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Term | Definition |
Angi(o) | Blood vessel |
Brachi(o) | Arm |
Bucc(o) | Cheek |
Cardi(o) | Heart |
Carp(o) | Wrist |
Cephal(o) | Head |
Colp(o) | Vagina |
Crani(o) | Skull |
Cyst(o) | Cell |
Dactyl(o) | Finger, toe |
Encephal(o) | Brain |
Enter(o) | Intestine |
Gloss(o) | Tongue |
Hemo | Blood |
Hyster(o) | Womb, uterus |
Mast(o) | Breast |
Men(o) | Month, related to menses |
Nephr(o) | Kidney |
Oophor(o) | Ovary |
Ophthalm | Eye |
Ot(o) | Ear |
Phleb(o) | Vein |
Pod | Foot |
Rhin(o) | Nose |
Salping(o) | Fallopian tube |
Thorac(o) | Chest |
Thromb(o) | Clot |
Gluc(o) | Sweet, sugar |
Hydr(o) | Water |
Lact(o) | Milk |
Lip(o) | Fat |
Therm | Heat |
Erythr(o) | Red |
Leuk(o) | White |
Cyan(o) | Blue |
Melan(o) | Black |
Cirrh(o) | Yellow |
Ankyl(o) | Stiff, fixed, crooked |
Sten(o) | Narrow |
Ortho | Straight position |
Kypho | Bent, crooked |
Pseudo | False |
Macro | Large |
Micro | Small |
Poly | Many, much |
Brady | Slow |
Tachy | Fast |
Oligo | Few |
Iso | Equal |
Diplo | Both, double |
Hemi | Half |
Pan | All |
Pro | Before |
Post | After |
Super | Above |
Sub | Below |
Dors(o) | Back |
Retro | Backwards |
Para | Beside |
Re | Again |
Later(o) | Side |
Medi(o) | Middle |
Schizo | Split |
Inter | Between |
Heter(o) | Different |
Hom(o) | Same |
Ad(o) | Towards |
Ab(o) | Away from |
Anti | Against |
Endo | In, within, inside |
Ex(o) | Out |
Epi | Upon, above |
Dia | Through |
Peri | Around |
Sinister(a) | Left |
Dextr(o) | Right |
Aden(o) | Gland |
Arthr(o) | Joint |
Cervic(o) | Neck |
Costo | Rib |
Cyto | Cell |
Derm | Skin |
Gastr(o) | Stomach |
Glosso | Tongue |
Heme | Blood |
Hepat(o) | Liver |
Lingu | Tongue |
Litho | Stone |
My | Muscle |
Myo | Marrow |
Neuro | Nerve |
Oto | Ear |
Opti | Eye |
Osteo | Bone |
Pneum(o) | Lung |
Psycho | Mind |
Rhino | Nose |
Thor(a) | Chest |
Vasc | Vessel |
A(n) | Without |
Auto | Self |
Dys | Difficult, painful |
Gravida | Pregnant, heavy |
Neo | New |
Centesis | Tap, puncture |
Ectomy | Removal |
Lysis | Separate, destroy |
Ostomy | Form an opening |
Otomy | Cut into |
Plasty | Repair |
Algia | Pain |
Cele | Hernia, swelling |
Emia | Blood |
Gen | Producing |
Itis | Inflammation |
Megaly | Enlargement |
Oid | Resemble |
Oma | Tumor |
Osis | Abnormal condition |
Pathy | Disease |
Penia | Deficiency |
Phagia | Eating |
Phasia | Speech |
Plegia | Paralysis |
Phobia | Fear |
Pnea | Air, breathing |
Rrhage | Burst forth |
Rrhea | Flow, discharge |
Sclerosis | Hardening |
Spasm | Contraction |
Troph(o) | Nourishment |
Uri(a) | Urine |
Gram | Picture, record |
Ology | Study of |
Phon(o) | Sound |
Scope | Inspect |
Vas(o) | Blood vessel |
Sanguin(o) | Blood |
Mamm(o) | Breast |
Pulm | Lung |
Ocu | Eye |
Myel | Marrow |
Circum | Around |
Contra | Against |
Ren(o) | Kidney |
Ocul(o) | Eye |
Auri | Ear |
Aud | Ear |
Ven(o) | Vein |
adip(o) | Fat |
Leuc(o) | White |
Stric | Narrow |
Hyper | Many, much |
Multi | Many, much |
Hypo | Few |
Ambi | Both, double |
Ante | Before |
Pre | Before |
Supra | Above |
In | In, within, inside |
Intra | In, within, inside |
Ec(to) | Out |
Trans | Through |
Bio | Life |
Carcin(o) | cancer |
Faci(o) | face |
Somat(o) | body |
asthenia | Weakness |
crine | To secrete |
dynia | Pain |
ectasis | Expansion and dilation |
gnosis | Knowledge |
iatry | A field fo study in medicine |
lepsy | Attack or seizure |