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Herbal formulae

Ma huang tang Exterior excess Ma huang Gui zhi xing ren Gan cao Fever, chill, no sweating
Gui zhi tang Exterior deficiency Gui zhi Bai shao Sheng jiang Da zao Gan cao Fever, chill, sweating
Jiu wei qiang huo tang Exogenous wind cold and dampness with internal heat
Xiang su san Exogenous wind cold with internal qi stagnation
Xiao qing long tang Exogenous wind cold with internal fluid retention
Yin qiao san Early stage of heat
Sang ju yin Early stage of wind and warm Cough
Ma xing shi gan tang Clear lung heat
Chai ge jie ji tang Heat due to externally contracted wind cold
Sheng ma ge gen tang Promote eruption
Da cheng qi tang Drastically purges heat accumulation Da huang Zhi shi Hou po Mang xiao
Ma zi ren wan Moistens the intestine and purges heat Ma zi ren Xiao cheng qi tang ( da huang, zhi shi, hou po)
Da chai hu tang Harmonize shaoyang and yangming Alternate chills and fever Yellow tongue coating
Xiao chai hu tang Harmonize shaoyang Alternate chills and fever White tongue coating Dry throat Bitter taste Vomiting
Si ni san Reversal cold limbs Reversal Yang Qi stagnation
Xiao yao san Nourish blood Irregular menstruation
Tong xie yao fang Abdominal pain and Diarrhea
Ban xia xie xin tang Congealment of heat and cold
Bai hu tang Excessive heat of qi stage 1. high fever 2. profuse sweating 3. thirst 4. surging pulse
Zhu ye shi gao tang Clear heat Tonify qi
Qing ying tang Shui niu jiao Heat invade nutrient aspect
Xi jiao di huang tang Xi jiao Heat invade blood aspect
huang lian jie du tang 1. insomnia 2. nose bleeding 3. sore 4. jaundice 5. red tongue with yellow coating 6. rapid pulse 4 herbs huang lian huang qin huang bai zhi zi
pu ji xiao du yin wind heat pathogen stagnated at upper energizer, outbreak at face and head
dao chi san 1.heat in heart meridian 2. heart fire moving downwards to small intestine
long dan xie gan tang 1. liver and gallbladder heat 2. damp heat of liver meridian
xie bai san 1. clear lung heat 2. relieve cough and pant
qing wei san stomach heat 1. toothache 2. bleeding gums
yu nv jian stomach heat and yin deficiency syndrome
ge gen qin lian tang 1. ge gen 2. huang qin 3. huang lian 4. gan cao
qing hao bie jia tang nourish yin
xiang ru san yin summer heat
li zhong wan abdominal pain relieved by warmth and pressure diarrhea vomit slow pulse gan jiang
xiao jian zhong tang abdominal pain relieved by warmth and pressure pale tongue wiry pulse
si ni tang 3 fu zi gan jiang gan cao extreme cold syndrome caused by Heart and Kidney yang collapse
dang gui si ni tang no si ni tang herbs in this formula 1. dang gui 1. nourish blood 2. dispel cold in meridian blood deficiency with extreme cold limbs
si jun zi tang Spleen and stomach qi deficiency syndrome 4 ren shen-tonify qi fu ling -drain dampness bai zhu-dry dampness gan cao-harmonize middle energizer pale complexion pale tongue weak pulse
shen ling bai zhu san ingredients same as si jun zi tang but more
bu zhong yi qi tang tonify spleen and stomach qi raise yang qi hysteroptosis gastroptosis protracted diarrhea metrostaxis
sheng mai san tonify qi, astringe yin to stop sweating 3 ren shen- tonify qi mai dong - generate body fluid wu wei zi -stop sweating sweating red dry tongue weak and rapid pulse??
yu ping feng san stop spontaneous sweating strengthen defensive qi 3 huang qi - tonify qi bai zhu -tonify qi fang feng- dispel wind pathogen
si wu tang blood deficiency
dang gui bu xue tang tonify qi to generate blood 2 huang qi 30g dang gui 6g
gui pi tang metrorrhagia spleen lost control of blood tonify qi
zhi gan cao tang / fu mai tang yin, yang, qi, blood deficiency knotted pulse
liu wei di huang wan liver and kidney yin deficiency
yi guan jian liver and kidney yin deficiency
shen qi wan tonify kidney yang
si shen wan diarrhea before dawn 3-5am abdominal pain indigestion low appetite
sang piao xiao san astringes semen to arrest emmision frequent micturition/enuresis
suan zao ren tang nourish blood tranquilize mind clear heat insomnia and palpitation
yue ju wan fetid eructation, abdominal distension promote qi flow to eliminate stagnation six kinds of stagnation qi blood fire phlegm food damp xcold
ban xia hou po tang plum stone syndrome
su zi jiang qi tang wheezing and coughing due to excess above and deficiency below
ding chuan tang wheezing and coughing due to phlegm heat accumulation in the interior and wind cold constraining the exterior
xuan fu dai zhe tang counter flow of qi due to stomach insufficiency and phlegm stagnation
tao he cheng qi tang blood buildup in lower energizer normal urination acute lower abdominal cramp
xue fu zhu yu tang blood stasis in the chest insomnia with frequent dreaming tidal fever at dusk blackish eyelids dark purple lips
bu yang huan wu tang sequelae of apoplexy hemiplegia sluggish speech
wen jing tang deficient cold and blood stasis in chong ren
huang tu tang 1. hemafecia due to yang deficiency marked by stool following by bleeding 2. hematemesis and epistaxis 3. metrorrhagia and metrostaxis
chuan xiong cha tiao san hemicrania and unbiased headache dizzy vision and nasal congestion
xiao feng san rubella and eczema rupture of red papules on skin itching
ling jiao gou teng tang ling yang jiao- clear heat from liver to extinguish wind gou teng-clear heat to soothe liver exuberant heat stirring wind syndrome
tian ma gou teng yin tian ma- calm liver and extinguish wind
zhen gan xi feng tang apoplexy due to endogenous wind
xing su san contracting cool-dryness externally
sang xing tang contracting warm-dryness externally
qing zao jiu fei tang clear dry-heat moisten lung
mai men dong tang lung atrophy due to lung and stomach yin deficiency
ping wei san dampness obstructing spleen and stomach white greasy thick tongue coating
huo xiang zheng qi san wind cold contracting externally dampness stagnating the middle energizer internally
yin chen hao tang 1. remove jaundice 2. clear heat 3. eliminate dampness jaundice due to damp heat bright yellow coloration of skin and eyes slimy yellow tongue coating
san ren tang anorexia afternoon fever
er miao san 2 1. huang bai-clear heat 2. cangzhu- dry dampness damp sore of lower part voiding of reddish urine
wu ling san promote diuresis
ling gui zhu gan tang 4 fu ling-drain dampness gui zhi-warms yang bai zhu-dry dampness gan cao-regulate all herbs warms yang to eliminate fluid
zhen wu tang warm yang to induce diuresis
du huo ji sheng tang pain and wilting of lumbus and knees inhibited movement or numbness of joints aversion to cold and prefer warmth
er chen tang cough due to damp phlegm phlegm easy to be coughed
qing qi hua tan wan cough due to phlegm heat phlegm hard to be coughed
san zi yang qin tang cough with copious phlegm thoracic glomus
ban xia bai zhu tian ma tang phlegm with dizziness wiry and slippery pulse
bao he wan promote digestion and harmonize stomach shanzha - remove all food accumulation shen qu
wu mei wan cold limbs caused by ascariasis vomiting of ascarides
wei jing tang chest pain aggravated by coughing
Created by: Chloeombre
Popular Medical sets




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