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Med Term Exam 2

Radiation Energy carried by a stream of particles from a substance
Radiography Production of diagnostic images
Radioimmunoassay In vitro test to determine the amount of drugs or medication left in the body
Radiology Medical specialty in diagnostic imaging and radiation treatment
Scan Image obtained from the interior of the body
Sonogram Ultrasound
Tomography Types of imaging that produces three-dimensional images
Ultrasonography Use of sound waves to produce images of the interior of a body
Ultrasound Images resulting from ultrasonography
X-Ray High-energy particles of radiation from the interior of a substance
Barium Contrast medium that shows up a white on an x-ray
Computerized Tomography scan CAT scan
Computerized Axial Tomography scan Scan that shows images as detailed slices of a body part or organ
Diagnostic imaging Use of imaging techniques in diagnosing illness
Imaging production of a visual output using x-rays, sound-waves, and magnetic fields
iodine substance used in radiopharmacenticals for contrast medium and radiation therapy
Ion Positively charges particle used to ionize tissue
Magnetic resonance imaging Imaging produced by tracking the magnetic properties in the nuclei
Nuclear Medicine Medical specialty for treating diseases with radioactive substances
Positron emission Tomography scan A series of images that shows the distribution of substances through tissue
Anaplasis Loss of cell differentiation
Apoptosis Normal death of cells
Benign Encapsulated
Cytoplasm Outer portion of a cell surrounding the nucleus
Dedifferentiated Lacking in normal orderly cell arrangement
Differentiated Growing in an orderly fashion
Dysplasia Abnormal tissue growth
Encapsulated Held within a capsule
Heteroplasia Dysplasia
Invasive infiltrating other organs
Malingnant growing uncontrollably
metastasis spread of malignant cells to other parts of the body
mitosis cell division
mutation alteration in DNA to produce defective cells
Neoplasm Tumor: new growth
Oncogene DNA fragment that causes malignancies
Sarcoma Relatively rare tumor that originates
Solid tumor Carcinoma
teratoma Growth containing several types of tissue and various types of cells
Tumor Growth made up of cells that reproduce abnormally
Acquired Active Immunity Resistance to a disease acquired naturally or developed by previous exposure or vaccination
Acquired Passive Immunity Inoculation against disease or poison using antitoxins or another person/species
Antibody Specialized Protein that fights disease
Antigen Any substance that can provide an immune response
Antitoxin Antibodies directed against a particular disease or poison
B-Lymphocytes white blood cells made in the bone marrow that are critical to the body's defense against disease and infection
Gamma Globulin Antibodies given to prevent or lessen certain diseases
Cell Mediated Immunity Resistance to disease mediated by T-Cells
Immunity Resistance to particular pathogens
Interferon protein produced by T-cells and other cells
Immunoglobulin antibody
lymph fluid that contains white blood cells and other substances and flows through lymphatic vessels
lymph node specialized organ that filters harmful substances through tissues and assists with the immune response
Lymph nodule unincapsulated lymphatic tissue
lymphocyte white blood cells made in the bone marrow that are critical to the body's defense against disease and infection
Macrophage Specialized cells that devours foreign substances
Natural Immunity Inherit resistance to disease found in species, race, family group, or individuals
Spleen Organ of lymph system that filters and stores blood, removes old red blood cells
Thymus Soft gland with two lobes that is involved in immune responses
T- Lymphocytes T-cells, specialized white blood cells that receive markers in the thymus
Acetabulum Cup-shaped depression in the hip bone into which the top of the femur fits
Articular Cartilage Cartilage at a joint
Articulation Point at which two bones join together to allow movement
Atlas 1st vertebrae
Axis 2nd vertebrae
Bursa Sac lined with synovial membrane that fills the spaces between the tendons and joints
Cartilage flexible connective tissue found in joints, fetal skeleton, and the lining of various parts of the body
Cervical Vertebrae 7 vertebrae of the spinal column located in the neck
Condyle Rounded surfaces at the end of a bone
Diaphysis Long middle section of a long bone
Dorsal Vertebrae Thoracic vertebrae
Foramen opening or performation through a bone
Foremen magnum Opening in the occipital bone through which the spinal cord passes
Ligament sheet of fibrous tissue connecting and supporting bones, attaches bone to bone
Ossification Hardening into bone
Osteoblast large cell that reabsorbs and removes osseous tissue
Osteocyte bone cell
Tendon fibrous band that connects muscle to bone or other structures
Lumbar vertebrae 5 vertebrae of the lower back
Sacrum next to last spinal vertebrae of lower spine made up of 5 fused bones
Thoracic Vertebrae 12 vertebrae of the chest area
Adipose fatty, or retaining to fat
Alopecia lack of hair in spots, baldness
Apocrine Glands that appear during and after puberty and secrete sweat
Ceruminous glands glands that secrete a waxy substance on the surface of the ear
collagen major protein substance that is tough and flexible and forms connective tissue
Corium the dermis
Cuticle thin band of epidermis that surrounds the edge of nails
Dermis layer of skin beneath the epidermis containing blood vessels, nerves, and some glands
Diaphoresis excretion of fluid by the sweat glands
eccrine glands sweat glands occur all over the body
Epidermis outer portion of the skin containing several strata
Exocrine glands glands that secrete through ducts toward the outside of the body
hair follicle tube like sac in the dermis out of which the hair shaft develops
Hair root portion of the hair beneath the skin surface
Hair shaft portion of the hair visible above the skin surface
hypodermis subcutaneous skin layer
Integument Skin and all the elements that are contained within
Keratin hard, horny protein that forms nails and hair
lunula half moon shaped area at the base of the nail plate
melanin pigment placed by melanocytes that determines the skin/hair/eye color
Melanocytes Cell in the epidermis that produces melanin
Nail Thin layer of keratin that covers the distal portion of the fingers and toes
Papillary Layer Thin sublayer of the dermis containing small papillae
Pore small openings in the skin
Reticular Layer Bottom sub layer of the dermis containing reticula
Sebaceous glands glands in the dermis that open to hair follicles that secrete sebum
Squamous Epithelium flat scaley layer that make up epidermis
stratified squamous epithelium layers of epithelium cells that make up the strata of epithelium
Stratum layer of tissue, especially a layer of the skin
Stratum Cornium Top sub layer of the epidermis
Stratum Germinatibum bottom sublayer of the epidermis
Striae strech marks made in the collagen fibers of the dermis layer
Subcutaneous layer bottom layer of the skin containing fatty tissue
Sweat glands coiled glands of the skin that secrete perspiration to regulate the body temperature and excrete waste products
Created by: 21baczynskm
Popular Medical sets




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