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H & P Final
Pt Assessment
Question | Answer |
Regulates internal environment | Autonomic ns (symp/parasymp) |
Motor/sensory nerves, ganglia outside CNS | Peripheral ns |
Components of neuro exam | Mental Status; CNs; Sensory Fn; Cerebellar Fn; Motor fn; DTRs |
Mental Status exam is performed during what part of exam? | throughout the entire patient interaction |
Mediates higher mental functions, perception, & behavior | Cerebral cortex |
Assoc w/speech, emotions, memory | Frontal |
Processes sensory data | Parietal |
Hearing, speech, long term memory, language, behavior, emotion & personality | Temporal |
Mediates survival behavior, affect | Limbic |
Appearance & Behavior: components | Grooming, emotional status, Body language |
Body language: | Posture, eye contact, nervousness, psychomotor agitation, immobility |
Lev els of consciousness | Alert; Lethargy; Obtunded; Stupor; Coma |
Awake, responds fully and appropriately | Alert |
Drowsy, respond to questions | Lethargy |
Slow response and somewhat confused | Obtunded |
Slow responses, arousable for short periods with painful stimuli | Stupor |
Not aware nor awake | Coma |
Pt should be oriented to: | person, place, time, & situation |
Time disorientation | anxiety, depression, dementia |
Place disorientation | psychiatric disorders, delirium |
Person disorientation | cerebral trauma, seizures |
Registration | repeat a sentence or three unrelated items |
Recall | show the patient 3 items, have him recall them later |
Short-term Memory | ask about events within the past few hours or days (weather that morning, etc.) |
Long-term Memory | ask mother’s maiden name, high school attended, significant historical events |
Impaired memory | delirium, dementia, anxiety, depression |
Loss of immediate and recent memory with retention of remote = | dementia |
Ability to focus or concentrate over time: | Attention span |
Ask pt to repeat series of numbers, serial 7s, spell WORLD backwards: tests = | Attention span |
Ask pt to follow series of short commands or repeat short story: tests = | Attention span |
Decreased attention span may be related to: | fatigue, anxiety, dementia |
“What would you do if you found a stamped envelope?” – tests: | judgment/insight |
Mood = | sustained internal emotion |
Affect = | observable feeling/tone, more episodic* |
Mood & Affect: Ask pt = | How they feel right now (depressed? Signs of mania?) |
Thought process/content: Ask pt = | How and what they are thinking |
Perceptions: assessment includes = | Hallucinations, illusions |
Aphonia: | loss of voice |
Dysphonia: | impairment in volume, quality, pitch of voice |
CN II: tests | acuity, fields, funduscopic |
CN III tests | pupillary response (direct and consensual); Inspect eyelids for drooping; EOMs |
CN IV (Trochlear) test | EOM: Inferio-medial |
CN VI (Abducens) test | EOM: Lateral deviation |
Tests for Primary Sensory Functions | Light touch; superficial pain; temp |
Sensory fn test of shoulders = tests: | C5 |
Sensory fn test of thumb = tests: | C6 |
Sensory fn test of middle finger = tests: | C7 |
Sensory fn test of pinky = tests: | C8 |
Sensory fn test of inner forearms = tests: | T1 |
Sensory fn test of lateral thigh = tests: | L3 |
Sensory fn test of medial ankle = tests: | L4 |
Sensory fn test of 1st inter-digital space = tests: | L5 |
Sensory fn test of Little toe/Lateral ankle = tests: | S1 |
Where test vibration sense | Toe, ankle, knee, Finger, wrist, elbow, shoulder |
Stereognosis | Ability to identify common object; Tactile agnosia suggests parietal lobe lesion |
Graphesthesia | Identify drawn figure |
Two-point discrimination | Use one or two points (2-8 mm is normal in fingertips) |
Decorticate rigidity | Rigid flexion; Corticospinal tract above brainstem |
Decerebrate rigidity | Rigid extension; Brainstem |
Aphasia | Disorder in producing or understanding language |
Broca’s | Expressive |
Wernicke’s | Receptive |
Anesthesia | Total or partial loss of sensation |
Hyperesthesia | Increase in sensitivity to sensory stimuli |
Nystagmus: | Rhythmic oscillation of eyes; Cerebellar disease, drug toxicity |
Resting tremor | Pronounced at rest; Parkinsonism |
Intention tremor | Appears with activity; Multiple Sclerosis |
Postural tremor | Appears when maintaining a posture; hyperthyroid, fatigue, benign essential |
Bell’s Palsy | Peripheral paralysis of facial nerve; Central lesion will only affect lower face |
5.07 Monofilament tests for: | Test for protective sensation |
The motor cortex is located in: | the precentral gyrus of the frontal lobe |
Corticospinal tracts AKA: | pyramidal tracts |
Corticospinal tracts originate in the | motor cortex |
3 “motor pathways” : | corticospinal tracts, basal ganglia and the cerebellum |
Aids motor cortex in integration of voluntary movement | Cerebellum |
coordinates control of muscle tone, posture and equilibrium | Cerebellum |
Cerebellar functions: at ____ level | unconscious |
Responsible for fine movement of the hands | Cerebellum |
Upper motor neurons (UMN): Originate & terminate: | within CNS |
UMN are neurons of the: | corticospinal tracts and the basal ganglia |
UMN can influence or modify the: | lower motor neurons |
Examples of UMN disease: | CVA, multiple sclerosis & cerebral palsy |
The “final common pathway: | LMN |
Examples of lower motor neuron disease | Spinal cord lesions |
“lower” or primitive pathway = | Basal Ganglia System: |
Basal Ganglia System AKA | extrapyramidal system |
Extinction phenomenon | Touch pt at 2 diff areas of body; they s/b able to exactly locate both |
Point localization | Touch a point, ask pt to open eyes & indicate location touched |
5.07 Monofilament: pos test may indicate: | Peripheral neuropathy, Diabetes mellitus |
LMNs located in: | peripheral nervous system (cranial nerves & spinal nerves) |
Spinal nerves: how many pairs? | 31 |
Sensory afferent fibers of dorsal root carry impulses: | from sensory receptors to the spinal cord |
Sensory/motor fibers supply/receive information in: | dermatomes |
Motor exam: | Mx tone/bulk; mx strength; DTRs; Cerebellar fn |
Cerebellar function: | Gait/balance; Coordination; Romberg |
Coordination tests: | Rapid alternating movements; point-to-point testing |
Mx inspection: hands | thenar/hypothenar eminences |
Mx inspection: Palpation: | Mx tone; mx strength |
The normal, mild resistance of a relaxed muscle to a passive stretch | Tone |
Increased tone = | spasticity |
Spasticity causes: | awkward, rigid movements; |
Rigidity that persists throughout the range is called: | lead-pipe rigidity |
Decreased mx tone = | flaccidity |
Mx inspection: Palpation: Muscle strength: | Compare symmetrically |
Mx strength scale = | graded on a 0-5 scale |
Mx strength scale: 0 = | no voluntary contraction |
Mx strength scale: 5 = | full muscle strength against resistance |
Weakness may result from: | pain, fatigue or disuse |
Strength testing is often combined with: | ROM |
Mx strength scale: a grade of 3 or less = | consistent with disability |
Babinski response indicates: | dz of pyramidal tract in adults |
DTRs: Biceps: | C5,6 |
DTRs: Triceps: | C6,7 |
DTRs: Brachioradialis: | C5,6 |
DTRs: Patellar: | L2,3,4 |
DTRs: Ankle: | S1 |
Grading DTRs: 0 = | absent response |
Grading DTRs: 1+ = | sluggish / diminished |
Grading DTRs: 2+ = | average / anticipated response |
Grading DTRs: 3+ = | brisk, slightly hyperactive |
Grading DTRs: 4+ = | hyperactive; clonus may be present |
DTRs can be recorded: | in chart-style or by using a stick-man figure |
Biceps Reflex: expected response | visible or palpable flexion of the elbow |
Triceps Reflex: Response: | visible or palpable extension of the elbow |
Brachioradial Reflex: Response: | elbow flexion with supination of the hand. |
DTRs include tests of: | Biceps, triceps, brachioradial, patellar, ankle |
Patellar Reflex: Response: | extension of the lower leg |
Ankle Reflex: Response: | plantar flexion of the foot |
Plantar Reflex is a _____ reflex | superficial |
Plantar Reflex: Response: | plantar flexion of the toes |
Cerebellar Function tests: | Coordination/Fine Motor Skills |
Rapid alternating movements (RAM): | Evaluate rhythm/flow/speed |
Point-to-point testing: | Finger to nose; Heel to shin |
Test of balance: | Romberg test; Observe normal gait; Tandem gait |
Gait Patterns: Spastic hemiparesis = | Stroke |
Gait Patterns: Spastic diplegia = | Scissoring |
Gait Patterns: Steppage = | Foot drop |
Gait Patterns: Waddling = | Weak hip abductors |
Gait Patterns: Cerebellar ataxia = | Wide based gait |
Gait Patterns: Sensory ataxia = | Loss of position sense |
Gait Patterns: Parkinsonian = | Shuffling |
Gait Patterns: Antalgic limp = | Painful extremity |
plegia: | absence of strength (paralysis) |
hemiplegia: | paralysis of one half of the body |
paraplegia: | paralysis of the legs |
paresis: | impaired strength (weakness) |
hemiparesis: | weakness of one half of the body |
Epicondyles: | for tenderness associated with fx |
Patella: | for pain, fx, stability |
Patella tendon: | tendonitis |
Joint space: | fluid |
Joint line: | meniscus tears, ACL tears |
Med/Lat collaterals: | ligament strains |
Tibial tuberosity: | OSD |
Medial tibial plateau: | Pes anserine bursitis |
Posterior joint space: | PCL, Bakers cyst |
Light touch: Side of Neck: | C2-3 |
Light touch: Tip of Shoulder: | C4 |
Light touch: Lateral Deltoid: | C5 |
Light touch: Thumb: | C6 |
Light touch: Middle Finger: | C7 |
Light touch: Pinky Finger: | C8 |
Light touch: Medial Forearm at elbow: | T1 |
Light touch: 1st Dorsal web: | Radial nerve |
Light touch: Palmar middle pad: | Median |
Light touch: Palmar small pad: | Ulna |
Light touch: Groin: | L1 |
Light touch: Upper thigh: | L2 |
Light touch: Outer thigh at knee: | L3 |
Light touch: Medial ankle: | L4 |
Light touch: Dorsal 1st web space: | L5 |
Light touch: Lateral ankle: | S1 |
Light touch: Buttock: | L2-3 |
Light touch: Perianal: | L4 |
Argyll Robertson pupil = | pupil reacts to light but does not accommodate (seen in tertiary syphilia/tabes dorsalis) |
Eye deviation occurs in what direction? | toward a unilateral hemispheric lesion and away from a unilateral brainstem lesion |
Functional testing of eye movements is done by: | oculo-cephalic reflex (Doll's head) or oculo-vestibular reflex (ice water calorics) |
Oculo-cephalic reflex (Doll's head): CI if: | if there is a question of cervical spine injury |
Oculo-cephalic reflex: Abnormal response = | absent or asymmetric eye movement: destructive lesion at midbrain or pontine level; poss also deep barbiturate poisoning |
Oculo-vestibular reflex: Normal response (conscious pt): | Tonic (sustained) deviation of eyes toward stimulated side, w/ quick phase of nystagmus toward the opposite side |
Oculo-vestibular reflex: Response in comatose pt w/ intact brainstem: | Tonic deviation of eyes, but no nystagmus |
Oculo-vestibular reflex: Response in comatose pt w/ brainstem dysfn: | Loss of tonic deviation w/ stimulation of one, or both ears; if there is no tonic deviation there can be no fast response |
Oculo-vestibular response does not distinguish between: | metabolic and structural causes of coma |
Corneal sensation: | carried by CN V (Trigeminal); test with cotton swab pressed gently onto cornea; abnormal reponse suggests a pontine lesion |