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HLHS 5&6

cerebr/o encephal/o brain
cerebell/o cerebellum
lob/o lobe
cepha/o head
crani/o head-skull
mening/o meningi/o meninges
dur/o dura mater
neur/o nerve
gangli/o nerve bundle
mye/o spinal cord, bone marrow
psyche mind
esthesi/o feeling, sensation
phas/o speech
phren/o psych/o mind
somn/o somn/i hypn/o sleep
gnosi/o know
-mania excessive desire
-phobia excessive fear or sensitivity
-paresis slight or partial paralysis
ton/o muscle tone, tension, pressure
tax/o arrangement, order, coordination
-plegia paralysis
-asthenia weakness
-taxia coordination
cata down
catatonia reduced muscle tone
ment mind
somn sleeping
syncope fainting, losing consciousness due to loss of blood flow
hemiparesis PARTIAL paralysis on half the body
hemiplegia paralysis on half the body
monoparesis PARTIAL paralysis of one limb
monoplegia paralysis of one limb
caus burn (think caustic)
pseudo false
syn together
echoencephalography procedure used to examine the brain using sound waves
electroencephalography (EEG) procedure used to examine the electrical activity of the brain
MRA magnetic resonance angiography-examine blood vessels
PET uses radiation to produce cross sections of the brain
transcranial Doppler sonography imaging technique that produces an image of the brain using sound waves sent through the skull
hematoma tumorlike mass made up of blood
meningocele hernia of the meninges
myelocele hernia of the spinal cord
neuroglycopenia deficiency of sugar that interferes w/ brain activity
nystagmus involuntary back and forth eye movement
prosopagnosia inability to recognize faces
prosop face
afferent nerve a nerve that carries impulses towards the CNS (sensory)
efferent nerve nerve that carries impulses away from CNS (motor)
psychiatrist doctor who treats the mind
psychologist doctor who studies the mind
interictal time btwn seizures
postictal time after a seizure
preictal time before a seizure
tonic pertaining to muscle
clonus muscle spasm
CVA cerebrovascular accident-accident involving blood vessels of the brain
stroke loss of brain function caused by interruption of blood flow/supply to brain
hemorrhagic stroke stroke caused by rupture of a blood vessel
ischemic stroke stroke where blood loss is caused by blockage
TIA transient ischemic attack- “mini-stroke” caused by the blockage of a blood vessel, which resolves (goes away) within 24 hours
cerebral aneurysm widening or abnormal dilation of a blood vessel in the brain
arteriosclerosis hardening of an artery
atherosclerosis hardening of an artery caused by buildup of fatty plaque
embolism blockage of a blood vessel caused by a foreign object such as fat or bacteria
thrombosis blockage of a blood vessel caused by a blood clot
astrocytoma tumor from astrocyte glial cells
gangliom ganglion tumor
myelodysplasia defective formation of the spinal cord
poliomyelitis inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord
polio gray
ALS amyotropic lateral sclerosis
dysphoria a negative emotional state
hypomania mental state just below mania
manic depression (bipolar) ups and downs of state
anxiolytic drug that lessens anxiety
thrombolytic drug that dissolves clots
neurorrhaphy suturing of a nerve
ICP intracranial pressure
LP lumbar puncture
CSF cerebrospinal fluid
dementia loss or decline in mental function
myasthenia muscle weakness
What root means bone marrow? myel/o
abnormal narrowing of the skull Craniostenosis
excessive bleeding inside the brain intracerebral hemorrhage
A patient experiencing an abnormal sensation, usually numbness or tingling in the skin, is experiencing paresthesia
dacry/o lacrim/o tear
-opia -opsia eye condition
blephar/o eyelid
phac/o. phak/o lens
cycl/o ciliary body, the circle of tissue surrounding the lens
vitre/o vitreous body
-acusis hearing condition
acous/o audi/o sound
aur/o ot/o ear
myring/o tympan/o eardrum
cerumin/o ear wax
salping/o eustacian tube
Which root refers to the clear membrane that covers the sclera and lines the eyelids? conjuctiv/o
Discharge from the ear Otorrhea
nearsightedness myopia
blepharitis inflammation of the eyelid
ophthalmopathy eye disease
Hearing loss caused by sound not being transmitted from the inner ear to the brain is referred to as? Sensorineural hearing loss
VA visual acuity
endophthalmitis inflammation inside the eye
AD right ear
AS left ear
AU both ear
OD right eye
OS left eye
OU both eyes
ocul/o opthalm/o opt/o eye
corne/o. kerat/o cornea
ir/o. irid/o iris
farsightedness hyperopia
ambiopia / diplopia double vision
amblyopia dull vision
hemianopsia blindness in half of visual field
presbyopia decreased vision caused by old age
scotopia adjustment to seeing in darkness
miosis abnormal contraction of the pupil
mydriasis abnormal dilation of pupil
scotoma dark spot in visual field
osteoacusis hearing through bone
phacoscope instrument for looking at the lens
tonometer instrument for measuring tension or pressure in the eye
binocular pertaining to both eyes
blepharedema eyelid swelling
strabismus condition where the eyes deviate when looking at the same object
esotropia inward turning of the eyelid
exotropia outward turning of the eyelid
pterygium growth of conjucntival tissue to the cornea
papilledema swelling of the optic nerve where it enters the retina
ceruminosis excessive formation of ear wax
macrotia abnormally large ears
presbycusis hearing loss in old age
exothalmus protrusion of the eyes out of socket: bug eyed
nystagmus involuntary back and forth eye mvmt
esotropia inward turning of the eye toward nose
exotropia outward turning of the eye toward nose
otosteal pertaining to the bones
oculomycosis fungal eye condition
trichiasis condition caused by eyelashes growing backward and coming in contact with the eye
aphakia absence of a lens
cyclokeratitis inflammation of the ciliary body and cornea
miotic drug that causes the abnormal contraction of the pupil
mydriatic drug that causes the abnormal dilation of the pupil
OM/ AOM otitis media/acute otitis media
TM tympanic membrane
laryng/o the voice box
Created by: ciqbal
Popular Medical sets




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