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EMTC Chapter 10
EMT Complete Basic Worktext - Chapert 10 Vital Signs and Medical History
Question | Answer |
What is a Symptom | Something that is experienced and described by the patient as it pertains to his cheif complaint |
What is a Sign | Something that the EMT can see or observe or has a value that can be recorded |
Examples of Symptoms include... | Fatigue, Nausea, Pain, Headache, Double Vision, Lightheadedness, and Thirst |
Examples of Signs include... | Skin Color, temperature and moisture. Pulse Rate, strength, and regularity. Vomiting. Blood Pressure. Bruise. Deformity. Swelling |
Baseline vital Signs | The very first set of vital signs obtained on the patient during a call |
Trending | The comparing of multiple sets of vital signs over a period of time in order to reveal a trend in the patients condition. |
Normal respirator rates (breaths per minute at rest) Adult | 12 to 20; above 24 serious; Below 10 Serious |
Normal respirator rates (breaths per minute at rest) Adolescent 11-14 years | 12 to 20 |
Normal respirator rates (breaths per minute at rest) School Age 6 to 10 | 15 to 30 |
Normal respirator rates (breaths per minute at rest) Preschool 3 to 5 years | 20 to 30 |
Normal respirator rates (breaths per minute at rest) Newborn | 30 to 50 |
Snoring Sounds | Airway blocked / Open patients airway prompt transport |
Wheezing | Medical problem such as asthma assist patient in taking perscribed medications; prompt transport |
Gurgling | Fluids in airway/ suction airway prompt transport |
Crowing (harsh sound when inhaling) | medical problem that cannot be treated on the scene ; prompt transport |
What are the charachteristics of respirations | Rate, Depth, Ease, Sound |
Tidal Volume | the amount of air moved in and out with each breath. |
Ease of resperation is described in one of the following ways | Unlabored; Labored (mild, moderate, severe) |
wheezing | this is a high pitched sound that is indicative of lower airway constriction. this can be heard during both inhalation and exhalaton. |
Stridor | This harshe high pitched sound can occur dring inhilation or exhalation and is indicative of partial upper airway obstruction |
Crackles | Thes are find cracling sounds that can be heard with a stethoscope during inhalation as aire is forced through fluid or mucus i the lower airways |
Cartoid Pulse | The pulse point located on either side of the anterior neck lateral to the trachea |
Brachael Pulse | Pulse point felt in two locations on the inside of the upper arm and over the medial aspect of the anterior elbow |
Radial Pulse | pulse point located over the lateral aspect of the anterior wrist |
Femoral pulse | pulse point located deep in the groin between the hip and the inside of the upper thight |
popliteal pulse | pulse point located over the posterior aspect of the knee |
dorsal pedis (pedal) pulse | pulse point located over the anterior foot. |
Posterior tibial pulse | pulse point located over the medial ankle just posterior to the ankle bones |
Pulse rates (Beats per minute) Aadult | 60 to 100 |
Pulse rates (Beats per minute) Children 11 to 14 | 60 to 105 |
Pulse rates (Beats per minute) School age 6 to 10 | 70 to 110 |
Pulse rates (Beats per minute) Newborn | 120 to 160 |
Pulse Quality rapid and regular | Exertion, fright, fever, high bloodpressure, first stage of blood loss |
Pulse Quality Rapid and regular Slow | Shock, later stages of blood loss |
Pulse Quality Slow | Head Injury, drugs, some poisons, some heart problems, lack of oxygen in children |
Pulse Quality irregular | Possible abnormal electrical heart activity (Arrthmia) |
Pulse Quality No pulse | Cardiac arrest (clinical death) |
Blood Pressure adult male | 100 plus age in years to 40 for systolic and 60 to 90 for the diastolic |
Blood Pressure adult female | 90 plus age in years to age 40 for systolic and 60 to 90 for diastolic |
Adolescent | 90 or lower systolic and 2/3 of the systolic pressure |
palpation | the act of examining by feeling with the hands. Also a technique used for obtaining a blood pressure reading |
Systolic | the pressure created when the left ventricle contracts and forces blood out into the areteries |
Diastolic | the pressure remaining int he arteries when the left ventricle of the heart is relaxed and refilling |
a patients skin should be assessed for the following conditions | Color temperature and moisture |
Skin color can be assesed from the following areas for evidence of good perfusion | Face, Nail beds, Oral mucosa(inside the lower lip), conjunctivia (inside the lower eyelid) |
Pale | A whiteish skin condtion indicative of poor perfusion |
Cyanotic | a bluish skin color indicative of poor oxygenation |
flushed | a reddish skin clor commonly seen when someone is embarrassed or is suffering a heat related emergency |
jaundice | a yellowish color of the kin and whites of the eyes indicative of poor liver function |
diaphoretic | perspiring, sweaty, moist. A chartachterization of skin condition |
Cool clammy skin is | a sign of shock, or anxiety |
cold moist skin is | an indication that the body is losing heat |
cold dry skin is | exposure to cold |
hot dry skin is | high fever heat exposure |
Hot moist skin is | high fever, heat exposure |
Goos pimples accompanied by shivering, chattering teeth, blue lips, and place skin | Chills, communicable disease, exposure to cold, pain or fear. |
Capalarie refill test | a test used to assess perfusion status in the extemities |
As you observe a patients eyes, you will be observing for the following charachteristics | pupil size/shape; equality of pupil size; reactivity to light |
dialated pupils | pupils that are larger than normal |
Constricted pupils | pupils that are smaller than normal |
PERRL | a mneumonic used to evaluate a patients puple. the letters stand for Pupils Equal and Round Reactive to Light |
orthostatic vital signs | a test in which vital signs are measured before and after a patient moves from a supine to a sitting position, or a sitting position to a standing position |
there are several situtations where a pulse oximiter will not work for measuring oxygen levels | Patients who are in shock or hypothermic; cases of carbon monoxide poisioning; Excessive movement; nail polish beneath the probe |
General Impression | the element of a patient assessment that includes assessing approxamate age, gender and level of distress |
Cheif complaint | the patients perception of the problem in his own words. It is not what the EMT percieves is to be the problem |
SAMPLE | a nmeumonic used in btaining a patient history. the letters stand for signs and symptons, allergies, medications, past pertanant medical history Last oral intake, and Events leading to the injury or illness |
OPQRST | a mneumonic for the questions asked to get a description of the present illness. The letters stand for Onset, Provocation, Quality, Region, and Radiate, Severity and Time |