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Med Terms SSA dis.
Med terms for adjudicators for SSA
Question | Answer |
A | without |
An | without, not |
Ab | from,away from |
Ad | towards |
Ante | before |
Anti | against |
Auto | self |
Brady | slow |
Circum | around |
Con | with |
Contra | Opposed to,against |
De | from,down from,or resulting in less than something |
Di/a | through |
Dis | to undo, to free from |
Dys | difficult, abnornal, bad, painful |
Ec | out |
Ect | outer |
End | inner |
epi | upon,on,over |
Eu | easy, well |
Ex | out of, away from |
Extra | outside of, beyond, in additon to |
Hemi | half |
Hyper | in excess |
Hypo | deficient, under |
In | in or not |
Infra | under, below |
Lat | lateral, side |
Lig | bend, tie |
Mal | bad, malfunction |
Mes | middle |
Mono | one, single |
Para | around, near, alongside |
Peri | around |
Poly | many |
Post | after, behind |
Pre | before |
Pro | in front of |
Pub | pubis |
Retro | located behind |
Sub | under |
Super | above, excessive |
Supra | above |
Syn, Sym | together, joined (sym when followed by b,m,p |
Trans | over, across |
Abdomino/a | abdomen |
Acr/o | extremities |
Acromi/o | bone projection of the scapula |
Aden/o | glands |
Adip/o | fat |
Adren/o | adrenal glands |
Aer/o | air |
A/genesis | failure or lack of development |
Algia | pain |
Ambi | both sides |
Angi/o | blood vessel |
Anis/o | unequal |
Ankyl/o | stiff, not moving |
Anter/o | front, anterior |
antr/o | antrum |
aort/o | aorta |
Appendic/o | appendix |
Arteri/o | artery |
Arthr/o | joints (articulations) |
Bi/o | life |
Blast/o | germ or embryonic cell |
Blephar/o | eyelid |
Brachi | arm |
Bronchi/o | bronchus |
Calcane/o | heel |
Carcin/o | cancer |
Cardi/o | heart |
Carp/o | wrists |
Caud/al | downward, towards the tail |
Cele | swelling, hernia |
Centesis | surgical puncture or tap |
Cephal/o | head |
Cerebr/o | cerebrum |
Cervical | Pertaining to neck when referring to upper spine |
Cheil/o | lips |
Chlor/o | green |
Chol/o(e) | gall or bile |
Chrom/o | color |
Chrondr/o | cartilage |
Clys/o | irrigation, washing |
Cocc/i | bacteria (plural) |
Coccus | bacteria (singular) |
Col/o | colon |
Colp/o | vagina |
Condy/o | rounded process on many bones |
Cor/e, Cor/e/o | pupil |
Chir/o | hand |
Cost/o | ribs |
Cranial | pertaining to the skull |
Crypt/o | hidden |
Cusp | projection (cardiovascular) |
Cutane/o | skin |
Cyan/o | blue |
Cycl/o | ciliary body |
Cyst/o | sac, bladder |
Cyt/o | cell |
Dacry/o | tears |
Dactyl | fingers, toes |
Dent/o | tooth |
Dermat/o | skin |
Dextr/o | right |
Dipl/o | pairs |
Dips | thirst |
Dist/o | far, farthest from |
Dors/o | back of the body |
Drom/o | running |
Duct | passage with well-defined walls |
Dueden/o | first part of small intestine |
Dura | covers the brain |
Ect/o | outside |
Ectopic | out of place |
Encephal/o | brain |
End/o | inner, inside |
Enter/o | intestine |
Errant | wandering |
Erythr/o | red |
Esthesi/o (a) | sensation, feeling |
Femoral | pertaining to the thigh |
Femur | thigh bone |
Fibula | lower leg bone |
Frontal | forehead |
Gangli/o | collection of nerve cell bodies |
Ganglium | nerve cell (singular) |
Ganglia | nerve cell (plural) |
Gastr/o | stomach |
Gingiv/o | gums |
Gloss/o | tongue |
Gluc/o | sugar, sweet |
Glyc/o | sugar, sweet |
Gram/o | record |
Gynec/o | pertaining to diseases of women |
Hem/o | blood |
Hepat/o | liver |
Hidr/o | sweat |
Hist/o | tissue |
Humer/o | humerus, upper arm bone |
Hydr/o | water, fluid |
Hyster/o | uterus |
Ictus | seizure |
Ile/o | Ileum (third part of small intestine) |
Ilium | hip bone |
Inferior | below |
Ir/o, Irid/o | eye |
Is/o | equal |
Ischi/o | ischium (hipbone on which body sits when resting) |
Jejun/o | jejunum (2nd part of small intestine) |
kinesi/o | movement, motion |
lacrim/o | lacrimal duct (tear duct) |
lapar/o | abdominal wall |
laryng/o | larynx |
latr/o | side |
leuk/o | white |
lingu/o | tongue |
lip/o | fat |
lith/o | stone, calculus |
lumb/o | lumbar, lower back |
lumbl/o | loin |
lys/o | destruction, breaking down |
malac/ia | softening of tissue |
medial | towards the center |
megal/o | enlarged |
melan/o | black |
men/o | referring to the menses |
mening/o | meninges (3 membranes covering brain & spinal cord) |
ment/o | chin |
mes/o | middle |
metacarpals | palm & back of hand |
metr/o | tissues in uterus |
mon/o | one, single |
muc | mucus |
my/o | muscle |
myel/o | bone marrow |
myx/o | mucus |
narc/o | sleep |
nas/o | nose |
natal | birth |
necr/o | death |
nephr/o | kidney |
neur/o | nerves |
noct/o | night |
null/i | none |
nyct/o | night |
o/o | egg, ovum |
odont/o | teeth |
olig/o | scanty, little |
omo | shoulder |
omphal/o | navel, umbilicus |
onych/o | nails |
oophor | ovary |
opthtalm | eye |
or/o | mouth |
orchid/o | testicle |
orth/o | straight |
oste/o | bone |
ot/o | ear |
palmar | pertaining to palm of hand |
pancreat/o | pancreas |
par/o | bear (as in children) |
patell/o | knee |
pause | cessation |
pelv/i | pelvis |
peps/o | digestion |
pex/o | surgical fixation |
phag/ia | swallowing, eating |
phalang/o | phalanges (fingers & toes) |
pharmac/o | drugs, medicines |
phasia | speech |
phleb/o | vein |
phil/o | attraction to |
phon/o | voice, sound |
phor/o | bear, carry |
dysphoria | depression (carry depression with you) |
phot/o | light |
phren/o | diaphragm (also mind) |
plantar | pertaining to sole of foot |
plas/ia | formation or change (in sense of molding) |
pleg/o | paralysis |
pleur/o | pleura |
pne/o | breathe, breathing |
pneum/o | air or lung |
pneumon/o | lung |
pod/o | foot |
proct/o | rectum & anus |
proxim/o | near |
pseud/o | false |
psych/o | mind |
pub/o | pubus |
py/o | pus |
pyel/o | renal pelvis (collects urine in kidney) |
pyr/o | heat |
rachi/o | spine |
radius | lower arm bone |
retin/o | retina |
rhin/o | nose |
salping/o | fallopian tubes |
sanguin/o | blood |
schis/o | split |
schist/o | split |
schiz/o | split |
scler/o | hard (or outer shell of eye) |
seps/o | poisoned state caused by absorption of pathogenic bacteria & their products into bloodstream |
sept/o | poison (same as sep/so - poisoned bloodstream) |
sepsis | noun version of poisoned bloodstream |
septic | adjective version of poisoned bloodstream |
ser/o | serum |
sinistr/o | left |
OS | left eye |
OD | right eye |
spasm/o | spasm |
spermat/o | spermatozoa |
spleen/o | spleen |
spondyl/o | vertebrae |
staphl/o | clusters (as in bacteria) |
strept/o | twisted or chained (as in bacteria) |
stomat/o | stomach |
supine | lying face up |
syphil/o | pertaining to syphillis |
tach/y | rapid |
tarsal | pertaining to foot area |
therm/o | heat, temperature |
thorac/o | thorax or chest |
thromb/o | blood clot |
tibia | lower leg bone |
tocia | labor |
top/o | place |
trache/o | trachea |
traumat/o | trauma |
trich/o | hair |
troph/y | development |
typan/o | eardrum |
ulna | lower arm bone |
ur/o | urine |
ureter/o | ureter (carries urine from kidney to bladder) |
urthr/o | urethra (dispels urine from bladder & body) |
vas/o | vessel |
vascul/o | blood vessel |
ventral | pertaining to front or abdominal surface |
vesic/o | vescicle, bladder |
viscer/o | internal organs |
xanth/o | yellow |
able | ability |
al | pertaining to |
cele | swelling/hernia |
centesis | surgical puncture or tap |
desis | fusion, connection |
dynia | pain |
estasis | dilation, expansion |
ectomy | excision, removal of |
edema | fluid swelling |
emesis | vomiting |
er | one who |
errant | wandering |
flect | bend |
genesis | producing, forming |
genic | give rise to |
gnosis | knowledge |
graph | instrument of recording |
ia | a condition, (makes a word a noun) |
iasis | abnormal condition |
iatries | healings |
ible | ability |
ic | pertaining to |
ism | condition, state or theory |
ist | specialist, one who |
itis | inflammation |
ity | quality |
logist | one who studies |
logy | study of |
lysis | destruction, separation |
ous | pertaining to |
mania | madness |
meter | measure of |
mortem | death |
natal | birth |
oid | like, resembling |
ole | small (denotes size) |
oma | tumor or swelling |
oophor | ovary |
opia | vision |
opsia | vision |
orrhagia | hemmorrage, bursting forth of blood |
orrhaphy | sewing, suturing |
orrhexis | rupture |
oscopy | visual examination |
osis | condition (makes a word a noun) |
ostomy | opening or forming an opening |
otomy | incision |
ous | condition, material |
pathy | disease (of) |
pause | cessation |
penia | decrease in |
pexy | fixation |
phasia | speech |
physis | grown together |
plegia | paralysis |
porosis | cavity formation |
ptosis | prolapse, sag |
rrhage | bursting forth of |
rrhea | flow or discharge |
scopy | visual examination |
stasis | standing still, controlling, stopping |
stenosis | narrowing, stricture |
tion | condtion or action |
tripsy | crushing |
trophy | development |
y | makes a word into a noun |
a - singular | ae - plural |
us - singular | i - plural |
ma - singular | mata - plural |
on - singular | a - plural |
is - singular | es - plural |
ix - singular | ices - plural |
ex - singular | ices - plural |
ax - singular | aces - plural |
um - singular | a - plural |
HPI | history present illnes |
SI | suicidal ideation |
HI | homicidal ideation |
a/o | alert & oriented |
cc | chief complaint |
NOS | not otherwise specified |
LOC | loss of consciousness |
MIP | minor in possession |
LOS | loss of motion |
ROM | range of motion |
RFC | residual functional capability |
HPI | history present illness |
sx | surgical |
GCS | Glasgow coma scale |
RAC | right anticubital |
VA | visual acuity |
LP | light present |
ECHO | echocardiogram |
NYHA | New York heart association |
PMI | Pain Management Index |
DOE | dyspnea on exertion |
APN | advanced practice nurse |
H&P | history & physical |
RA | room air |
JVD | jugular venous distension |
Jx | joint |
Jt | joint |
CPK | cardiac enzymes |
cc | with correction |
cf | count fingers |
hm | hand motion |
iop | interocular pressure |
lp/lpo | light perception/light perception only |
mr | manifest refraction |
ni | no improvement |
SOB | shortness of breath |
wnl | within normal limits |
d/t | due to |
bx | behavior |
bx | biopsy |
px | physical exam |
mva | motor vehicle accident |
ORIF | open reduction internal fixation |
FPL | flexor pollieis longus (tendon) |
PFS | primary fibromyalgia syndrome |
SLE | systemic lupus erythematosus |
MDP | major depressive disorder |
HA | headache |
MHA | migraine headache |
SI | small intestine |
PRW | past relevant work |
f/u | follow up |
EMG | electromyography |
hs | history |
OA | osteoarthritis |
ROS | review of systems |
PCP | personal care plan |
OV | office visit |
LESI | lumbar epidural steroid injection |
MSR | muscle strength reflexes |
MMT | manual muscle test |
DTR | deep tendon reflexes |
EHL | extensor hallucis longus |
SI/HI | suicidal ideation/homicidal ideation |
SOFA | sequential organ failure assessment |
SIJS | sacroiliac joint syndrome |
RRR | regular rhythm & rate |
RRE | round, regular & equal (pupils) |
GAF | global assessment of functioning |
NOS | not otherwise specified |
R/O | reality orientation |
SHI | self harm inventory |
CAGE | alcohol questionnaire |
NVD | nauses, vomiting, diarrhea |
CPP | concentration, persistence & pace |
ABG | arterial blood gas |
bid | 2x/day |
BMR | basal metabolic rate |
BP | blood pressure |
Ca | calcium |
CBC | complete blood count |
CNS | central nervous system |
CO2 | carbon dioxide |
CSF | cerebrospinal fluid |
ECG | electrocardiogram |
EEG | electroencephalogram |
ENT | ear,nose,& throat |
ERCP | endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography |
ESR | erythrocyte sedimentation rate |
GI | gastrointestinal |
GU | geniourinary |
Gy | gray |
h | hour |
Hb | hemoglobin |
Hct | hematocrit |
Hg | mercury |
ICF | intracellular fluid |
IM | intramuscular |
IPPB | intermittent positve pressure breathing |
IU | international unit |
IV | intravenous(ly) |
IVU | intravenous urography |
K | potassium |
MCV | mean corpuscular volume |
Mg | magnesium |
MI | myocardial infarction |
MIC | minimum inhibitory concentration |
MRI | magnetic resonance imaging |
N | nitrogen |
N | normal (strength of solution) |
Na | sodium |
NaCl | sodium chloride |
P | phosphorus |
P | pressure |
po | orally |
prn | as needed |
PT | prothrombin time |
PTT | partial prothrombin time |
q | every |
qid | 4x day |
RA | rheumatoid arthritis |
RBC | red blood cell |
SAo2 | arterial oxygen saturation |
SBE | subacute bacterial endocarditis |
sc | subcutaneous(ly) |
SLE | systemic lupus erythematosus |
soln | solution |
sp gr | specific gravity |
tid | 3x day |
TPN | total parenteral nutrition |
URI | upper respiratory infection |
UTI | urinary tract infection |
WBC | white blood cell |
wt | weight |
AD | right ear |
AS | left ear |
-y | condtion, process |
-sthenia | strength |
-rrhexis | rupture |
-rrhaphy | suture |
-rrhea | flow, discharge |
prandial | meal |
-praxia | action |
-rrhage, -rrhagia | bursting forth (of blood) |
-ptysis | spitting |
ptosis | droop; sag; prolapse; protrude |
-salpinx | fallopian tube; oviduct |
-schisis | to split |
-sclerosis | hardening |
-scope | instrument for visual examination |
-scopy | visual examination |
-sis | state of; condition |
-sol | solution |
-some | body |
-somnia | sleep |
-spasm | sudden contraction of muscles |
-sphyxia | pulse |
-spadia | to tear, cut |
-stenosis | tightening; stricture |
-static | pertaining to stopping; controlling |
-stasis | to stop; control; place |
-stalsis | contraction |
-stitial | to set; pertaining to standing or positioned |
-stomia | condition of the mouth |
-stomy | new opening (to form a mouth) |
-suppression | to stop |
-tension | pressure |
-therapy | treatment |
-thorax | chest; pleural cavity |
-thymic | pertaining to mind |
-thymia | mind (conditon of) |
-tocia | labor; birth (condition of) |
-tocin | labor; birth (a substance for) |
-tome | instrument to cut |
-tomy | process of cutting |
-tresia | opening |
-tripsy | to crush |
-type | classification picture |
-tropin | stimulate; act on |
-tropic | turning |
-tropia | to turn |
-trophy | nourishment; development (conditon of) |
-tropin | stimulate; act on |
-ule | little; small |
-um | structure; tissue; thing |
-uria | urination; condition of urine |
-us | structure; thing |
lithiasis | condition of stones |
lithotomy | incision (for removal) of a stone |
-logy | study (process of) |
-lucent | to shine |
-lysis | breakdown; separation; destruction; loosening |
-lemma | sheath, covering |
-sepsy | seizure |
-leptic | to seize, take hold of |
-lexia | word; phrase |
-listhesis | slipping |
-ist | specialist |
-itis | inflammation |
-ium | structure; tissue |
-kinesis, -kinesia, -motor | movement |
-lapse | to slide, fall, sag |
-iasis | abnormal condition |
-icle | small |
-in, ine | a substance |
-ion | process |
-ism | process; condition |
-graph | instrument for recording |
-graphy | process of recording |
-gravida | pregnant women |
-nexia | habit |
-ia | condition |
-genic | produced by or in |
-globin, -globulin | protein |
-grade | to go |
-fication | process of making |
-fida | split |
-form | resembling; in the shape of |
-fusion | to pour; to come together |
-gen | substance that produces |
-esis | action; condition, state of |
-esthesia | nervous sensation |
-eureysm | widening |
-ferent | to carry |
-elasma | flat plate |
-ema | condition |
-emesis | vomiting |
-emia | blood condition |
-emic | pertaining to blood condition |
-dote | to give |
-drome | to run |
-ectasia, -ectasis | dilation; dilatation; widening |
-ectomy | removal; excision; resection |
-edema | swelling |
paralysis | loss or impaired ability to move |
paresis | partial loss of ability to move |
tremor | involuntary shaking movements |
ataxia | uncoordinated movement resulting from loss of muscle control |
gross motor function | large motor movements as opposed to fine movements (primarily involving the hands). |
dexterous motor function - | skilled physical movements; grasping small objects, fine manipulation |
gait | pattern of ambulation |
station | body position on standing |
diplegia | paralysis of corresponding parts of both sides of body |
hemiplegia | paralysis of half of the body |
paraplegia | paralysis of both lower extremities |
quadriplegia | paralysis of all four extremities |