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Respiratory Therapy

Medical terminology

Apnea the absence of breathing, temporary inability to breath
Aerophagia swallowing of air
Asthma respiratory disorder, often of allergic origin, characterized by dyspnea (difficulty breathing), wheezing, and a sense of constriction in the chest
Alveoli tiny air sacs in the lungs at the end of the bronchioles
Acidosis an abnormal increase in the acidity of the blood
Anoxia lack or absence of oxygen
Atelectasis collapse of the lung or a part of the lung (imperfect expansion of the lungs)
Bradypnea slow breathing
Bronchitis inflammation of the bronchi
Bronchofiberoscopy use of a flexible bronchofiberscope to examine the tracheobronchial tree
Bronchodilator a substance that acts to dilate constricted bronchial tubes
Bronchiectasis dilation of the bronchi or bronchial tubes
Bronchostenosis narrowing of bronchus
Bronchioles smallest bronchial tubes
Broncholith calculus in a bronchus
Bronchostomy formation of a new opening into a bronchus
Bronchus either of the two main branches of the trachea
Bronchorrhagia bronchial hemorrhage
Bronchorrhaphy suturing of a bronchus
Bronchospasm spasmodic contraction of the muscular lining of the bronchi
Crackles fine crackling or bubbling sounds typically heard upon inspiration
Consolidation process of being solid
Corticosteroid relieves inflammation and replace hormones for adrenal insufficiency (Addison disease).
Coryza inflammation of the nasal passages, cold
Croup acute respiratory syndrome, laryngeal obstruction, barking cough, stridor
Cyanosis bluish color due to hypoxia
Cyte cell
COPD (Chronic obstructive Pulmonary Disease)- group of respiratory disorders, characterized by a chronic, partial obstruction of the bronchi and lungs.
Diaphragm muscle partition that separates the lungs from the abdominal cavity and aids in the process of breathing
Dermatomycosis fungal disease of the skin
Ectasia/Ectasis dilation or expansion
Emphysema distention and destruction of the alveoli
Empyema pus in a body cavity, especially in the pleural cavity (pyothorax)
Epiglottitis acute form, a severe, life-threatening infection of the epiglottis and surrounding area that occurs most commonly in children 2-12.
Epiglottis flap covering the windpipe
Epistaxis hemorrhage of the nose or nose bleed
Endotracheal within the trachea
Friction rub dry grating sounds heard upon auscultation with a stethoscope
FVC (Forced Vital Capacity)- measurement of the amount of air that can be forcefully exhaled from the lungs after the deepest inhalation
Hypoxemia oxygen deficiency in the blood
Hemo blood
Hemoptysis condition of bloody sputum. Expectoration (coughing up) blood
Hypoxia oxygen deficiency in the body
Hemorrhage rupture, large amount of blood loss
Hyperventilation excessive movement of air in and out of the lungs, sighing respirations
Intercostal pertaining to between the ribs
Influenza contagious, viral disease, may cause fever, chills, HA (hemagglutinin), muscle (my) pain
Inspiration the act of drawing in the breath. To breathe in
IPPB (Intermittent positive-pressure breathing)
Lobectomy excision of a lobe. Surgical excision or removal of a lobe
Larynx voice box (contains the vocal cords)
Laryngitis inflammation of the larynx
Laryngalgia pain in the larynx
Laryngostomy creating a new opening in larynx
Laryngotomy incision into the larynx to create a temporary opening
Laryngocele herniation of the larynx
Laryngopathy any disease of the larynx
Laryngoscope instrument used to examine the larynx
Laryngospasm spasm of the larynx
Melan black
Muc(o) mucus
My(o) muscle
Myc(o) fungus
Mycosis any condition caused by a fungus
Mycoid resembling fungi
Mycology science and study of fungi
Mycodermatitis inflammation of the skin caused by a fungus
Steth chest
Ortho straight
Orthopnea difficult/ painful breathing in a position except in an erect sitting or standing position. Abel to breathe only when sitting or standing
Ptyalo saliva or sputum (P is silent)
Ptyalorrhea flow of saliva
Pertussis “whooping cough” infection of the respiratory mucous membrane
Pnea breath, breathing, respiration
Dyspnea difficult breathing
Pneum(o) lung/air
Pneuma wind or breath
Pneumoderma collection of air under the skin
Pneumothorax collection of air in the chest cavity
Pneumotherapy treatment with compressed air
Pneumometer an instrument that measures air volume in respiration
Pneumoserothorax collection of air and serum in the chest cavity
Pneumopyothorax collection of air and pus in the chest cavity
Pneumon/o lung
Pneumonectomy excision of part or all of a lung
Pneumonotomy incision of a lung
Pneumonopathy any disease of the lungs
Pneumonorrhagia hemorrhage of a lung
Pneumonia acute inflammation of the lungs caused by a variety of organisms and viruses
Pneumonitis inflammation of the lungs
Pneumonomelanosis lung disease in which lung tissue becomes black due to breathing in black dust, soot, or black smoke
Postural drainage use of body positioning to assist in removal of secretion from specific lobs of the lung, bronchi, or lung cavities
Pneumothorax the presence of air in the pleural cavity
Pneumonocele herniation of the lung through a defect in the chest wall
Pneumocentesis surgical puncture of the lung (to remove fluid)
Pneumonopexy surgical fixation of lung tissue
Pleuritis inflammation of the pleura
Pleurectomy excision of part of the pleura
Pleura membrane enveloping the lungs and lining the walls of the thoracic cavity
Pleuralgia pain in the pleura
Pharyngo throat
Pharyngotomy incision of the pharynx
Pharyngopathy disease of the pharynx
Pharyngoplasty surgical repair of the pharynx
Pharyngoscope instrument to examine the pharynx
Pharyngolith calculus in the wall of the pharynx
Pharyngomycosis a fungus disease of the pharynx
Pharyngitis inflammation of the pharynx
Pharyngocele herniation of the pharynx
Pharyngostenosis narrowing/stricture of the pharynx
Pyothorax pus in the thorax of the pleural cavity
Pharyngomycosis abnormal fungus condition of the throat
Pharyngoplegia paralysis of the pharynx or throat
Phreno diaphragm
Phrenoplegia paralysis of the diaphragm
Phrenectomy removal of a portion of the phrenic nerve
Pulmono lung
Pulmonary/ Pulmonic pertaining to lungs
Pulmonary/Pulmonic valve heart valve through which blood travels to the lungs. Blood flows from the heart to the lungs via the pulmonary or pulmonic artery.
Pulmonary embolus blood clot moving to the lung
Rhinoplasty surgical repair of the nose
Rhinomycosis fungal disease of the nose
Pneumonosis abnormal condition of the lungs
Stridor high pitched musical sound made on inspiration due to obstruction
Spirometry measures breathing capacity of the lungs
Thoracocentesis surgical puncture of the chest (to remove fluid)
Trachea windpipe
Tracheopyosis condition of the trachea with pus formation
Tracheorrhagia hemorrhage from the trachea
Trachealgia pain in the trachea
Tacheocele herniation of the trachea
Tracheostomy forming an opening in the trachea
Tracheoscopy examination of the trachea
Tracheal pertaining to the trachea
Tracheolarygnotomy incision of trachea and larynx
Tracheomalacia softening of the trachea
Tracheopathy disease of the trachea
Tracheotomy incision of the trachea
Tracheostomy surgical creation of a new opening in the trachea
Tachypnea rapid, fast, elevated breathing
Tuberculosis infectious disease producing small lesions in the lungs
Visceropleural pertaining to the membrane attached to the lung
Whoop sonorous and convulsive sound on inhalation due to spasms in the larynx. Barking or seal cough. Indicative of whooping cough
Wheeze continuous high pitched whistling usually during expiation, narrow airway
OSA obstructive sleep apnea
FEV Forced expiratory (exhaled) volume
FEV1 forced expiratory (exhaled) volume in one second
PFT (pulmonary function test)- test to determine the capacity of the lungs to exchange oxygen and CO2 efficiently
Fibromyalgia a syndrome characterized by fatigue and chronic pain in the muscles as well as in tissues surrounding the joints
Cystic fibrosis production of viscid mucus that obstructs the pancreatic ducts and bronchi
Diaphragmatic- hernia protrusion of the abdominal parts/organs into the chest through the diaphragm
Nephritis inflammation of the kidneys
Hepatoma tumor of the liver
ABG Arterial Blood Gases
CA Cancer; Chronological age; cardiac arrest
COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)- used to describe progressive lung diseases such as emphysema, chronic bronchitis, refractory asthma.
CPAP (Continuous positive airway pressure)- treatment that is used due to enlarged tonsils that cause an airway obstruction
CPAP machine (Continuous positive airway pressure)- machine used to treat sleep apnea.
CO2 Carbon dioxide
OSA (obstructive sleep apnea)- may be due to enlarged tonsils that cause an airway obstruction
ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome)- due to severe inflammatory damage that causes abnormal permeability of the alveolar-capillary membrane. Alveoli filled with fluid interferes with gas exchange
-al pertaining to
-ar pertaining to
-algia-, dynia pain
-ectasis dilation, expansion
-cele hernia, swelling
-centesis surgical puncture
-ectomy excision, removal
-malacia softening
-itis inflammation
-ia condition
-ole small, minute
-osis abnormal condition, increase (primarily in blood cells)
-osmia smell
-oxia oxygen
-rrhea discharge, flow
-scope instrument for examining
-plasty surgical repair
-phagia swallowing, eating
-plegia paralysis
-pnea breathing
-stenosis narrowing stricture
-spasm involuntary contraction, twitching
-thorax chest
-therapy treatment
-tome instrument to cut
-tomy incision
-ist specialist
-itic pertaining to
-ia condition
-logist study of
-pathy disease
An- or A- without, not
Brady- slow
Dys- bad, painful, difficult
Eu- good, normal
Epi- above, upon
Erythr/o red
Hyp-, Hypo- under, below, deficient
Macro- large
Micro- small
Neo- new
Para- near, beside, beyond
Peri- around
Tachy- rapid
Ortho- straight
Pneumon- lung
Melan- black
Py(o) pus
Created by: Cbotto95
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