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The type of cardiology that envolves the entering of the body to make a correction or for examination.
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Supervision and Interpretation codes for angiography are located where in the CPT manual.
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A Buck CH 7

A Buck 7

The type of cardiology that envolves the entering of the body to make a correction or for examination. Invasive
Supervision and Interpretation codes for angiography are located where in the CPT manual. radiology section
An example of a noninvasive cardiology procedure/service is. cardiovascular stress test
The major division of the cardiovascular subsection is whether a procedure involved a coronary or noncoronary vessel
What is the name of the procedure in which fluid is withdrawn from the space around the heart through a needle and a catheter is left in to allow for continued drainage. pericardiocentesis
The device that can be inserted into the body to electrically shock the heart into regular rhythm cardioverter-defibrillator
Pacemaker insertion codes are divided based on the surgical approach
What is the name of the electrodes that are placed into the atrium and/or ventricle of the heart when a pacemaker is inserted leads
What are the three sections of the CPT that you use to code many cardiovascular services surgery, radiology, medicine
What does the abbrevation EP mean as it relates to cardiovascular services electrophysiology
What type of cardiology is a diagnostic specialty that uses radioactive elements to aid in the diagnosis of cardiology conditions nuclear
Within the cardiovascular system, what is compared to the branches of a tree vascular families
In which type of catheter placement is the catheter moved, manipulated, or guided into a part of the arterial system other than the vessel punctured selective
The procedure in which the surgeon withdrawns fluid from the pericardial space by means of a needle inserted percutaneously into the space is called pericardiocentesis
The number of postoperative days usually assigned for the global period following implantation of a pacemaker is 90
Code 36000 (Introduction of needle or intracatheter, vein) is an example of non-selective catheterization
A ___ is a mass of undissolved matter that is present in blood and is transported by the blood embolus
This is not considered to be bundled in with a vascular injection contrast media
This modifier does not identify a coronary artery -LM
A Holter monitor is similar to an electrocardiogram in that leads are attached to the patient
Cardiovascular stress test codes are used for exercise-induced studies and pharmacologically-induced studies
If the clinic physician performs the catheterization procedure at the hospital, which modifier would you append to the catheterization code -26
Arrhythmia ablation is a treatment for bradycardia/tachycardia
Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring is a procedure that is done over a 24 hour period by means of a portable device worn by the patient
If a clinic owns its own x-ray equipment, what modifier would be used when coding for the supervision and interpretation of a cardiac catheterization no modifier
If catheterization is performed on the coronary arteries, in which section would you find the codes medicine
The pulse generator of a pacemaker is also referred to as the battery
Created by: leemiller
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