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Ch. 3 terms
skeletal system
Term | Definition |
arthrodesis | surgical fusing of two bones to stiffen a joint, such as spinal fusion arthro/desis |
arthrolysis | surgical loosening of an ankylosed joint arthro/lysis |
chondromalacia | abnormal softening of cartilage chondro/malacia |
comminuted fracture | bone is splintered or crushed |
craniostenosis | malformation of the skull due to premature closure of cranial sutures cranio/stenosis |
hallux valgus | bunion, abnormal enlargement of joint a base of big toe |
hemarthrosis | blood within a joint hem/arthr/osis |
kyphosis | abnormal increase in the outward curvature of the thoracic spine as viewed from the side, dowager's hump kyph/osis |
lordosis | abnormal increase in the forward curvature of the lumbar spine, swayback lord/osis |
metacarpals | five bone that form the palm of the hand |
metatarsals | foot bones |
open fracture | bone is broken and there is an open wound in the skin |
orthopededic surgeon | physician who specializes in bone, joints, and muscles |
osteoporosis | marked loss of bone density and increase in porosity osteo/por/osis |
podiatrist | physician who specializes in the foot |
scoliosis | abnormal lateral curvature of the spine scoli/osis |
spina bifida | congenital defect that occurs during early pregnancy when spinal canal fails to close around spinal cord |
spondylolisthesis | forward slipping movement of the body of a lumbar vertebrae on the vertebrae below it spondylo/listhesis |
synovectomy | surgical removal of a synovial membrane from a joint synov/ectomy |
functions of skeletal system | -framework for body -make movement possible -protection -store calcium -form red blood cells |
ossification | process of bone making ossi/fication |
articular cartilage | covers surfaces of bones where they articulate |
periosteum | tough, fibrous tissue that forms the outermost covering of the bone peri/oste/um |
compact bone | dense, hard, very strong bone that forms the outer layer of bones |
spongy bone | porous, lighter and weaker than compact bone often contains red bone marrow |
medullary cavity | central cavity in shaft of long bones contains red and yellow bone marrow |
endosteum | tissue that lines the medullary cavity end/oste/um |
red bone marrow | in spongy bone, manufactures blood cells |
yellow bone marrow | fat storage area |
diaphysis | shaft of a long bone |
epiphysis | wider ends of long bones, proximal and distal ends |
types of joints | fibrous cartilaginous synovial |
fibrous joint | inflexible layers that hold bones tightly together, do not allow movement, sutures on skull |
cartilaginous joint | allow slight movement, connected entirely by cartilage, ribs (costal cartilage) and pelvis |
synovial joint | created where two bones articulate, allow a variety of movement, ball and socket, hinge |
synovial membrane | lines the capsule and secretes synovial fluid |
synovial fluid | flows within the synovial cavity acts as a lubricant |
ligaments | bands of fibrous tissue that connect bone to bone (sometimes bone to cartilage) |
bursa | fibrous sac that acts as a cushion to ease movement in joints |
ankylosis | loss of absence of mobility in a joint, ankyl/osis |
atherosclerosis | stiffness of joints, especially in elderly, arthro/sclerosis |
arthroplasty | surgical repair of a damaged joint, or replacement with artificial joint arthro/plasty |
chondroplasty | surgical repair of damaged cartilage, chondro/plasty |
arthroscopic surgery | minimally invasive procedure for the treatment of the interior of a joint, arthro/scopic |
frontal bone | bone behind forehead |
parietal bones | largest bones in skull most of roof and upper sides of cranium |
temporal bones | bone behind temples, form sides and base of cranium |
occipital bone | back of skull and base of cranium |
zygomatic bones | cheekbones |
maxillary bones | upper jaw |
mandible bone | jawbone, onlly skull bone that moves |
sternum | breastbone |
clavicle | collar bone |
humerous | upper arm |
radius | forearm bone near thumb |
ulna | forearm bone away from thumb, larger and point of elbow |
carpals | 8 bones of the wrist |
phalanges | 14 finger bones and toe bones singular phalanx |
tarsals | 7 bones of the ankle |
5 parts of the spinal cord | cervical-7 thoracic-12 lumbar-5 sacrum-fused 1, part of pelvis coccyx-4 fused to 1, tailbone |
ilium | hip bones |
ischium | butt bones |
pubis | pubic bones |
pubic symphysis | cartilaginous joint that unites the left and right pubic bones |
femur | thigh bone |
patella | knee cap |
tibia | shinbone |
fibula | smaller lower leg bone |
osteomyelitis | inflammation of bone marrow and adjacent bone osteo/myel/itis |
closed fracture | bone is broken, but skin is not |
greenstick fracture | bone is bent, but only partially broken |
oblique fracture | at an angle across the bone |
transverse fracture | straight across the bone |
chiropractor | specializes in spine misalignment disorders |
osteopath | specializes in treatment with spinal manipulation |
rheumatologist | specializes in arthritis and other inflammation in the joints and connective tissues |
hemopoietic | makes blood cell hemo/poietic |
Fibrous dysplasia | bone disorder that destroys normal bone structure and replaces it with fibrous tissue |
ostealgia | bone pain osteo/algia |
osteonecrosis | bone death osteo/necrosis |