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chap 4/6

feedback patients response, is verbal or nonverbal evidence that message got understood.
noise anything that changes the message in anyway or interferes with the communication process & can referred to as noise. ex. room temp.
positive verbal communication being friendly, warm, smiling
negative verbal communication mumbling, speaking sharply, avoiding eye contact
nonverbal communication body language, consist of facial expressions, eye contact, touch, posture
posture the way you hold or move your hand, arms, and the rest of your body can project strong nonverbal messages
open posture feeling of receptiveness & friendliness can be conveyed with open posture. ex. arms layed comfortably at your side or in lap
closed posture conveys the opposite of open posture ex. signal someone is angry or upset
active listening two-way communication ex. offering feedback or asking questions
ergonomic science of making thing fit people
general duty clause takes effect if no specific standard has been developed
reservoir host animal, insect, or a human whose body is capable of sustaining the growth of a pathogen
carrier host who is aware of the of the presence of the pathogen & so the disease spreads
vector living organism that carriers microorganisms from a infected person to person
fomite (indirect transmission through contact) ex. drinking glasses, door knobs, any surface or object
susceptible host member of a species population who is at risk of becoming infected with a certain disease due to a variety of reasons ex. age, genetic, stress
pathogen infection cycle begins when the pathogen invades the reservoir host
asepsis principles must applied to break the cycle of infection & it spreads
what is typically defined as personal space in social situations? show respect of their feelings, stand 4 to 12 feet
personal conversation 1 & 4 feet away
what is communication circle 3 elements: message, source, receiver, messages are usually verbal, written or nonverbal
what is body language considered non-verbal
active passive involves two-way communication ( offering feedback )
passive listening hearing what someone has to say without the need for a reply ( one-way communication )
what causes anxiety in some patients white- coat syndrome, fear the worst, procedure can be painful
what behaviors help prevent conflict and improve communication among coworkers have respect, empathy, be caring, thoughtful
what are examples of judgement opinion, decision. ex. blonde women automatically being treated as dumb
what are examples of sterotyping negative statement about the specific traits of a group that is applied unfairly to an entire population
what agency was created in 1970 to help protect employee safety in the workplace OSHA- Occupational Safety and Health Administrations
what color must the label on all biohazardous waste contain red- orange
what are the five elements of the cycle of infection reservoir host, means of exit, means of transmission, means of entrance, susceptible host
what is the penalty for failure to correct a prior OSHA violations fine up to 70,000 for each day it is not fixed
airborne transmission often applies to what type of diseases inhaled by diff. sources, soil, sneeze, cough, influenza, chickenpox, tuberculosis
what substances do standard precautions apply blood, all body fluids and excretion. except: sweat
OSHA list three categories of tasks task I, task II, task III
Task I perform is assisting with minor surgical procure in the office ex. removal of cyst
Task II perform is giving mouth to mouth resuscitation to a patient
Task III procedure you may perform is giving a patient medicated nose drops
what should an employee do following an exposure incident physician or employer must be notified immediately
an employee is required to offer the HBV vaccine to a medical worker within how many days 10 days
what is the most important aseptic technique for a medical assistant proper hand hygiene
rapport physician- patient communication resulting I positive effect on patient satisfaction
ergonomic science of making things fit
Created by: nishaaa
Popular Medical sets




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