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Medical terminology
The Integumentary System
Term | Definition |
acne vulgaris AK-nee vul-GAR-is | Inflammation of the skin follicles |
dermatitis der-mah-TAI-tis | inflammation of the skin |
dermatomycosis der-mah-toh-mai-KOH-sis | a fungal skin condition |
hypertrichosis HAI-per-trih-KOH-sis | excessive growth of hair |
ichthyosis ik-thee-OH-sis | a condition in which the skin is dry and scaly and resemble fish scales |
impetigo im-peh-TAI-goh | a highly contagious bacterial infection of the skin |
malignant melanoma ma-LIG-nant meh-lah-NOH-ma | a harmful tumor of melanin cells |
mycodermatitis mai-koh-der-mah-TAI-tis | inflammation of the skin caused by fungus |
onychomycosis AW-nih-koh-mai-KOH-sis | a fungal condition of the nail |
sclerodermatitis skleh-roh-der-mah-TAI-tis | inflammation of the skin accompanied by thickening and hardening |
scleronychia skleh-raw-NIH-kee-ah | thickening and hardening of the nails |
seborrheic dermatitis se-boh-RAY-ik der-mah-TAI-tis | inflammation of the skin caused by the discharge of oil (sebum) |
steatitis stay-ah-TAI-tis | inflammation of fat tissue |
trichomycosis trik-koh-mai-KOH-sis | a fungal condition of the hair |
xanthosis zan-THOH-sis | yellowing of the skin |
hypodermic hai-poh-DER-mik | pertaining to beneath the skin |
intradermal in-trah-DER-mal | pertaining to inside the skin |
percutaneous per-kyoo-TAY-nee-us | pertaining to through the skin |
subcutaneous sub-kyoo-TAY-nee-us | pertainig to beneath the skin |
transdermal trans-DER-mal | pertaining to through the skin |
chemotherapy KEE-moh-THEH-rah-pee | treatmentusing chemicals |
cryosurgery KRAI-oh-SIR-juh-ree | destruction of tissue through freezing |
dermabrasion der-mah-BRAY-zhun | rubbing or scraping away the outer surface of skin |
incision and drainage (I&D) in-SIH-zhun and DRAY-nij | to cut into a wound to allow trapped infected liquid to drain |
lipectomy lih-PEK-toh-mee | removal of fatty tissue |
liposuction LAI-poh-SUK-shun | removal of fatty tissue using a vacuum |
onychectomy aw-nik-EK-toh-mee | remove of a nail |
onychotomy aw-ni-KAW-toh-mee | incision into a nail |
anesthetic an-es-THET-ik | a drug that temporarily blocks sensation |
antibiotic an-thai-bai-OH-tk | a drug that destroysor opposes growth of microorganisms |
antihistamine an-tee-HIS-tah-meen | a drug that opposes the effects of histamine |
antipruritic an-tee-pruh-RIH-tik | a drug that prevents or relieves itching |
abrasion uh-BRAY-zhun | scraping away of skin |
albinism AL-bin-ism | lack of pigmentation in skin, causing patient to look white |
albino al-BAY-noh | a person afflicted with albinism |
alopecia a-loh-PEE-sha | baldness |
anhidrosis an-hi-DROH-sis | lack of sweating |
dermatalgia der-mah-TAL-jah | skin pain |
dermatodynia der-MA-toh-DAI-nee-ah | skin pain |
erythema eh-rih-THEE-ma | redness |
erythroderma eh-RIH-throh-DER-ma | red skin |
hidropoiesis hih-droh-poh-EE-sis | the formation of sweat |
hyperhidrosis hai-per-hih-DROH-sis | excessive sweating |
hyperkerotosis hai-per-ker-ah-TOH-sis | excessive growth of horny skin |
hypermelanosis hai-per-mel-an-OH-sis | excessive melanin in the skin |
hyperpigmentation hai-per-pig-men-TAY-shun | excessive pigment in the skin |
hypohidrosis hai-poh-hih-DROH-sis | diminished sweating |
hypomelanosis hai-poh-mel-an-OH-sis | diminished melanin in the skin |
hypopigmentation hai-poh-pig-men-TAY-shun | diminished pigment in the skin |
leukoderma loo-koh-DER-mah | white skin |
onychophagia aw-nih-koh-FAY-jah | eating or biting the nails |
pruritus prur-AI-tis | an itch |
trichomegaly tri-koh-MEG-ah-lee | abnormally thick hair |
urticaria ur-tih-KAR-ee-ah | swollen raised itchy areasof the skin |
xanthoderma zan-thoh-DER-mah | yellow skin |
xeroderma zeh-roh-DER-mah | dry skin |
xerosis ze-ROH-sis | condition of dryness |
macule (freckle) MA-kyool, MAW-koo-lah | small, flat, discolored area |
patch patch | larger, flat, discolored area |
papule PA-pyool | a small solid mass |
plaque PLAK | a solid mass on the surface of the skin |
bulla BUL-lah | a larger blister |
pustule PUS-tyool | a pus-filled blister |
ulcer UL-sir | a sore |
scale SKAYL | skin flaking off |
crust krust | a dried substance (blood, pus, etc) on the skin |
ecchymosis eh-kih-MOH-sis | a larger bruise |
petechia puh-TEE-kee-yah | a small bruise |
cicatrix SIK-ah-triks | scar |
keloid KEE-loid | overgrowth of scar tissue |
nevus NEE-vus | mole |
verruca var-ROO-kah | wart |
biopsy (Bx) BAI-op-see | removal of tissue in order to examine it ( with your own twoeyes) |
keratogenic ker-RA-toh-jen-ik | causing horny tissue to develop |
keratosis KER-rah-TOH-sis | horny tissue condition |
onychocryptosis AW-nih-koh-krip-TOH-sis | an ingrown nail |
onychopathy aw-nik-AW-pah-thee | nail disease |
steatoma STEE-ah-TOH-ma | a fatty tumor |