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Medical terminology

Medical Term Analysis

cytology study of cells
cytoplasm formation of cells
adipose fat
cardiac pertaining to the heart
abdominopelvic relating to the abdominal and pelvic cavities
pericardial pertaining to the pericardium (around the heart)
hypochondriac referring to below the cartilage
epigastric pertaining to above the stomach
dermatology study of skin
hematology study of the liver
otorhinolaryngology study of the ear, nose, throat
gastroenterology study of the (small) intestine
nephrology study of the kidney
gynecology study of women
urology study of the urinary tract
neurology study of nerves/brain
ophthalmology study of the eyes
pulmonology study of the lungs
immunology study of the immunity
cardiology study of the heart
paranasal pertaining to the side of the nose
alveolar pertaining to the alveous
nasopharyngitis inflammation of the nasal passages
visceral pertaining to the internal organs
cyanosis condition of being blue
hemoptysis spitting blood
otorhinolaryngology study of the ear, nose, and throat (voice box)
fibrosis abnormal condition of the fibrous tissue
atelectasis incomplete dilation
pneumoconiosis condition of dust in the lungs
bronchography process of recording the bronchus/bronchi
bronchoscopy visual examination of the bronchi
angiography process of recording the vessel
laryngoscopy visual examination of the laryng (voice box)
oximetery process of measuring oxygen
spirometry process of measuring breathing
tracheotomy surgical incision of the trachea
thoracocentesis surgical puncture of the chest
cardiopulmonary pertaining to heart and lungs
proctology study of the anus/rectum
gastroesophageal pertaining to the stomach and esophagus
carcinoma cancerous tumor
colitis inflammation of the colon
cholecystitis inflammation of the gallbladder
cholelithiasis condition of having gallstones
cholecystography process of recording the gallbladder
intravenous pertaining to within the vein
transhepatic pertaining to through/across the liver
cholangiography process of recording the bile vessel
colonoscopy visual examination of the colon
hyperemia excessive blood condition
keratosis condition of having hard tissue
hemangioma tumor of the blood vessel
albinism condition of being white
ichthyosis condition of being dry/scaly
biopsy view of life
dermatome instrument to cut the skin
pulmonary pertaining to the lung
atrioventricular pertaining to the atrium ventricle
cardiology study of the heart
arteriosclerosis hardening of the artery
atherosclerosis condition of having hard fatty plaque
hypotension low blood pressure
thrombophlebitis inflammation of (blood clot in the vein)
valvulitis inflammation of the vulva
electrocardiography process of recording electric activity of the heart
thrombolytic pertaining to the destruction of a blood clot
sphygmomanometer instrument for measuring blood pressure
cardiomyopathy heart disease
myocarditis inflammation of the heart muscle
hypertension high blood pressure
intracoronary pertaining to within the heart
cholangiopancreatography process of recording the bile vessel in the pancreas
esophagogastroduendoscopy visual examination of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum (small intestine)
gastroscopy visual examination of the stomach
laparoscopy visual examination of the abdomen
sigmoidoscopy visual examination of the sigmoid colon
choledocholithotripsy crushing of bile duct stone
Created by: brielle11
Popular Medical sets




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