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aden gland
-arche beginning pronounced AR-kay
hirsutism excessive growth of facial and body hair in women
meno menstruation
gynecomastia development of breast tissue in males
hypergonadism condition in which there is excessive secretion of the sex glands
menarche beginning or first menstruation
thelarche beginning of breast development
polydipsia excessive thirst
polyphagia excessive eating
acromegaly abnormal enlargement of the extremities
galactorrhea discharge of milk
goiter swollen thyroid gland
euglycemia good blood sugar
hyperlipidemia excessive fat in the blood
epinephrine hormone secreted by the adrenal gland
ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone hormone secreted by the pituitary gland that stimulates the cortex of the adrenal gland
corticotropin shorter name for adrenocorticotropic
glucagon hormone secreted by the pancreas that stimulates the liver to increase blood sugar levels
glucocorticoid hormone produced by the adrenal cortex with a role in carbohydrate metabolism
gonadotropin hormone that stimulates the gonads
insulin hormone secreted by the pancreas that controls the metabolism and uptake of sugar and fats
thyrotropin (TSH) hormone that stimulates thyroid
gluconeogenesis formation of glucose from noncarbohydrate sources
metabolism breakdown of matter into energy
endocrine to secrete internally (i.e., into the bloodstream)
exocrine to secrete externally (through ducts to the surface of an organ, i.e., sweat glands and salivary glands)
ketogenesis creation of ketone bodies
cholangiopancreatography procedure used to examine the bile ducts and pancreas
endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) procedure used to examine the bile ducts and pancreas in which an endoscope is passed backward from the digestive tract into the bile duct
ketosis elevated levels of ketone in the body
adrenocortical insufficiency condition in which the adrenal cortex underproduces necessary hormones
adrenocorticohyperplasia overdevelopment of the cortex of the adrenal gland
diabetic ketoacidosis acidity of the blood caused by the presence of ketone bodies produced when the body is unable to burn sugar; thus, it must burn fat for energy
pituitar hypophys pituitary gland
panhypopituitarism defective or absent function of the entire pituitary gland
infarction death of ____ because of a blocked blood vessel or blocked blood vessel
thyroid/ parathyroid thyroid or parathyroid
defective or absent function of the entire pituitary gland condition caused by the exposure of body tissue to excessive levels of thyroid hormone (an extreme version of this is known as “thyroid storm”)
GTT glucose tolerance test
HRT hormone replacement therapy
T3/T4 triiodothyronine T3& thyroxine T4
crine to secrete
-emia blood condition
ket/o ketone bodies
tropin stimulating hormone
myxedema swelling of skin caused by deposits underneath
diabetes mellitus metabolic disease characterized by excessive urination and hyperglycemia
polyadenopathy disease involving many glands
cortic/o outer surface
Are Calciuria, hypercalcemia opposites? No uria-urine emia-blood
a kentogenic diet is a diet that: aids in the production of ketones in the body, and is therefore a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet to force the body to burn fat instead of sugar.
Which abbreviation does not refer to diabetes? DI DM CGM GDM CGM
What are the names of the body’s three different types of blood cells? platelets, red blood cells, white blood cells
The function of a red blood cell is to bring oxygen to cells and remove waste
The function of a platelet is to fight infection
sphygmomanometer measures blood pressure
ischemia blockage of blood flow to an organ or tissue
The formation of a blood clot deep in the body, most commonly in the leg, is called deep vein thrombosis
PLT platelet count
A person with HSM has an enlarged liver and spleen
A person with LAD has which symptoms? any disease of a lymph gland (node), lymphadenopathy, noticeably swollen lymph nodes, especially in the neck ALL
apheresis general term for a process, similar to dialysis, that draws blood, removes something from it, then returns the rest of the blood to the patient
hemostatic a drug that stops the flow of blood
nephrosplenopexy surgical fixation of the spleen and a kidney
splenoptosis downward displacement (drooping) of the spleen
splenorrhexis rupture of spleen
hepatosplenitis inflammation of liver and spleen
erythrocyte red blood cell
reticulocyte immature red blood cell
tonsil can also be written ___ tonsill/o. 2 Ls
hypovolemia decreased blood volume
breakdown of blood cells hemolysis
What means inadequate flow of blood? hypoperfusion
What are the three main types of cells in the blood? Erythrocytes, leukocytes, thromocytes
what root refers to a vein? ven/o
Which term comes from the Greek "to pour out," and refers to a large bruise? Ecchymosis
-penia deficiency
excessive blood loss hemorrhage
reperfusion injury injury to tissue that occurs after blood flow is restored
petechia small bruise
a mass of blood within an organ, cavity or tissue hematoma
splenalgia/splenodynia pain in the spleen
anisocytosis condition characterized by a great inequality in the size of red blood cells
elliptocyte oval red bood cells
elliptocytosis increase in number of oval red blood cells
embolus mass of matter present in the blood
hematopoiesis formation of blood cells
hemoysis breakdown of blood cells
macrocytosis large red blood cellsq
neutropenia deficiency in neutrophil
normocyte normal sized red blood cells
oligocythemia deficiency in red blood cells
thrombocyte cell that helps blood clot aka platelet
thromboembolism blockage of a vessel caused by a clot that has broken off from where it formed
thrombogenic capable of producing a blood clot
asplenia absence of a spleen or spleen function
splenectopy displacement of a spleen aka floating spleen
splenolysis breakdown of spleen tissue
thymic hyperplasia overdevelopment of the thymus
hematocrit test to judge or separate blood. radio of red blood cells to total volume
hypoperfusion inadequate flow of blood
perfusion circulation of blood through tissue
phlebarteriectasia dilation of a blood vessel
hemolytic anemia anemia caused by the destruction of red blood cells
septicemia presence of disease causing microorganisms in the blood
ectasia dilation
cytapheresis apheresis to remove cellular material
ALL AML CML all types of leukemia
Hgb hemoglobin
PLT platelet count
PT prothrombin time
WBC white blood count
BS & FBS have to do with what? blood sugar
adenopathy gland disease
hypoglycemic CONDITION OF low blood sugar
Which of the following roots means "sugar"? glucos/o glyc/o gluc/o
Which of the following statements is true regarding the abbreviation TFT? ALL of these: It is a part of the treatment and therapies that assist in getting a patient euthyroid. It stands for thyroid function test. It is a test performed to evaluate the function of the thyroid.
Created by: ciqbal
Popular Medical sets




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