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Stack #32189

Constant factors in an experiment that stay the same
Control the standard for comparison, often the group that receives no iv
dependent variable responding; the variable that changes as a result of the iv
independent variable manipulated; that variable that changes as a result of the iv
hypothesis make a prediction stating the effect of the iv on the dv
manipulated variable iv
responding variable dv
volume the amount of space occupied by an object
metric unit for volume liter or cm3
mass amount of matter; different than weight
metric unit for mass gram
length measures distance
metric unit for length meters
weight the gravitional pull on an object
metric unit for weight newton
density amount of matter packed into a given volume
metric unit for density g/cm3
50 cm = ___ m 0.5
25 cm = ___ dm 2.5
2.5 Km = ____ m 2,500
100 g = ____ mg 100,000
1000.25 cg = ___ hg 0.100025
3 dl = ___ ml 300
1 cm3 = __ g = 1 ___ 0 / mL
50.84 L = ____ Kl 0.05084
Archimedes Principle the buoyant force of an object in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object
buoyancy the ability of a fluid to exert an upward force on an object
Bernoulli's Principle as the velocity of a fluid increases, the pressure exerted by a force decreases
Venturi Effect the faster a fluid moves, the less pressure it exerts (through narrow spaces)
Boyle's Law If you decrease the volume of a container, the pressure of the gas will increase, provided the temperature doesn't change
Charles' Law the volume of a gas increases with increasing temperature, provided the pressure does not change
Solid definite shape and volume; tightly packed particles; not enough kinetic energy to move out of position; cannot be squeezed into smaller spaces
Liquid definite volume; no definite shape; takes to the shape of their container; particles held close together; can move over and around each other; cannot be squeezed into a smaller place
Gas no definite shape; no definite volume; particles have enough kinetic energy to separate completely from each other; can be squeezed into a smaller space
Plasma exists only at very high temperatures; eletrically charged particles; 99.9% of the universe
Condensation gas to liquid; temperature down
evaporation liquid to gas; at temperatures below freezing; temperature up
vaporization boiling at or above the boiling point
fusion solid to liquid; melting; temperature up
solidification liquid to solidl; freezing; temperature down
ionization gas to plasma; temperature up
recombination plasma to gas; temperature down
thermal expansion almost all matter expands when heated and contracts when cooled
cyrstal the arrangement of particles in repeating geometric patterns
kinetic theory of matter all matter is made up of tiny particles in constant motion
physical changes changes in matter that does not change its identity
chemical changes the change of one substance in a material into another substance
physical properties any characteristic you can observe without changing the substance
chemical properties a characteristic of a substance that indicates if it can undergo a certain chemical change
heterogeneous mixture an unevenly mixed mixture such as pizza
examples of heterogeneous mixtures colloids or suspensions
homogeneous mixture an evenly mixed solution such as rubbing alcohol
Law of Conservation of Mass no mass is created nor destroyed during a reaction
unsaturated solution a solution that can dissolve more solute at a given temperature
saturated solution a solution that has dissolved all the solute that it can hold at a given temperature
supersaturated solution a solution that contains more solute than it can hold when the temperature is dropped
solute the susbtance being dissolved or broken down
solvent the substance that dissolves the solute
solubility the amount of solute that will dissolve in a solvent at a given temperature
atomic number number of protons; number of electrons
atomic mass number atomic weight; protons + nuetrons
chemical symbol abbreviation of an element
nucleus contain the protons and nuetrons
proton positively charged particle found in the nucleus of the atom
nuetron negatively charged particle found in the nucleus of the atom
electron cloud the energy levels that form around the nucleus
electrons and their arrangement electrons closest to the nucleus have less energy than electrons further from the nucleus; energy shell's max. electrons are 2, 8, 18, 32, 50, 72, 98
group / family vertical columns on the PT; this number is that same as the # of electrons in the outer energy level
period row on the PT; tells the # of electron shells
metal elements to the left of the stair step line; solids at room temp; shiny; ductile; malleable; good conductors
nonmetal elements to the right fo the stair step line; gases at room temp.
metalloid located along the stair step line; contains properties of both metals and nonmetals
quark inside each proton and nuetron; 3 in each P or N
isotope atoms of the same element that differ in the number of neutrons
Created by: larsenkm
Popular Science sets




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