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Question | Answer |
Medical language is made up primarily (but not exclusively) of words taken from which two ancient languages? | Greek and Latin |
Identify and define the PREFIX in the term antigen. | anti- across |
Identify and define the PREFIX in the term hypertrophic. | hyper- over |
Identify and define the ROOT in the term subcutaneous. | cutane/o skin |
Identify and define the SUFFIX in the term costochondritis. | -itis inflammation |
Identify and define correct pronunciation for the capitalized syllable in CYanosis. | sai |
The suffixes -algia and -dynia both mean: | pain |
Translate the suffix - emia. | blood condition |
Translate the suffix - graph. | Instrument used to produce a record. |
Translate the suffix -logy. | study of |
What is the meaning of the root hydr/o? | water |
What is the meaning of the suffix -oma? | tumor |
What is the meaning of the suffix -rrhaphy? | suture |
What is the meaning of the suffix -rrhexis? | rupture |
What is the meaning of the suffix -spasm? | involuntary contraction |
What is the ROOT in the term tachycardia? | cardi |
Which is the proper breakdown of the word parts in the term hemarthrosis? | hem/arthr/osis |
Which is the proper translation of angiogram? | record of the blood vessels |
Which is the proper translation of gastritis? | inflammation of the stomach |
Which term means "instrument for looking into a joint"? | arthroscope |
Which term means "surgical reconstruction of a vessel"? | angioplasty |
Which of the following prefixes are opposites? | brady-, tachy- |
Which of the following prefixes are opposites? | hyper-, hypo- |
When putting medical terms together, do NOT use a combining vowel: | to join a root to a suffix that begins with a vowel. |
Which of these correctly represents a medical term built with the following root and suffix? vas/o + spasm | vasospasm |