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Respiratory Therapy
Medical terminology
Term | Definition |
Apnea | the absence of breathing, temporary inability to breath |
Aerophagia | swallowing of air |
Asthma | respiratory disorder, often of allergic origin, characterized by dyspnea (difficulty breathing), wheezing, and a sense of constriction in the chest |
Alveoli | tiny air sacs in the lungs at the end of the bronchioles |
Acidosis | an abnormal increase in the acidity of the blood |
Anoxia | lack or absence of oxygen |
Atelectasis | collapse of the lung or a part of the lung (imperfect expansion of the lungs) |
Bradypnea | slow breathing |
Bronchitis | inflammation of the bronchi |
Bronchofiberoscopy | use of a flexible bronchofiberscope to examine the tracheobronchial tree |
Bronchodilator | a substance that acts to dilate constricted bronchial tubes |
Bronchiectasis | dilation of the bronchi or bronchial tubes |
Bronchostenosis | narrowing of bronchus |
Bronchioles | smallest bronchial tubes |
Broncholith | calculus in a bronchus |
Bronchostomy | formation of a new opening into a bronchus |
Bronchus | either of the two main branches of the trachea |
Bronchorrhagia | bronchial hemorrhage |
Bronchorrhaphy | suturing of a bronchus |
Bronchospasm | spasmodic contraction of the muscular lining of the bronchi |
Crackles | fine crackling or bubbling sounds typically heard upon inspiration |
Consolidation | process of being solid |
Corticosteroid | relieves inflammation and replace hormones for adrenal insufficiency (Addison disease). |
Coryza | inflammation of the nasal passages, cold |
Croup | acute respiratory syndrome, laryngeal obstruction, barking cough, stridor |
Cyanosis | bluish color due to hypoxia |
Cyte | cell |
COPD | (Chronic obstructive Pulmonary Disease)- group of respiratory disorders, characterized by a chronic, partial obstruction of the bronchi and lungs. |
Diaphragm | muscle partition that separates the lungs from the abdominal cavity and aids in the process of breathing |
Dermatomycosis | fungal disease of the skin |
Ectasia/Ectasis | dilation or expansion |
Emphysema | distention and destruction of the alveoli |
Empyema | pus in a body cavity, especially in the pleural cavity (pyothorax) |
Epiglottitis | acute form, a severe, life-threatening infection of the epiglottis and surrounding area that occurs most commonly in children 2-12. |
Epiglottis | flap covering the windpipe |
Epistaxis | hemorrhage of the nose or nose bleed |
Endotracheal | within the trachea |
Friction rub | dry grating sounds heard upon auscultation with a stethoscope |
FVC | (Forced Vital Capacity)- measurement of the amount of air that can be forcefully exhaled from the lungs after the deepest inhalation |
Hypoxemia | oxygen deficiency in the blood |
Hemo | blood |
Hemoptysis | condition of bloody sputum. Expectoration (coughing up) blood |
Hypoxia | oxygen deficiency in the body |
Hemorrhage | rupture, large amount of blood loss |
Hyperventilation | excessive movement of air in and out of the lungs, sighing respirations |
Intercostal | pertaining to between the ribs |
Influenza | contagious, viral disease, may cause fever, chills, HA (hemagglutinin), muscle (my) pain |
Inspiration | the act of drawing in the breath. To breathe in |
IPPB | (Intermittent positive-pressure breathing) |
Lobectomy | excision of a lobe. Surgical excision or removal of a lobe |
Larynx | voice box (contains the vocal cords) |
Laryngitis | inflammation of the larynx |
Laryngalgia | pain in the larynx |
Laryngostomy | creating a new opening in larynx |
Laryngotomy | incision into the larynx to create a temporary opening |
Laryngocele | herniation of the larynx |
Laryngopathy | any disease of the larynx |
Laryngoscope | instrument used to examine the larynx |
Laryngospasm | spasm of the larynx |
Melan | black |
Muc(o) | mucus |
My(o) | muscle |
Myc(o) | fungus |
Mycosis | any condition caused by a fungus |
Mycoid | resembling fungi |
Mycology | science and study of fungi |
Mycodermatitis | inflammation of the skin caused by a fungus |
Steth | chest |
Ortho | straight |
Orthopnea | difficult/ painful breathing in a position except in an erect sitting or standing position. Abel to breathe only when sitting or standing |
Ptyalo | saliva or sputum (P is silent) |
Ptyalorrhea | flow of saliva |
Pertussis | “whooping cough” infection of the respiratory mucous membrane |
Pnea | breath, breathing, respiration |
Dyspnea | difficult breathing |
Pneum(o) | lung/air |
Pneuma | wind or breath |
Pneumoderma | collection of air under the skin |
Pneumothorax | collection of air in the chest cavity |
Pneumotherapy | treatment with compressed air |
Pneumometer | an instrument that measures air volume in respiration |
Pneumoserothorax | collection of air and serum in the chest cavity |
Pneumopyothorax | collection of air and pus in the chest cavity |
Pneumon/o | lung |
Pneumonectomy | excision of part or all of a lung |
Pneumonotomy | incision of a lung |
Pneumonopathy | any disease of the lungs |
Pneumonorrhagia | hemorrhage of a lung |
Pneumonia | acute inflammation of the lungs caused by a variety of organisms and viruses |
Pneumonitis | inflammation of the lungs |
Pneumonomelanosis | lung disease in which lung tissue becomes black due to breathing in black dust, soot, or black smoke |
Postural drainage | use of body positioning to assist in removal of secretion from specific lobs of the lung, bronchi, or lung cavities |
Pneumothorax | the presence of air in the pleural cavity |
Pneumonocele | herniation of the lung through a defect in the chest wall |
Pneumocentesis | surgical puncture of the lung (to remove fluid) |
Pneumonopexy | surgical fixation of lung tissue |
Pleuritis | inflammation of the pleura |
Pleurectomy | excision of part of the pleura |
Pleura | membrane enveloping the lungs and lining the walls of the thoracic cavity |
Pleuralgia | pain in the pleura |
Pharyngo | throat |
Pharyngotomy | incision of the pharynx |
Pharyngopathy | disease of the pharynx |
Pharyngoplasty | surgical repair of the pharynx |
Pharyngoscope | instrument to examine the pharynx |
Pharyngolith | calculus in the wall of the pharynx |
Pharyngomycosis | a fungus disease of the pharynx |
Pharyngitis | inflammation of the pharynx |
Pharyngocele | herniation of the pharynx |
Pharyngostenosis | narrowing/stricture of the pharynx |
Pyothorax | pus in the thorax of the pleural cavity |
Pharyngomycosis | abnormal fungus condition of the throat |
Pharyngoplegia | paralysis of the pharynx or throat |
Phreno | diaphragm |
Phrenoplegia | paralysis of the diaphragm |
Phrenectomy | removal of a portion of the phrenic nerve |
Pulmono | lung |
Pulmonary/ Pulmonic | pertaining to lungs |
Pulmonary/Pulmonic valve | heart valve through which blood travels to the lungs. Blood flows from the heart to the lungs via the pulmonary or pulmonic artery. |
Pulmonary embolus | blood clot moving to the lung |
Rhinoplasty | surgical repair of the nose |
Rhinomycosis | fungal disease of the nose |
Pneumonosis | abnormal condition of the lungs |
Stridor | high pitched musical sound made on inspiration due to obstruction |
Spirometry | measures breathing capacity of the lungs |
Thoracocentesis | surgical puncture of the chest (to remove fluid) |
Trachea | windpipe |
Tracheopyosis | condition of the trachea with pus formation |
Tracheorrhagia | hemorrhage from the trachea |
Trachealgia | pain in the trachea |
Tacheocele | herniation of the trachea |
Tracheostomy | forming an opening in the trachea |
Tracheoscopy | examination of the trachea |
Tracheal | pertaining to the trachea |
Tracheolarygnotomy | incision of trachea and larynx |
Tracheomalacia | softening of the trachea |
Tracheopathy | disease of the trachea |
Tracheotomy | incision of the trachea |
Tracheostomy | surgical creation of a new opening in the trachea |
Tachypnea | rapid, fast, elevated breathing |
Tuberculosis | infectious disease producing small lesions in the lungs |
Visceropleural | pertaining to the membrane attached to the lung |
Whoop | sonorous and convulsive sound on inhalation due to spasms in the larynx. Barking or seal cough. Indicative of whooping cough |
Wheeze | continuous high pitched whistling usually during expiation, narrow airway |
OSA | obstructive sleep apnea |
FEV | Forced expiratory (exhaled) volume |
FEV1 | forced expiratory (exhaled) volume in one second |
PFT | (pulmonary function test)- test to determine the capacity of the lungs to exchange oxygen and CO2 efficiently |
Fibromyalgia | a syndrome characterized by fatigue and chronic pain in the muscles as well as in tissues surrounding the joints |
Cystic fibrosis | production of viscid mucus that obstructs the pancreatic ducts and bronchi |
Diaphragmatic- hernia | protrusion of the abdominal parts/organs into the chest through the diaphragm |
Nephritis | inflammation of the kidneys |
Hepatoma | tumor of the liver |
ABG | Arterial Blood Gases |
CA | Cancer; Chronological age; cardiac arrest |
COPD | (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)- used to describe progressive lung diseases such as emphysema, chronic bronchitis, refractory asthma. |
CPAP | (Continuous positive airway pressure)- treatment that is used due to enlarged tonsils that cause an airway obstruction |
CPAP machine | (Continuous positive airway pressure)- machine used to treat sleep apnea. |
CO2 | Carbon dioxide |
OSA | (obstructive sleep apnea)- may be due to enlarged tonsils that cause an airway obstruction |
ARDS | (acute respiratory distress syndrome)- due to severe inflammatory damage that causes abnormal permeability of the alveolar-capillary membrane. Alveoli filled with fluid interferes with gas exchange |
-al | pertaining to |
-ar | pertaining to |
-algia-, dynia | pain |
-ectasis | dilation, expansion |
-cele | hernia, swelling |
-centesis | surgical puncture |
-ectomy | excision, removal |
-malacia | softening |
-itis | inflammation |
-ia | condition |
-ole | small, minute |
-osis | abnormal condition, increase (primarily in blood cells) |
-osmia | smell |
-oxia | oxygen |
-rrhea | discharge, flow |
-scope | instrument for examining |
-plasty | surgical repair |
-phagia | swallowing, eating |
-plegia | paralysis |
-pnea | breathing |
-stenosis | narrowing stricture |
-spasm | involuntary contraction, twitching |
-thorax | chest |
-therapy | treatment |
-tome | instrument to cut |
-tomy | incision |
-ist | specialist |
-itic | pertaining to |
-ia | condition |
-logist | study of |
-pathy | disease |
An- or A- | without, not |
Brady- | slow |
Dys- | bad, painful, difficult |
Eu- | good, normal |
Epi- | above, upon |
Erythr/o | red |
Hyp-, Hypo- | under, below, deficient |
Macro- | large |
Micro- | small |
Neo- | new |
Para- | near, beside, beyond |
Peri- | around |
Tachy- | rapid |
Ortho- | straight |
Pneumon- | lung |
Melan- | black |
Py(o) | pus |