | bed rest |
BRP | bathroom privileges |
BS | blood sugar |
BSC | bedside commode |
BUE | both upper extremities |
BUN | blood urea nitrogen |
Bx | biopsy |
c | with |
C | Celsius |
Ca | cancer |
Ca+ | calcium |
CABG | coronary artery bypass graft |
CAD | coronary artery disease |
cal | calorie |
cap | capsule |
CAT | computed axial tomography |
cath | catheterize |
CBC | complete blood cell count |
CBG | capillary blood gas |
CBI | continuous bladder irrigation |
CBR | continuous bed rest |
cc or cm3 | cubic centimeter |
CC, creat cl, or cr cl | creatinine clearance (chemistry) |
CCM | certified case manager |
ccu | coronary care unit |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
C-drive | hard drive stored inside the computer |
CDSS | clinical decision support system/s |
CE | covered entities |
CEA | carcinoembryonic antigen (special chemistry) |
CEO | chief executive officer |
CFO | chief financial officer |
CHF | congestive heart failure |
CHO | carbohydrate |
chol | cholesterol |
CHUC | certified health unit coordinator |
CI | clinical indication |
cl or CL | clear; chloride (chemistry) |
cm | centimeter |
CMP | comprehensive metabolic panel |
CMS | circulation, motion, sensation |
CMT | cardiac monitor technician |
CMV | cytomegalovirus |
CNA | certified nursing assistant |
c/o | complained of |
CO2 | carbon dioxide |
COA or C of A | condition of admission |
comp or cmpd | compound |
con't | continue |
COO | chief operating officer |
COPD | chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
COW | computer on wheels |
CP | cold pack |
CPAP | continuous positive airway pressure |
CPK or CK | creatine phosphokinase or creatine kinase (chemistry) |
CPM | continuous passive motion |
CPOE | computer physician order entry |
CPR | cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
CPS | Child Protective Services |
CPT | chest physical therapy |
CPU | central processing unit |
CPZ | Compazine |
CQI | continuous quality improvement |
C&S | culture and sensitivity |
CSF | cerebrospinal fluid |
CT | computed tomography |
CVA | cerebrovascular accident |
CVC | central venous catheter |
CVICU | cardiovascular intensive critical care unit |
CVP | central venous pressure |
Cx | culture |
CXR | chest X-ray |
D or E drive | drive/s to read CDs or DVDs |
DAT | diet as tolerated; direct antiglobulin test |
D/C or DC | discontinue or discharge |
Diff | differential |
Dig | digoxin |
Disch | discharge |
D/LR | dextrose in lactated Ringer's solution |
DME | durable medical equipment |
DMS | document management system |
DNR | do not resuscitate |
D/NS | dextrose in normal saline |
DO | doctor of osteopathy |
DOA | dead on arrival |
DPI | dry powder inhaler |
dr | dram |
DRG | diagnosis-related group |
D/RL | dextrose in Ringer's lactate |
DSA | digital subtraction angiography |
DSS | dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate (Colace) |
DSU | day surgery unit |
D/W | dextrose in water |
DW | distilled water |
D5W | 5% dextrose in water |
D10W | 10% dextrose in water |
Dx | diagnosis |
EBV | Epstein-Barr virus |
EC | enteric coated |
ECF | extended care facility |
ECG or EKG | electrocardiogram |
ED | emergency department |
EEC | electroencephalogram |
EGD | esophagogastroduodenoscopy |
elix | elixir |
EMG | electromyogram |
EMR | electronic medical record |
ENG | electronystagmography |
EPC | electronic pain control |
EPHI | electronic protected health information |
EPS | electrophysiologic study |
ER | emergency room |
ERCP | endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography |
ES | electrical stimulation |
ESR | erythrocyte sedimentation rate |
ESRD | end-stage renal disease |
ET | endotracheal tube |
ETS | elevated toilet seat |
F | Fahrenheit |
FBS | fasting blood sugar |
Fe | iron |
FF | force fluids |
FFP | fresh frozen plasma |
fib | fibrinogen |
FPG | fasting plasma glucose (chemistry) |
FS | full strength; frozen section |
5-FU | 5-fluorouracil |
F/U | follow-up |
FWB | full weight bearing |
FWW | front wheel walker |
Fx, fx | fracture |
G, gm, g | gram |
GB | gallbladder |
GI | gastrointestinal |
glue | glucose |
gr | grain |
GTT | glucose tolerance test |
gtt(s) | drop(s) |
Gyn | gynecology |
h, hr, hrs | hour/s |
h or (H) | hypodermic |
HA | heated aerosol |
H/A | headache |
HBOT | hyperbaric O2 therapy |
HBsAg | hepatitis B surface antigen |
HBV | hepatitis B virus |
hCG | human chorionic gonadotropin |
hct | hematocrit |
HCTZ | hydrochlorothiazide |
HCV | hepatitis C virus |
HD | hemodialysis |
HDL | high-density lipoprotein |
hgb | hemoglobin |
H&H | hemoglobin and hematocrit |
HIMS | health information management system |
HIPAA | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act |
HIV | human immunodeficiency virus |
HIVB24Ag | human immunodeficiency virus antigen screen (serology) |
HL or hep-lock | heparin lock |
HMO | health maintenance organization |
HNP | herniated nucleus pulposus |
HO | house officer |
h/o | history of |
H2O | water |
H2O2 | hydrogen peroxide |
HOB | head of bed |
H&P | history and physical |
HP | hot pack |
hs | bedtime |
HSV | herpes simplex virus |
HUC | health unit coordinator; health unit clerk |
HUS | health unit secretary |
Hx | history |
ICD | implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; International Classification of Diseases |
ICU | intensive care unit |
ID labels | identification labels |
IIHI | individually identifiable health information |
IM | intramuscular |
I&O | intake and output |
IPG | impedance plethysmography |
IPPB | intermittent positive-pressure breathing |
irrig | irrigate |
IS | incentive spirometry |
ISOM | isometric |
IV | intravenous |
IVDU | intravenous drug user |
IVF | intravenous fluids |
IVP | intravenous pyelogram |
IVPB | intravenous piggyback |
IVU | intravenous urogram |
K | potassium |
KG | potassium chloride |
kg | kilogram |
KO or KVO | keep open / keep vein open |
KUB | kidneys, ureters, and bladder |
L | liter |
lat | lateral |
lb, | |
L&D | labor and delivery |
LDL | low-density lipoprotein |
LE | lower extremity |
liq | liquid |
LLE | left lower extremity |
LLL | left lower lobe |
LLQ | left lower quadrant |
L/min | liters per minute |
LOC | laxative of choice; leave on chart; level of consciousness; loss of consciousness |
LP | lumbar puncture |
LPN | licensed practical nurse |
LR | lactated Ringer's solution |
L&S | liver and spleen |
LS | lumbosacral |
Lt | left |
LTC | long-term care |
LUE | left upper extremity |
LUL | left upper lobe |
LUQ | left upper quadrant |
lytes or e-lytes | electrolytes |
MAR | medication administration record |
MD | doctor of medicine |
MDI | metered-dose inhaler |
Med | medical |
mEq | milliequivalent |
mets | metastasis |
u,g, meg | microgram |
mg | milligram |
Mg or Mg+ | magnesium |
MgSO | magnesium sulfate |
MI | myocardial infarction |
MICU | medical intensive care unit |
min | minute |
mL | milliliter |
MN | midnight |
MOM | Milk of Magnesia |
MR | may repeat |
MRI | magnetic resonance imaging |
MRSA | methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus |
MSO4 or MS | morphine sulfate |
MSSU | medical short-stay unit |
Na or Na+ | sodium |
NAHUC | National Association of Health Unit Coordinators |
NAS | no added salt |
NCS | nerve conduction study |
nec | necessary |
Neuro | neurology |
NG | nasogastric |
NICU | neonatal intensive care unit |
NINP | no information, no publication |
NKA | no known allergies |
NKDA | no known drug allergies |
NKFA | no known food allergies |
NKMA | no known medication allergies |
nh3 | ammonia |
noc | night |
non rep | do not repeat |
NP | nasopharynx |
NPO | nothing by mouth |
NS | normal saline |
NSA | no salt added |
NTG | nitroglycerin |
N/V | nausea and vomiting |
NVS or neuro s | neurologic vital signs or checks |
NWB | non-weight bearing |
O2 | oxygen |
OB | obstetrics |
OBS | observation |
OCG | oral cholecystogram |
OD | right eye |
OOB | out of bed |
O&P | ova and parasites |
OPS | outpatient surgery |
OR | operating room |
ORE | oil-retention enema |
ORIF | open reduction, internal fixation |
Ortho | orthopedics |
OS | left eye |
OSA | obstructive sleep apnea |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
OSMO | osmolality |
OT | occupational therapy |
OTC | over-the-counter |
OU | both eyes |
oz | ounce |
p (with line above) | after |
P | pulse |
PA | posteroanterior |
PACS | Picture Archiving and Communication Systems |
PACU | postanesthesia care unit |
PAP | prostatic acid phosphatase |
PAS | pulsatile antiembolism stockings |
PBZ | pyribenzamine |
PC | personal computer; packed cell |
pc | after meals |
PCA | patient-controlled analgesia |
PCN | penicillin |
PCP | primary care physician |
PCT | patient care technician |
PCV | packed-cell volume (hematology; same as hematocrit) |
PCXR | portable chest X-ray |
PD | peritoneal dialysis |
PDPV | postural drainage, percussion, and vibration |
PDR | Physicians' Desk Reference |
Peds | pediatrics |
PEEP | positive end-expiratory pressure |
PEG | percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy |
PEP | positive expiratory pressure |
PET | positron emission tomography |
pH | hydrogen ion concentration (acidity) |
PHI | protected health information reference |
PICC | peripherally inserted central catheter |
PICU | pediatric intensive care unit |
PID | pelvic inflammatory disease |
PKU | phenylketonuria (chemistry) |
P.M. | evening, night |
PO | by mouth, or postoperative |
P04 or phos | phosphate or phosphorus (chemistry) |
POCT or PCT | point-of-care testing |
Postop, postop | after surgery |
PP | postpartum |
pp | postprandial (after meals) |
P&PD | percussion and postural drainage |
PPE | personal protective equipment |
PPO | preferred provider organization |
pr | per rectum |
Preop, preop | before surgery |
prn | whenever necessary |
PROM | passive range of motion |
PSA | patient support associate; prostate-specific antigen |
Psych | psychiatry |
PT | physical therapy; prothrombin time |
Pt | patient |
PTA | physical therapy assistant |
PTCA | percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty |
PTHC or PTC | percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography |
PIT or APTT | partial thromboplastin time or activated partial thromboplastin time |
PWB | partial weight bearing |
q | every |
qd | every day; daily |
qh | every hour (or fill in hour [e.g., q4h]) |
qid | four times a day |
qns | quantity not sufficient |
qod | every other day |
R | rectal |
RA | room air |
R*A*C*E | Rescue individuals in danger; Alarm—sound the alarm; Confine the fire by closing all doors and windows; Extinguish the fire with the nearest suitable fire extinguisher |
RBC | red blood cell |
RBS | random blood sugar |
RD | registered dietitian |
ROW | red cell distribution width |
reg | regular |
Retics | reticulocytes (hematology) |
RIS | radiology information system |
RL | Ringer's lactate |
RLE | right lower extremity |
RLL | right lower lobe |
RLQ | right lower quadrant |
R&M | routine and microscopic |
RML | right middle lobe |
RN | registered nurse |
R/0 | rule out |
ROM | range of motion |
Rout | routine |
RPR | rapid plasmin reagin |
RR | recovery room; respiratory rate |
RSV | respiratory syncytial virus |
RT | respiratory therapist |
Rt | routine |
rt or ® | right |
RUE | right upper extremity |
RUL | right upper lobe |
RUQ | right upper quadrant |
Rx | take (e.g., treatment, medication) |
s (with line above) | without |
ss | semis (one-half) |
S&A | sugar and acetone (urinalysis) |
SAD | save a day |
SaO2 or O2 sats | oxygen saturation |
SBFT | small bowel follow-through |
SBO | small bowel obstruction |
SBU | small business unit |
SC, sq, or sub-q | subcutaneous |
SCO | sequential compression device |
SDS | same-day surgery |
SEP | somatosensory evoked potential |
SHUC | student health unit coordinator |
SICU | surgical intensive care unit |
SIDS | sudden infant death syndrome |
SL | sublingual |
SNAT | suspected nonaccidental trauma |
SNF | skilled nursing facility |
SO4 | sulfate |
SOB | shortness of breath |
sol'n | solution |
SOS | if needed (one dose only) |
SR | slow release |
SSE | soap suds enema |
SSU | short-stay unit |
st | straight |
stat | immediately |
STM | soft tissue massage |
subling, SL | sublingual (under the tongue) |
supp | suppository |
Surg | surgery |
SVN | small volume nebulizer |
syr | syrup |
T3,T4,T7 | thyroid tests |
T&A | tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy |
tab | tablet |
TAH | total abdominal hysterectomy |
TB | tuberculosis |
TBD | to be done |
TBT | template bleeding time |
T&C or T&X-match | type and crossmatch |
TCDB | turn, cough, deep breathe |
TCT or TT | thrombin clotting time or thrombin time |
TDWB | touchdown weight bearing |
Ted | antiembolism stockings |
temp | temperature |
TENS | transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation |
THR or THA | total hip replacement/total hip arthroplasty |
TIA | transient ischemic attack |
TIBC | total iron-binding capacity (chemistry) |
TICU | trauma intensive care unit |
tid | three times a day |
Timed Specimen | to be drawn at specified time |
tinct or tr | tincture |
TJC | The Joint Commission |
TKO | to keep open |
TKR or TKA | total knee replacement/total knee arthroplasty |
TPN | total parenteral nutrition |
TPR | temperature, pulse, respiration |
TRA | to run at |
Trig or TG | triglycerides (chemistry) |
T&S | type and screen |
TSH | thyroid-stimulating hormone |
T/stat | timed stat |
TT | tilt table |
TTOT | transtracheal oxygen therapy |
TTWB | toe-touch weight bearing |
TUR | transurethral resection |
TWE | tap water enema |
Tx | traction or treatment |
u | unit |
UA or U/A | urinalysis |
UC | urine culture |
UCR | usual, customary, and reasonable |
UD | unit dose |
UGI | upper gastrointestinal |
ung | unguent (ointment) |
US | ultrasound |
USN | ultrasonic nebulizer |
VAD | venous access device |
VDRL | Venereal Disease Research Laboratories |
VDT | video display terminal |
VEP | visual evoked potential |
vib & perc | vibration and percussion |
VMA | vanillylmandelic acid |
VNS | visiting nurse service |
VS | vital sign |
WA or W/A | while awake |
WBAT | weight bearing as tolerated |
WBC | white blood cell |
WHO | World Health Organization |
wk | week |
WNL | within normal limits |
WP | whirlpool |
wt | weight |
WWW | World Wide Web |
X-match | crossmatch |
Zn | zinc |
> | greater than |
< | less than |
↑ | increase or above |
/ | per or by |
Δ | change |
@ | at |
↓ | decrease or below |
̊ | degree or hour |
A | apical |
AA | active assisted |
A&A | arthroscopy and arthrotomy |
ā | before |
åå | of each |
AAROM | active-assistive range of motion |
Ab | antibody |
abd | abdominal |
ABG | arterial blood gas |
ABR | absolute bed rest |
Ac | before meals |
ACL | anterior cruciate ligament repair |
AD | right ear |
ADA | American Diabetic Association |
ADE | adverse drug event |
ADH | antidiuretic hormone (chemistry) |
ADL | activity(ies) of daily living |
ad lib | as desired |
A-drive | floppy drive |
ADS | adult distress syndrome |
ADT Log Book | a book used to record all admissions, discharges, and transfers on a nursing unit |
ADT Sheet | a form used to record admissions, discharges, and transfers on a nursing unit for each day |
AE | antiembolism |
AFB | acid-fast bacillus |
Ag | antigen |
AHA | American Heart Association |
AIDS | acquired immunodeficiency syndrome |
AKA | above the knee amputation |
ALP or alk phos | alkaline phosphatase (chemistry) |
A.M. | morning |
AMA | against medical advice |
amb | ambulate |
AMO | against medical orders |
amp | ampule |
ANA | American Nurses Association; antinuclear antibody (serology) |
ANCC | American Nurses Credentialing Center |
A&O | alert and oriented |
AP | anteroposterior |
A&P repair | anterior and posterior colporraphy |
A&P resection | abdominoperineal resection |
appt | appointment |
APS | Adult Protective Services |
ARC | AIDS-related complex |
ARDS | acute (adult) respiratory distress syndrome |
AROM | active range of motion |
AS | left ear |
ASA | acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) |
ASAP | as soon as possible |
as tol | as tolerated |
AU | both ears |
AV fistula | arteriovenous fistula |
AV shunt | atrial/ventricular shunt |
ax | axillary |
BAER or AER | brainstem auditory response |
BC | blood culture |
BCOC | bowel care of choice |
BE | barium enema |
BIBA | brought in by ambulance |
bid | twice a day |
bili | bilirubin |
BiPap | bilevel positive airway pressure |
BiW, biw | twice a week |
BKA | below the knee amputation |
B/L | bilateral |
BLE | both lower extremities |
BM | bowel movement |
BMI | body mass index |
BMP | basic metabolic panel |
BNP | brain natriuretic peptide |
BP | blood pressure |
BR | bed rest |
BRP | bathroom privileges |
BS | blood sugar |
BSC | bedside commode |
BUE | both upper extremities |
BUN | blood urea nitrogen |
Bx | biopsy |
c (with line above) | with |
C | Celsius |
Ca | cancer |
Ca+ | calcium |
CABG | coronary artery bypass graft |
CAD | coronary artery disease |
cal | calorie |
cap | capsule |
CAT | computed axial tomography |
cath | catheterize |
CBC | complete blood cell count |
CBG | capillary blood gas |
CBI | continuous bladder irrigation |
CBR | continuous bed rest |
cc or cm3 | cubic centimeter |
CC, creat cl, or cr cl | creatinine clearance (chemistry) |
CCM | certified case manager |
ccu | coronary care unit |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
C-drive | hard drive stored inside the computer |
CDSS | clinical decision support system/s |
CE | covered entities |
CEA | carcinoembryonic antigen (special chemistry) |
CEO | chief executive officer |
CFO | chief financial officer |
CHF | congestive heart failure |
CHO | carbohydrate |
chol | cholesterol |
CHUC | certified health unit coordinator |
CI | clinical indication |
cl or CL | clear; chloride (chemistry) |
cm | centimeter |
CMP | comprehensive metabolic panel |
CMS | circulation, motion, sensation |
CMT | cardiac monitor technician |
CMV | cytomegalovirus |
CNA | certified nursing assistant |
c/o | complained of |
CO2 | carbon dioxide |
COA or C of A | condition of admission |
comp or cmpd | compound |
con't | continue |
COO | chief operating officer |
COPD | chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
COW | computer on wheels |
CP | cold pack |
CPAP | continuous positive airway pressure |
CPK or CK | creatine phosphokinase or creatine kinase (chemistry) |
CPM | continuous passive motion |
CPOE | computer physician order entry |
CPR | cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
CPS | Child Protective Services |
CPT | chest physical therapy |
CPU | central processing unit |
CPZ | Compazine |
CQI | continuous quality improvement |
C&S | culture and sensitivity |
CSF | cerebrospinal fluid |
CT | computed tomography |
CVA | cerebrovascular accident |
CVC | central venous catheter |
CVICU | cardiovascular intensive critical care unit |
CVP | central venous pressure |
Cx | culture |
CXR | chest X-ray |
D or E drive | drive/s to read CDs or DVDs |
DAT | diet as tolerated; direct antiglobulin test |
D/C or DC | discontinue or discharge |
Diff | differential |
Dig | digoxin |
Disch | discharge |
D/LR | dextrose in lactated Ringer's solution |
DME | durable medical equipment |
DMS | document management system |
DNR | do not resuscitate |
D/NS | dextrose in normal saline |
DO | doctor of osteopathy |
DOA | dead on arrival |
DPI | dry powder inhaler |
dr | dram |
DRG | diagnosis-related group |
D/RL | dextrose in Ringer's lactate |
DSA | digital subtraction angiography |
DSS | dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate (Colace) |
DSU | day surgery unit |
D/W | dextrose in water |
DW | distilled water |
D5W | 5% dextrose in water |
D10W | 10% dextrose in water |
Dx | diagnosis |
EBV | Epstein-Barr virus |
EC | enteric coated |
ECF | extended care facility |
ECG or EKG | electrocardiogram |
ED | emergency department |
EEC | electroencephalogram |
EGD | esophagogastroduodenoscopy |
elix | elixir |
EMG | electromyogram |
EMR | electronic medical record |
ENG | electronystagmography |
EPC | electronic pain control |
EPHI | electronic protected health information |
EPS | electrophysiologic study |
ER | emergency room |
ERCP | endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography |
ES | electrical stimulation |
ESR | erythrocyte sedimentation rate |
ESRD | end-stage renal disease |
ET | endotracheal tube |
ETS | elevated toilet seat |
F | Fahrenheit |
FBS | fasting blood sugar |
Fe | iron |
FF | force fluids |
FFP | fresh frozen plasma |
fib | fibrinogen |
FPG | fasting plasma glucose (chemistry) |
FS | full strength; frozen section |
5-FU | 5-fluorouracil |
F/U | follow-up |
FWB | full weight bearing |
FWW | front wheel walker |
Fx, fx | fracture |
G, gm, g | gram |
GB | gallbladder |
GI | gastrointestinal |
glue | glucose |
gr | grain |
GTT | glucose tolerance test |
gtt(s) | drop(s) |
Gyn | gynecology |
h, hr, hrs | hour/s |
h or (H) | hypodermic |
HA | heated aerosol |
H/A | headache |
HBOT | hyperbaric O2 therapy |
HBsAg | hepatitis B surface antigen |
HBV | hepatitis B virus |
hCG | human chorionic gonadotropin |
hct | hematocrit |
HCTZ | hydrochlorothiazide |
HCV | hepatitis C virus |
HD | hemodialysis |
HDL | high-density lipoprotein |
hgb | hemoglobin |
H&H | hemoglobin and hematocrit |
HIMS | health information management system |
HIPAA | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act |
HIV | human immunodeficiency virus |
HIVB24Ag | human immunodeficiency virus antigen screen (serology) |
HL or hep-lock | heparin lock |
HMO | health maintenance organization |
HNP | herniated nucleus pulposus |
HO | house officer |
h/o | history of |
H2O | water |
H2O2 | hydrogen peroxide |
HOB | head of bed |
H&P | history and physical |
HP | hot pack |
hs | bedtime |
HSV | herpes simplex virus |
HUC | health unit coordinator; health unit clerk |
HUS | health unit secretary |
Hx | history |
ICD | implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; International Classification of Diseases |
ICU | intensive care unit |
ID labels | identification labels |
IIHI | individually identifiable health information |
IM | intramuscular |
I&O | intake and output |
IPG | impedance plethysmography |
IPPB | intermittent positive-pressure breathing |
irrig | irrigate |
IS | incentive spirometry |
ISOM | isometric |
IV | intravenous |
IVDU | intravenous drug user |
IVF | intravenous fluids |
IVP | intravenous pyelogram |
IVPB | intravenous piggyback |
IVU | intravenous urogram |
K | potassium |
KG | potassium chloride |
kg | kilogram |
KO or KVO | keep open / keep vein open |
KUB | kidneys, ureters, and bladder |
L | liter |
lat | lateral |
lb, | |
L&D | labor and delivery |
LDL | low-density lipoprotein |
LE | lower extremity |
liq | liquid |
LLE | left lower extremity |
LLL | left lower lobe |
LLQ | left lower quadrant |
L/min | liters per minute |
LOC | laxative of choice; leave on chart; level of consciousness; loss of consciousness |
LP | lumbar puncture |
LPN | licensed practical nurse |
LR | lactated Ringer's solution |
L&S | liver and spleen |
LS | lumbosacral |
Lt | left |
LTC | long-term care |
LUE | left upper extremity |
LUL | left upper lobe |
LUQ | left upper quadrant |
lytes or e-lytes | electrolytes |
MAR | medication administration record |
MD | doctor of medicine |
MDI | metered-dose inhaler |
Med | medical |
mEq | milliequivalent |
mets | metastasis |
u,g, meg | microgram |
mg | milligram |
Mg or Mg+ | magnesium |
MgSO | magnesium sulfate |
MI | myocardial infarction |
MICU | medical intensive care unit |
min | minute |
mL | milliliter |
MN | midnight |
MOM | Milk of Magnesia |
MR | may repeat |
MRI | magnetic resonance imaging |
MRSA | methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus |
MSO4 or MS | morphine sulfate |
MSSU | medical short-stay unit |
Na or Na+ | sodium |
NAHUC | National Association of Health Unit Coordinators |
NAS | no added salt |
NCS | nerve conduction study |
nec | necessary |
Neuro | neurology |
NG | nasogastric |
NICU | neonatal intensive care unit |
NINP | no information, no publication |
NKA | no known allergies |
NKDA | no known drug allergies |
NKFA | no known food allergies |
NKMA | no known medication allergies |
nh3 | ammonia |
noc | night |
non rep | do not repeat |
NP | nasopharynx |
NPO | nothing by mouth |
NS | normal saline |
NSA | no salt added |
NTG | nitroglycerin |
N/V | nausea and vomiting |
NVS or neuro s | neurologic vital signs or checks |
NWB | non-weight bearing |
O2 | oxygen |
OB | obstetrics |
OBS | observation |
OCG | oral cholecystogram |
OD | right eye |
OOB | out of bed |
O&P | ova and parasites |
OPS | outpatient surgery |
OR | operating room |
ORE | oil-retention enema |
ORIF | open reduction, internal fixation |
Ortho | orthopedics |
OS | left eye |
OSA | obstructive sleep apnea |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
OSMO | osmolality |
OT | occupational therapy |
OTC | over-the-counter |
OU | both eyes |
oz | ounce |
p (with line above) | after |
P | pulse |
PA | posteroanterior |
PACS | Picture Archiving and Communication Systems |
PACU | postanesthesia care unit |
PAP | prostatic acid phosphatase |
PAS | pulsatile antiembolism stockings |
PBZ | pyribenzamine |
PC | personal computer; packed cell |
pc | after meals |
PCA | patient-controlled analgesia |
PCN | penicillin |
PCP | primary care physician |
PCT | patient care technician |
PCV | packed-cell volume (hematology; same as hematocrit) |
PCXR | portable chest X-ray |
PD | peritoneal dialysis |
PDPV | postural drainage, percussion, and vibration |
PDR | Physicians' Desk Reference |
Peds | pediatrics |
PEEP | positive end-expiratory pressure |
PEG | percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy |
PEP | positive expiratory pressure |
PET | positron emission tomography |
pH | hydrogen ion concentration (acidity) |
PHI | protected health information reference |
PICC | peripherally inserted central catheter |
PICU | pediatric intensive care unit |
PID | pelvic inflammatory disease |
PKU | phenylketonuria (chemistry) |
P.M. | evening, night |
PO | by mouth, or postoperative |
P04 or phos | phosphate or phosphorus (chemistry) |
POCT or PCT | point-of-care testing |
Postop, postop | after surgery |
PP | postpartum |
pp | postprandial (after meals) |
P&PD | percussion and postural drainage |
PPE | personal protective equipment |
PPO | preferred provider organization |
pr | per rectum |
Preop, preop | before surgery |
prn | whenever necessary |
PROM | passive range of motion |
PSA | patient support associate; prostate-specific antigen |
Psych | psychiatry |
PT | physical therapy; prothrombin time |
Pt | patient |
PTA | physical therapy assistant |
PTCA | percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty |
PTHC or PTC | percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography |
PIT or APTT | partial thromboplastin time or activated partial thromboplastin time |
PWB | partial weight bearing |
q | every |
qd | every day; daily |
qh | every hour (or fill in hour [e.g., q4h]) |
qid | four times a day |
qns | quantity not sufficient |
qod | every other day |
R | rectal |
RA | room air |
R*A*C*E | Rescue individuals in danger; Alarm—sound the alarm; Confine the fire by closing all doors and windows; Extinguish the fire with the nearest suitable fire extinguisher |
RBC | red blood cell |
RBS | random blood sugar |
RD | registered dietitian |
ROW | red cell distribution width |
reg | regular |
Retics | reticulocytes (hematology) |
RIS | radiology information system |
RL | Ringer's lactate |
RLE | right lower extremity |
RLL | right lower lobe |
RLQ | right lower quadrant |
R&M | routine and microscopic |
RML | right middle lobe |
RN | registered nurse |
R/0 | rule out |
ROM | range of motion |
Rout | routine |
RPR | rapid plasmin reagin |
RR | recovery room; respiratory rate |
RSV | respiratory syncytial virus |
RT | respiratory therapist |
Rt | routine |
rt or ® | right |
RUE | right upper extremity |
RUL | right upper lobe |
RUQ | right upper quadrant |
Rx | take (e.g., treatment, medication) |
s (with line above) | without |
ss | semis (one-half) |
S&A | sugar and acetone (urinalysis) |
SAD | save a day |
SaO2 or O2 sats | oxygen saturation |
SBFT | small bowel follow-through |
SBO | small bowel obstruction |
SBU | small business unit |
SC, sq, or sub-q | subcutaneous |
SCO | sequential compression device |
SDS | same-day surgery |
SEP | somatosensory evoked potential |
SHUC | student health unit coordinator |
SICU | surgical intensive care unit |
SIDS | sudden infant death syndrome |
SL | sublingual |
SNAT | suspected nonaccidental trauma |
SNF | skilled nursing facility |
SO4 | sulfate |
SOB | shortness of breath |
sol'n | solution |
SOS | if needed (one dose only) |
SR | slow release |
SSE | soap suds enema |
SSU | short-stay unit |
st | straight |
stat | immediately |
STM | soft tissue massage |
subling, SL | sublingual (under the tongue) |
supp | suppository |
Surg | surgery |
SVN | small volume nebulizer |
syr | syrup |
T3,T4,T7 | thyroid tests |
T&A | tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy |
tab | tablet |
TAH | total abdominal hysterectomy |
TB | tuberculosis |
TBD | to be done |
TBT | template bleeding time |
T&C or T&X-match | type and crossmatch |
TCDB | turn, cough, deep breathe |
TCT or TT | thrombin clotting time or thrombin time |
TDWB | touchdown weight bearing |
Ted | antiembolism stockings |
temp | temperature |
TENS | transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation |
THR or THA | total hip replacement/total hip arthroplasty |
TIA | transient ischemic attack |
TIBC | total iron-binding capacity (chemistry) |
TICU | trauma intensive care unit |
tid | three times a day |
Timed Specimen | to be drawn at specified time |
tinct or tr | tincture |
TJC | The Joint Commission |
TKO | to keep open |
TKR or TKA | total knee replacement/total knee arthroplasty |
TPN | total parenteral nutrition |
TPR | temperature, pulse, respiration |
TRA | to run at |
Trig or TG | triglycerides (chemistry) |
T&S | type and screen |
TSH | thyroid-stimulating hormone |
T/stat | timed stat |
TT | tilt table |
TTOT | transtracheal oxygen therapy |
TTWB | toe-touch weight bearing |
TUR | transurethral resection |
TWE | tap water enema |
Tx | traction or treatment |
u | unit |
UA or U/A | urinalysis |
UC | urine culture |
UCR | usual, customary, and reasonable |
UD | unit dose |
UGI | upper gastrointestinal |
ung | unguent (ointment) |
US | ultrasound |
USN | ultrasonic nebulizer |
VAD | venous access device |
VDRL | Venereal Disease Research Laboratories |
VDT | video display terminal |
VEP | visual evoked potential |
vib & perc | vibration and percussion |
VMA | vanillylmandelic acid |
VNS | visiting nurse service |
VS | vital sign |
WA or W/A | while awake |
WBAT | weight bearing as tolerated |
WBC | white blood cell |
WHO | World Health Organization |
wk | week |
WNL | within normal limits |
WP | whirlpool |
wt | weight |
WWW | World Wide Web |
X-match | crossmatch |
Zn | zinc |