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Ch. 6 terms

immune system

lymphatic system absorb fats and fat-soluble vitamins, remove waste products from tissues and work with immune system, return filtered lymph to veins at base of neck
lacteals in small intestine, absorb fats that cannot be transported by the bloodstream
lymphadenitis, lymph/aden/itis swollen glands, inflammation of the lymph nodes
lymphangioma, lymph/angi/oma benign tumor formed by abnormal collection of lymphatic vessels due to a congenital malformation of lymphatic system
lymphedema, lymph/edema swelling of tissues due to an abnormal accumulation of lymph fluid within the tissues
lymphoscintigraphy, lympho/scinti/graphy test to detect damage or malformations of the lymphatic vessels, uses a radioactive substance
splenorrhagia, spleno/rrhagia bleeding from the spleen
interstitial fluid plasma from blood that flows out of arterioles and into the capillaries and then into the intercellular spaces, delivers the nutrients, oxygen, and hormones, picks up wastes, 90% returns to blood stream- the 10% left behind is lymph
lymph clear watery fluid containing electrolytes and proteins, collects wastes- pathogens and dead blood cells
lymphatic circulation works with blood circulatory system, does not have a pump muscles move it, doesn't flow in a circular motion only moves up to neck, lymph filtered by lymph nodes, lymph is clear so vessels are not easy to see
lymphatic capillaries microscopic, blind-ended tubes located near the surface of the body, action of the cells forces the lymph to flow upward and forward
lymphatic vessels flows here from the lymphatic capillaries, these are deeper in the tissues, have valves, join together to form two ducts
lymph nodes small, bean shaped, contain specialized lymphocytes that are capable of destroying pathogens
right lymphatic duct collects lymph from the right side of head and neck, upper right quadrant of body, and right arm
thoracic duct largest lymphatic vessel in body, collects lymph from rest of body especially all left side and lower body
tonsils masses of lymphoid tissue that form a protective ring around the back of the nose and upper throat, filter the air that you breathe to prevent pathogens from entering the respiratory system
palatine tonsils left and right, located on the sides of the throat in the area that is visible at the back of the mouth
adenoids nasopharyngeal tonsils, located in the nasopharynx
lingual tonsils located at the base of the tongue, but not easily visible
thymus mass of lymphoid tissue located above the heart, produces T cells and thymosin, becomes smaller with age
vermiform appendix hangs from cecum, first section of large intestine, probably plays a role in the immune system
spleen sac-like mass of lymphoid tissue in upper left quadrant of abdomen behind the stomach, filters blood, destroys blood cells (hemolytic), maintains blood/plasma balance in blood
pathogens disease-producing organisims
allergens substances that produce allergic reactions
toxins poisonous or harmful substances
malignant cells potentially life-threatening cancer cells
immune system maintain good health, protect from harmful substances
antigen-antibody reaction immune reaction, involves binding antigens to antibodies,
immunity state of being resistant to a specific disease
tolerance an acquired unresponsiveness to a specific antigen
antibody disease fighting protein created by the immune system in response to the presence of a specific antigen
natural immunity resistance to a disease present without the administration of an antigen or exposure to a disease, present at birth or through breast milk
acquired immunity obtained by having a contagious disease or being vaccinated
autoimmune disorder any of a large group of diseases characterized by a condition in which the immune system produces antibodies against its own tissues, mistaking healthy cells for antigens
immunodeficiency disease occurs when immune response is comprimised
Kaposi's sarcoma an opportunistic infection that is frequently associated with HIV, a cancer that causes patches of abnormal tissue to grow in many places in the body
ELISA enzyme-linked-immunosorbent assay, a blood test to screen for the presence of HIV antibodies, lyme disease, or other infections
western blot test more accurate than ELISA, used to confirm ELISA for HIV positive (ELISA often has false positive, western blot is more difficult and expensive)
carcinoma malignant tumor that occurs in epithelial tissue
sarcoma malignant tumor that arises from connective tissues
bacteria one-celled microscopic organisms, most are not harmful
fungus simple parasitic organism, again most are harmless, but some like athlete's foot or ring worm are pathogenic
yeast type of fungus, some pathogenic like candida
viruses very small infectious agents that live only by invading other cells
anthrax contagious disease that can be transmitted through livestock infected with bacillus anthracis
staphylococcus aureus form of staph that often infects wounds and causes serious problems such as TSS or food poisoning
streptococci bacteria that form a chain, many are harmless, some lead to strep throat
toxoplasmosis parasite commonly transmitted from pets to humans by contact with contaminated animal feces, causes birth defects
varicella chicken pox, caused by herpes virus and highly contagious, fever and itchy rash
herpes zoster shingles, acute viral infection characterized by painful skin eruptions that fallow the route of an inflammed nerve, occurs when varicella is reactivated later in life
Zika virus transmitted by mosquito, no treatment or vaccine, usually mild, causes birth defects
STI passed by intimate contact, like warm wet locations, mucosal membranes,
bacterial STI chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis
viral STI human papillomavirus, HIV, herpes, hepatitis
parasitic STI pubic lice, scabies, trichomoniasis, yeast
T cells origin in thymus, play a central role in cell-mediated immunity
B cells specialized lymphocytes that produce antibodies
natural killer cells play an important role in the killing of cancer cells and cells infected by viruses
cytokines a group of proteins such as interferons and interleukins released primarily by the T cells, act as signals to begin immune response
interferons produced in response to the presence of antigens, activate immune system
interleukins play multiple roles in the immune system, direct B and T cells to replicate
allergic reaction occurs when the immune system reacts to a harmless allergen as if it were a dangerous invader
allergens substance that produces an allergic reaction
anaphylaxis severe potentially life threatening allergic reaction
parasites plant or animal that lives on or within a living organism
immunosuppressant used to reduce or prevent bodies normal immune response
corticosteroid drug hormone-like preparation administered as an anti-inflamatory and immunosupressant
cytotoxic drug medication that kills or damages cells
antibody therapy synthetic immunoglobulins, synthetic interferon, monoclonal antibodies
Created by: malloryharlan
Popular Medical sets




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