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Chap 12 MedTerm

Respiratory System

epiglottis lid like piece of cartilage that covers the larynx (voice box), preventing food from entering during swallowing
vocal folds one or two small bands bands of muscle within the larynx; muscles vibrate to produce the voice
epiglottis (closed)
lobes of the lungs three lobes on the right, two on the left
how many lobes of lungs on the right? three
how many lobes of lungs on the left? two
organs in the mediastinum (area between the lungs) heart, large arteries, the trachea, esophagus, the bronchi, and lymph nodes
Mediastinum Includes thymus gland
parietal pleura the outer layer (fold) of pleura lying closest to the ribs
pleural cavity space between the folds of the pleura
Mediastinum region between the lungs in the chest cavity
visceral pleura inner layer of pleura lying closer to the lung tissue
atelectasis condition of imperfect lung expansion; collapsed lung
"c" shaped rings of cartilage prevent collapse
bronchi : bronchus branch of the trachea (windpipe) passageway into the lung; bronchial tube
bronchioles smallest branches of the bronchi : lead to alveolar ducts
pleural cavity visceral pleura, pleura cavity, parietal pleura
Breathing is a muscular contraction- relaxation of the diaphragm
nose nostrils
Pharynx: Nasopharynx the area of the upper throat that lies behind the nose
Pharynx: Oropharynx the area of the upper throat that lies behind the nose
Alveoli air sacs of the lungs
parenhyma distinctive tissue of an organ or an abnormal growth
capn/o carbon dioxide
laryng/o larynx, voice box
phon/o voice
phren/o diaphragm
ema condition
tel/o complete
pneum/o air, lung
lobectomy surgical removal of a lobe of an organ
sphyxia lack of oxygen or carbon dioxide
Pneumothorax in pleural cavity (space)
Pneumothorax air gathers in the pleural cavity (difficulty breathing, less oxygen)
auscultation listening to sounds within the body
percussion tapping on a surface to determine in the density of the underlying structure
rales (crackles) fine crackling sounds heard on auscultation (during inhalation) when there is fluid in the aveoli (air sacs of the lungs)
wheezes continuous high pitched whistling sounds produced during breathing
epistaxis nosebleed
asthma chronic bronchial inflammatory disorder with airway obstruction due to bronchial edema and constriction and increased mucus production
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (chronic condition of persistent obstruction of air flow through the bronchial tubes and lungs
COPD: Chronic Bronchitis inflammation of tubes leading from the trachea (over a long period of time)
COPD: Emphysema hyperinflation of air sacs with destruction of aveolar walls
pneumonia acute inflammation and infection of alveoli, which fill with pus or products of the inflammatory reaction
pulmonary edema fluid in the air sacs
embolus blood clot
pulmonary infarction area of necrosis (death of living tissue)
pulmonary embolism clot or other material lodges in the vessels of the lung
tuberculosis (TB) infectious disease caused by MYOBACTERIUM; lungs involved, but any organ may be affected (spread from person to person through air)
hemoptysis spitting up blood symptom of TB (tuberculosis)
PPD Skin Test a method used to diagnose tuberculosis infection
pleural effusion abnormal accumulation of fluid in the pleural space (cavity)
bronchoscopy fiberoptic endoscope examination of the bronchial tubes
endotracheal intubation placement of a tube through your mouth into the pharnyx, larynx, and trachea to establish an airway
thoracentisis surgical puncture to remove fluid from the pleural space
tracheostomy surgical creation of an opening into the trachea through the neck
tracheostomy tube surgical procedure to create an opening through your neck into the trachea (windpipe)
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
CTA clear to auscultation
O2 oxgyen
PPD purified protein derivative (substance used in TB)
SOB small cell lung cancer
URI upper respiratory infection
tube thoractostomy a flexible, plastic chest tube is passed into the pleural space through an opening of the chest
Created by: naldin1
Popular Medical sets




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