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tutor theme 7 wk 26

review questions

What is the main goal of the maternal component of the placenta? it helps to hold the placenta in place
What is the main goal of the foetal component of the placenta? Growth hormone, nutrient and gas exchange, O2 blood from mother to foetus, waste products from foetus to mother
What are parts of the placental disk? chorionic plate, chorionic villi, intervillous space, placental septum, maternal blood vessels, placental villi
The embryonic growth has 3 main stages.Which are they (in order)? Fertilisation - differentiation into 3 germ layers disc - growth and organogenesis
What is placenta accreta? when the placenta has grown too deep into the uterine wall
What are the components of the APGAR score? Activity (muscle tone), Pulse, Grimace (reflex irritability), Appearance (skin), Respiration
How can you help the maturation of the lungs when there is a possibility of a preterm birth? administer corticosteroids
What defines growth restriction? birth weight smaller than -2SD
Complications of IUGR? thrombocytopenia, hypoglycemia, hypothermia
In which weeks of the pregnancy can a NIPT be done? week 9-14
For what abnormalities checks the NIPT? Down syndrome (chr 21), Edwards syndrome (chr 18) and Pataus syndrome (chr 13)
What are the risk factore for a miscarriage? smoking, maternal age, obesity, excess of coffee, alcohol use, NSAIDs, social class, profession
What is the most common location of an ectopic pregnancy? The fallopian tube
A second degree tear with labour involves: injury to the perineum involving the perineal muscles, but not the anal sphincter
What leds van be administered to induce labour? prostaglandins and oxytocin
In how many and in which phases is labour devided? 2, latent phase and active phase
Causes of obstructed labour? 1. ineficient uterine activity/ 2. Malposition of the fetal head / 3. Cephalopelvic disproportion
Maternal exhaustion is a complication of obstructed labour. What are 3 other complications? Foetal asphyxia, intrauterine infection, post partum haemorrhage due to uterine atony
What hormones prevent milk secretion during pregnancy? progesterone and oestrogen
What is Pica? craving for strange food
What maternal adaptations are found especially in the 2nd half of the pregnancy? constipation, heartburn, belching, feeling of breathlessness, Braxton-Hicks contractions
What is funneling? the process of shortening and softening of the cervix during pregnancy to make birth happen, it can lead to urinary stress incontinence
Created by: LisaJE
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