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tutor theme 7 wk 26
review questions
Question | Answer |
What is the main goal of the maternal component of the placenta? | it helps to hold the placenta in place |
What is the main goal of the foetal component of the placenta? | Growth hormone, nutrient and gas exchange, O2 blood from mother to foetus, waste products from foetus to mother |
What are parts of the placental disk? | chorionic plate, chorionic villi, intervillous space, placental septum, maternal blood vessels, placental villi |
The embryonic growth has 3 main stages.Which are they (in order)? | Fertilisation - differentiation into 3 germ layers disc - growth and organogenesis |
What is placenta accreta? | when the placenta has grown too deep into the uterine wall |
What are the components of the APGAR score? | Activity (muscle tone), Pulse, Grimace (reflex irritability), Appearance (skin), Respiration |
How can you help the maturation of the lungs when there is a possibility of a preterm birth? | administer corticosteroids |
What defines growth restriction? | birth weight smaller than -2SD |
Complications of IUGR? | thrombocytopenia, hypoglycemia, hypothermia |
In which weeks of the pregnancy can a NIPT be done? | week 9-14 |
For what abnormalities checks the NIPT? | Down syndrome (chr 21), Edwards syndrome (chr 18) and Pataus syndrome (chr 13) |
What are the risk factore for a miscarriage? | smoking, maternal age, obesity, excess of coffee, alcohol use, NSAIDs, social class, profession |
What is the most common location of an ectopic pregnancy? | The fallopian tube |
A second degree tear with labour involves: | injury to the perineum involving the perineal muscles, but not the anal sphincter |
What leds van be administered to induce labour? | prostaglandins and oxytocin |
In how many and in which phases is labour devided? | 2, latent phase and active phase |
Causes of obstructed labour? | 1. ineficient uterine activity/ 2. Malposition of the fetal head / 3. Cephalopelvic disproportion |
Maternal exhaustion is a complication of obstructed labour. What are 3 other complications? | Foetal asphyxia, intrauterine infection, post partum haemorrhage due to uterine atony |
What hormones prevent milk secretion during pregnancy? | progesterone and oestrogen |
What is Pica? | craving for strange food |
What maternal adaptations are found especially in the 2nd half of the pregnancy? | constipation, heartburn, belching, feeling of breathlessness, Braxton-Hicks contractions |
What is funneling? | the process of shortening and softening of the cervix during pregnancy to make birth happen, it can lead to urinary stress incontinence |